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Created September 26, 2013 23:02
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A drop-in replacement for the Haskell Prelude.
module Prelude.Overture
( module X
-- Haskell 98 stuff is easier to get at through the Prelude
-- than through the GHC-specific modules
import Prelude as X ( Bounded (..)
, Enum (..)
, Floating (..)
, Fractional (..)
, Integral (..)
, Num (..)
, Real (..)
, RealFloat (..)
, RealFrac (..)
, (^)
, (^^)
, ($)
, ($!)
, asTypeOf
, const
, even
, fromIntegral
, flip
, gcd
, lcm
, realToFrac
, subtract
, odd
, until
-- The important components of the base package
import Control.Applicative as X
import Control.Arrow as X
import Control.Category as X
import Control.Exception as X
import Control.Monad as X hiding ( forM
, forM_
, mapM
, mapM_
, msum
, sequence
, sequence_
import Control.Monad.Fix as X
import Data.Bool as X
import Data.Char as X
import Data.Data as X
import Data.Either as X
import Data.Eq as X
import Data.Foldable as X
import Data.Function as X hiding ((.), id)
import Data.Functor as X
import Data.Int as X
import Data.List as X hiding ( all
, and
, any
, concat
, concatMap
, elem
, find
, foldl
, foldl1
, foldl'
, foldr
, foldr1
, mapAccumL
, mapAccumR
, maximum
, maximumBy
, minimum
, minimumBy
, notElem
, or
, product
, sum
import Data.Maybe as X
import Data.Monoid as X
import Data.Ord as X
import Data.Ratio as X
import Data.String as X
import Data.Traversable as X
import Data.Tuple as X
import Data.Typeable as X
import Data.Word as X
-- GHC-specific extensions: generics and the useful-but-overlooked roundTo
import GHC.Generics as X hiding ( Fixity (..) )
import GHC.Float as X ( roundTo )
-- System facilities
import System.Environment as X
import System.Exit as X
import System.IO as X
import System.IO.Error as X ( userError )
-- Read, Show, and printf
import Text.Printf as X
import Text.Read as X ( Read (..)
, lex
, read
, reads
, readParen
import Text.Show as X
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