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Last active August 7, 2021 09:36
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Google Apps Script to send an article to Pocket once a day (useful for news websites that update daily) @patrickxchong
// Additional configuration required. In the script editor, go to Edit -> Current Project Triggers and set the following settings:
// Time Driven, Day Timer, 7-8am (or any other time of your preference)
function sendSkimmtoPocket() {
var today = new Date();
var date = Utilities.formatDate(today, "EST", "YYYY-MM-dd");
// Mail contents
var mailtitle = "Pocket "+ date;
var urlToPocket = ""+date;
// Set Recipient
var mailtoPocket = "";
var mailtoSelf = ""// for testing
// Set only from Mon to Fri if website changes each day
if(today.getDay()!==0 && today.getDay()!==6){
MailApp.sendEmail(mailtoPocket, mailtitle, urlToPocket);
MailApp.sendEmail(mailtoSelf, mailtitle, urlToPocket); // for testing
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