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Created October 22, 2022 20:21
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Irmin x Multihash Digestif
(name main)
(libraries unix irmin irmin.mem multihash-digestif lwt.unix))
module Md = Multihash_digestif
module Schema = struct
include Irmin.Schema.KV (Irmin.Contents.String)
module Hash = struct
type t = string Md.t
let hash = `Sha2_256
external get_64 : string -> int -> int64 = "%caml_string_get64u"
external swap64 : int64 -> int64 = "%bswap_int64"
let get_64_little_endian str idx =
if Sys.big_endian then swap64 (get_64 str idx) else get_64 str idx
let short_hash c = Int64.to_int (get_64_little_endian (Md.write c) 0)
let short_hash_substring bigstring ~off =
Int64.to_int (Bigstringaf.get_int64_le bigstring off)
let hash_size =
Md.of_cstruct hash Cstruct.empty
|> Result.get_ok |> Md.write |> Cstruct.length
let code x =
match x with
| '0' .. '9' -> Char.code x - Char.code '0'
| 'A' .. 'F' -> Char.code x - Char.code 'A' + 10
| 'a' .. 'f' -> Char.code x - Char.code 'a' + 10
| _ -> invalid_arg (Fmt.str "of_hex: %02X" (Char.code x))
let decode chr1 chr2 = Char.chr ((code chr1 lsl 4) lor code chr2)
let of_hex digest_size hex =
let offset = ref 0 in
let rec go have_first idx =
if !offset + idx >= String.length hex then '\x00'
match hex.[!offset + idx] with
| ' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n' ->
incr offset;
go have_first idx
| chr2 when have_first -> chr2
| chr1 ->
incr offset;
let chr2 = go true idx in
if chr2 <> '\x00' then decode chr1 chr2
else invalid_arg "of_hex: odd number of hex characters"
String.init digest_size (go false)
let of_hex s =
match of_hex hash_size s |> Md.read_string with
| Error (`Msg _) as e -> e
| Ok _t as v -> v
let to_hex hash =
let res = Bytes.create (hash_size * 2) in
let chr x =
match x with
| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 -> Char.chr (48 + x)
| _ -> Char.chr (97 + (x - 10))
for i = 0 to hash_size - 1 do
let v = Char.code hash.[i] in
Bytes.unsafe_set res (i * 2) (chr (v lsr 4));
Bytes.unsafe_set res ((i * 2) + 1) (chr (v land 0x0F))
Bytes.unsafe_to_string res
let pp_hex ppf x = Fmt.string ppf (Md.write x |> to_hex)
let read v = Result.get_ok (Md.read_string v)
let write v = Md.write v
let t =
let open Irmin in ~pp:pp_hex ~of_string:of_hex
Type.(string_of (`Fixed hash_size))
read write
let hash (f : (string -> unit) -> unit) : t =
Md.iter_string hash f |> Result.get_ok
let to_raw_string = write
let unsafe_of_raw_string = read
module Store = Irmin_mem.Make (Schema)
let info () =
Store.Info.v ~message:"Stored!" (Unix.gettimeofday () |> Int64.of_float)
let main () =
let open Lwt.Syntax in
let config = Irmin_mem.config () in
let* repo = Store.Repo.v config in
let* main = Store.main repo in
let* () = Store.set_exn ~info main [ "a" ] "Hello World" in
let* hash = Store.hash main [ "a" ] in
match hash with
| Some md ->
Format.printf "%a%!" Md.pp md;
| None -> assert false
let () = (main ())
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