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Created March 22, 2022 09:19
| | | | "tunable_AUSPLL_TOP" = <8800002000000f00000006009400002000000f0000000600a000002000000f0000000500ac00002000000f0000000500b800002000000f0000000500>
| | | | "tunable_CIO_LN0_AUSPMA_RX_SHM" = <080000201fc00700194005001c000020c00ffc07000cc0012400002000c0000000c000002800002000060000000600002c0000207000000050000000380000200000801f000000133c00002000000007000000075c0000200004000000040000840000201f7c00001f5400008c00002000001c0000001000080000201fc00700194005001c000020c00ffc07000cc0012400002000c0000000c000002800002000060000000600002c0000207000000050000000380000200000801f000000133c00002000000007000000075c000020000400000004000084000020e0830f0020830a008c00002000001c0000001000>
| | | | }
| | | |
| | | +-o AppleT6000TypeCPhy@1 <class AppleT6000TypeCPhy, id 0x100000388, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (0 ms), retain 21>
| | | {
| | | "IOProbeScore" = 10000
| | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | | "IOProviderClass" = "AppleARMIODevice"
| | | "IOClass" = "AppleT6000TypeCPhy"
| | | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | | "IONameMatch" = "atc-phy,t6000"
| | | "IOMatchCategory" = "IODefaultMatchCategory"
| | | "IONameMatched" = "atc-phy,t6000"
| | | "IOPowerManagement" = {"DevicePowerState"=1,"CurrentPowerState"=1,"CapabilityFlags"=32768,"MaxPowerState"=1}
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o dart-usb1@2F00000 <class AppleARMIODevice, id 0x1000001d4, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (202 ms), retain 9>
| | | | {
| | | | "IOInterruptSpecifiers" = (<bb040000>)
| | | | "clock-gates" = <f4010000f4010000>
| | | | "AAPL,phandle" = <d5000000>
| | | | "protection-granularity" = <10000000>
| | | | "instance" = <"TRADDARTLLT","TRADDARTBLK">
| | | | "IODeviceMemory" = (({"address"=47293923328,"length"=16384}),({"address"=47294447616,"length"=16384}))
| | | | "dart-tunables-instance-1" = <6000000004000000006100ff00000000006100ec0000000068000000040000000f0f0f00000000000f0f0f00000000006c00000004000000ffffff00000000000808080000000000>
| | | | "remap" = <00010000>
| | | | "dart-options" = <07000000>
| | | | "IOReportLegendPublic" = Yes
| | | | "IOInterruptControllers" = ("IOInterruptController0000007E")
| | | | "name" = <"dart-usb1">
| | | | "interrupt-parent" = <7e000000>
| | | | "compatible" = <"dart,t6000">
| | | | "page-size" = <00400000>
| | | | "interrupts" = <bb040000>
| | | | "diag-config" = <00210080>
| | | | "vm-base" = <00000000>
| | | | "dart-tunables-instance-0" = <6000000004000000006100ff00000000006100ec0000000068000000040000000f0f0f00000000000f0f0f00000000006c00000004000000ffffff00000000000808080000000000>
| | | | "error-reflector" = <00c0099202000000>
| | | | "device_type" = <"dart">
| | | | "IOReportLegend" = ({"IOReportGroupName"="Interrupt Statistics (by index)","IOReportChannels"=((5291294645182005248,4295098369," First Level Interrupt Handler Count"),(5291294645182005249,4295098369," Second Level Interrupt Handler Count"),(5291294645182005250,4295098369," First Level Interrupt Handler Time (MATUs)"),(5291294645182005251,4295098369," Second Level Interrupt Handler CPU Time (MATUs)"),(5291294645182005252,4295098369,"Second Level Interrupt Handler System Time (MATUs)")),"IOReportChannelInfo"={"IOReportChannelUnit"=0},"IOReportSubGroupName"="dart-usb1 0"})
| | | | "reg" = <0000f0020b00000000400000000000000000f8020b0000000040000000000000>
| | | | "sids" = <0b000000>
| | | | }
| | | |
| | | +-o AppleT6000DART <class AppleT6000DART, id 0x10000037b, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (0 ms), retain 46>
| | | | {
| | | | "IOClass" = "AppleT6000DART"
| | | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | | | "IOProviderClass" = "AppleARMIODevice"
| | | | "IOPlatformActiveAction" = 80000
| | | | "IOUserClientClass" = "IODARTClient"
| | | | "IOPlatformSleepAction" = 80000
| | | | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | | | "IONameMatch" = "dart,t6000"
| | | | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | | | "IOMatchCategory" = "IODefaultMatchCategory"
| | | | "IOFunctionParent000000D5" = <>
| | | | "IONameMatched" = "dart,t6000"
| | | | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | | | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | | | "iommu-dart-identity" = <d5000000>
| | | | }
| | | |
| | | +-o mapper-usb1@1 <class IODARTMapperNub, id 0x1000001d5, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (0 ms), retain 8>
| | | | {
| | | | "reg" = <01000000>
| | | | "compatible" = <"iommu-mapper">
| | | | "allow-subpage-mapping" = <>
| | | | "dead-mappings" = <00000000000000000040000000000000>
| | | | "device_type" = <"dart-mapper">
| | | | "AAPL,phandle" = <d6000000>
| | | | "name" = <"mapper-usb1">
| | | | }
| | | |
| | | +-o IODARTMapper <class IODARTMapper, id 0x10000037c, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (0 ms), retain 235>
| | | {
| | | "IOClass" = "IODARTMapper"
| | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | | "IOProviderClass" = "IODARTMapperNub"
| | | "iommu-dart-translation" = Yes
| | | "IOUserClientClass" = "IODARTMapperClient"
| | | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | | "IONameMatch" = "iommu-mapper"
| | | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | | "IOMatchCategory" = "IODefaultMatchCategory"
| | | "IONameMatched" = "iommu-mapper"
| | | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | | "IOMapperID" = <d6000000>
| | | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o usb-drd1@2280000 <class AppleARMIODevice, id 0x1000001d6, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (55304 ms), retain 15>
| | | | {
| | | | "host-mac-address" = <f02f4b108397>
| | | | "usb-tier-limit" = <06000000>
| | | | "function-dock_parent" = <4101000050636361>
| | | | "tunable_DRD_USB31_CFG_HOST" = <18000020ff0000001b000000>
| | | | "atc-phy-parent" = <d4000000>
| | | | "tunable_setting" = <000700000000000007000000000000000500000000000000>
| | | | "interrupt-parent" = <7e000000>
| | | | "ncm-self-name-unit" = <01000000>
| | | | "interrupts" = <b7040000b8040000b9040000ba040000d5020000>
| | | | "tunable_DRD_USB31_DEV" = <000000200700000000000000>
| | | | "ncm-interrupt-ep-disabled" = <01000000>
| | | | "iommu-parent" = <d6000000>
| | | | "usb-port-current-sleep-limit" = <b80b0000>
| | | | "tunable_CTLREG_DEFAULT" = <f00000201f00000000000000>
| | | | "tunable_PIPE_HANDLER_DEFAULT" = <2c000020fcffffff04000000>
| | | | "bus-number" = <01000000>
| | | | "clock-gates" = <9001000017020000>
| | | | "tunable_PIPE_HANDLER_HOST" = <1c0000203000000000000000>
| | | | "ncm-control-ecid-mac" = <02000000>
| | | | "acio-parent" = <5f000000>
| | | | "IOInterruptControllers" = ("IOInterruptController0000007E","IOInterruptController0000007E","IOInterruptController0000007E","IOInterruptController0000007E","IOInterruptController0000007E")
| | | | "tunable" = <08000000200000000000f07f0000904e080000002400000000801f0000800b00>
| | | | "IODeviceMemory" = (({"address"=47280816128,"length"=71680}),({"address"=47280291840,"length"=16384}),({"address"=47280865280,"length"=6144}),({"address"=47289221120,"length"=16384}),({"address"=47286583296,"length"=16384}),({"address"=47289204736,"length"=16384}),({"address"=47278194688,"length"=16384}),({"address"=47278718976,"length"=16384}),({"address"=47280869376,"length"=16384}))
| | | | "tunable_BULK_FABRIC_DEFAULT" = <040000203f00000020000000080000201f80000004000000100000200100010001000100140000201f800000040000001c0000203f003f0020002000200000201f800000040000002800002001000000010000002c0000200100000001000000300000201f80000004000000>
| | | | "AAPL,phandle" = <d7000000>
| | | | "name" = <"usb-drd1">
| | | | "configuration-string" = <"ncmAuxBringup">
| | | | "tunable_DRD_USB31_GBL_DEFAULT" = <640000200200000000000000>
| | | | "device-mac-address" = <000000000000>
| | | | "device_type" = <"usb-drd">
| | | | "compatible" = <"usb-drd,t6000","usb-drd,t8103">
| | | | "port-type" = <02000000>
| | | | "tunable_PIPE_HANDLER_DEVICE" = <1c0000203000000000000000>
| | | | "IOReportLegendPublic" = Yes
| | | | "reg" = <000028020b0000000018010000000000000020020b000000004000000000000000c028020b00000000180000000000000040a8020b0000000040000000000000000080020b00000000400000000000000000a8020b0000000040000000000000000000020b0000000040000000000000000008020b000000004000000000000000d028020b0000000040000000000000>
| | | | "port-number" = <02000000>
| | | | "usb-restore-disable" = <>
| | | | "tunable_DRD_USB31_GBL_HOST" = <0400002000ef0100002f00002c000020ff070a00c8000a0028050020ff0000ff080000061c0000200001000000000000000100200001000200010002>
| | | | "tunable_ATC_LINK_REGS" = <20000000000000000000f07f000000000000904e00000000240000000000000000801f000000000000800b0000000000>
| | | | "usb-port-current-wake-limit" = <b80b0000>
| | | | "IOInterruptSpecifiers" = (<b7040000>,<b8040000>,<b9040000>,<ba040000>,<d5020000>)
| | | | "IOReportLegend" = ({"IOReportGroupName"="Interrupt Statistics (by index)","IOReportChannels"=((5291294645182005248,4295098369," First Level Interrupt Handler Count"),(5291294645182005249,4295098369," Second Level Interrupt Handler Count"),(5291294645182005250,4295098369," First Level Interrupt Handler Time (MATUs)"),(5291294645182005251,4295098369," Second Level Interrupt Handler CPU Time (MATUs)"),(5291294645182005252,4295098369,"Second Level Interrupt Handler System Time (MATUs)")),"IOReportChannelInfo"={"IOReportChannelUnit"=0},"IOReportSubGroupName"="usb-drd1 0"},{"IOReportGroupName"="Interrupt Statistics (by index)","IOReportChannels"=((5291294645182070784,4295098369," First Level Interrupt Handler Count"),(5291294645182070785,4295098369," Second Level Interrupt Handler Count"),(5291294645182070786,4295098369," First Level Interrupt Handler Time (MATUs)"),(5291294645182070787,4295098369," Second Level Interrupt Handler CPU Time (MATUs)"),(5291294645182070788,4295098369,"Second Level Interrupt Handler System Time (MATUs)")),"IOReportChannelInfo"={"IOReportChannelUnit"=0},"IOReportSubGroupName"="usb-drd1 1"},{"IOReportGroupName"="Interrupt Statistics (by index)","IOReportChannels"=((5291294645182136320,4295098369," First Level Interrupt Handler Count"),(5291294645182136321,4295098369," Second Level Interrupt Handler Count"),(5291294645182136322,4295098369," First Level Interrupt Handler Time (MATUs)"),(5291294645182136323,4295098369," Second Level Interrupt Handler CPU Time (MATUs)"),(5291294645182136324,4295098369,"Second Level Interrupt Handler System Time (MATUs)")),"IOReportChannelInfo"={"IOReportChannelUnit"=0},"IOReportSubGroupName"="usb-drd1 2"},{"IOReportGroupName"="Interrupt Statistics (by index)","IOReportChannels"=((5291294645182201856,4295098369," First Level Interrupt Handler Count"),(5291294645182201857,4295098369," Second Level Interrupt Handler Count"),(5291294645182201858,4295098369," First Level Interrupt Handler Time (MATUs)"),(5291294645182201859,4295098369," Second Level Interrupt Handler CPU Time (MATUs)"),(5291294645182201860,4295098369,"Second Level Interrupt Handler System Time (MATUs)")),"IOReportChannelInfo"={"IOReportChannelUnit"=0},"IOReportSubGroupName"="usb-drd1 3"},{"IOReportGroupName"="Interrupt Statistics (by index)","IOReportChannels"=((5291294645182267392,4295098369," First Level Interrupt Handler Count"),(5291294645182267393,4295098369," Second Level Interrupt Handler Count"),(5291294645182267394,4295098369," First Level Interrupt Handler Time (MATUs)"),(5291294645182267395,4295098369," Second Level Interrupt Handler CPU Time (MATUs)"),(5291294645182267396,4295098369,"Second Level Interrupt Handler System Time (MATUs)")),"IOReportChannelInfo"={"IOReportChannelUnit"=0},"IOReportSubGroupName"="usb-drd1 4"})
| | | | }
| | | |
| | | +-o AppleT6000USBXHCI@01000000 <class AppleT6000USBXHCI, id 0x100000378, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (54791 ms), retain 282>
| | | | | {
| | | | | "IOClass" = "AppleT6000USBXHCI"
| | | | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | | | | "IOProviderClass" = "AppleARMIODevice"
| | | | | "kUSBSleepSupported" = Yes
| | | | | "IOPowerManagement" = {"ChildrenPowerState"=3,"DevicePowerState"=0,"CurrentPowerState"=3,"CapabilityFlags"=32768,"MaxPowerState"=3,"DriverPowerState"=0}
| | | | | "Revision" = <0103>
| | | | | "IOProbeScore" = 10002
| | | | | "IONameMatch" = "usb-drd,t6000"
| | | | | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | | | | "IOMatchCategory" = "usb-host"
| | | | | "locationID" = 16777216
| | | | | "UsbHostControllerTierLimit" = 6
| | | | | "controller-statistics" = {"kControllerStatIOCount"=10498722,"kControllerStatPowerStateTime"={"kPowerStateOff"="24566936ms (47%)","kPowerStateSleep"="3893ms (0%)","kPowerStateOn"="27008297ms (52%)","kPowerStateSuspended"="1467ms (0%)"},"kControllerStatSpuriousInterruptCount"=0}
| | | | | "IONameMatched" = "usb-drd,t6000"
| | | | | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | | | | "UsbHostControllerDeferRegisterService" = Yes
| | | | | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | | | | }
| | | | |
| | | | +-o usb-drd1-port-hs@01100000 <class AppleUSB20XHCITypeCPort, id 0x1000001d7, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (40168 ms), retain 16>
| | | | | {
| | | | | "port-current-limit" = <ee020000>
| | | | | "kUSBSleepPortCurrentLimit" = 1500
| | | | | "AAPL,phandle" = <d8000000>
| | | | | "kUSBWakePortCurrentLimit" = 1500
| | | | | "IOPowerManagement" = {"DevicePowerState"=2,"CurrentPowerState"=2,"CapabilityFlags"=65536,"MaxPowerState"=3,"DriverPowerState"=0}
| | | | | "IOGeneralInterest" = "IOCommand is not serializable"
| | | | | "locationID" = 17825792
| | | | | "device_type" = <"usb-drd1-port-hs">
| | | | | "kUSBBusCurrentSleepAllocation" = 0
| | | | | "port-type" = <04000000>
| | | | | "port-status" = 0
| | | | | "kUSBBusCurrentAllocation" = 0
| | | | | "port-statistics" = {"kPortStatEOF2ViolationCurrentConnectCount"=0,"kPortStatEOF2ViolationDuringResetCount"=0,"kPortStatPowerStateTime"={"kPowerStateOff"="6468190ms (19%)","kPowerStateSleep"="4540ms (0%)","kPowerStateOn"="26304733ms (78%)","kPowerStateSuspended"="703217ms (2%)"},"kPortStatConnectCount"=8,"kPortStatRemoteWakeCount"=0,"kPortStatEOF2ViolationRecoveryDuringResetCount"=0,"kPortStatAddressFailureCount"=0,"kPortStatEOF2ViolationCount"=0,"kPortStatEnumerationFailureCount"=2,"kPortStatOverCurrentCount"=0,"kPortStatEOF2ViolationDuringResumeCount"=0}
| | | | | "name" = <"usb-drd1-port-hs">
| | | | | "port" = <01000000>
| | | | | }
| | | | |
| | | | +-o usb-drd1-port-ss@01200000 <class AppleT8103USB40XHCITypeCPort, id 0x1000001d8, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (14651 ms), retain 19>
| | | | | {
| | | | | "port-current-limit" = <ee020000>
| | | | | "link-error-count" = 0
| | | | | "kUSBSleepPortCurrentLimit" = 1500
| | | | | "AAPL,phandle" = <d9000000>
| | | | | "kUSBWakePortCurrentLimit" = 1500
| | | | | "IOPowerManagement" = {"ChildrenPowerState"=3,"DevicePowerState"=2,"CurrentPowerState"=3,"CapabilityFlags"=32768,"MaxPowerState"=3,"DriverPowerState"=0}
| | | | | "IOGeneralInterest" = "IOCommand is not serializable"
| | | | | "locationID" = 18874368
| | | | | "device_type" = <"usb-drd1-port-ss">
| | | | | "kUSBBusCurrentSleepAllocation" = 0
| | | | | "port-type" = <04000000>
| | | | | "port-status" = 5376
| | | | | "kUSBBusCurrentAllocation" = 896
| | | | | "port-statistics" = {"kPortStatEOF2ViolationCurrentConnectCount"=0,"kPortStatEOF2ViolationDuringResetCount"=0,"kPortStatPowerStateTime"={"kPowerStateOff"="6467710ms (19%)","kPowerStateSleep"="4477ms (0%)","kPowerStateOn"="704971ms (2%)","kPowerStateSuspended"="26303778ms (78%)"},"kPortStatConnectCount"=2,"kPortStatRemoteWakeCount"=0,"kPortStatEOF2ViolationRecoveryDuringResetCount"=0,"kPortStatAddressFailureCount"=0,"kPortStatEOF2ViolationCount"=0,"kPortStatEnumerationFailureCount"=0,"kPortStatOverCurrentCount"=0,"kPortStatEOF2ViolationDuringResumeCount"=0}
| | | | | "name" = <"usb-drd1-port-ss">
| | | | | "port" = <02000000>
| | | | | }
| | | | |
| | | | +-o Extreme 55AE@01200000 <class IOUSBHostDevice, id 0x100071f4e, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (7162 ms), retain 118>
| | | | | {
| | | | | "sessionID" = 1237405619880
| | | | | "USBSpeed" = 5
| | | | | "idProduct" = 21934
| | | | | "iManufacturer" = 2
| | | | | "bDeviceClass" = 0
| | | | | "IOPowerManagement" = {"PowerOverrideOn"=Yes,"CapabilityFlags"=32768,"MaxPowerState"=2,"DevicePowerState"=2,"DriverPowerState"=0,"ChildrenPowerState"=2,"CurrentPowerState"=2}
| | | | | "bcdDevice" = 12288
| | | | | "bMaxPacketSize0" = 9
| | | | | "iProduct" = 3
| | | | | "iSerialNumber" = 1
| | | | | "bNumConfigurations" = 1
| | | | | "USB Product Name" = "Extreme 55AE"
| | | | | "USB Address" = 1
| | | | | "locationID" = 18874368
| | | | | "bDeviceSubClass" = 0
| | | | | "bcdUSB" = 800
| | | | | "kUSBSerialNumberString" = ""
| | | | | "kUSBCurrentConfiguration" = 1
| | | | | "IOCFPlugInTypes" = {"9dc7b780-9ec0-11d4-a54f-000a27052861"="IOUSBHostFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOUSBLib.bundle"}
| | | | | "bDeviceProtocol" = 0
| | | | | "USBPortType" = 0
| | | | | "IOServiceDEXTEntitlements" = ((""))
| | | | | "USB Vendor Name" = "SanDisk"
| | | | | "Device Speed" = 4
| | | | | "idVendor" = 1921
| | | | | "kUSBProductString" = "Extreme 55AE"
| | | | | "USB Serial Number" = ""
| | | | | "IOGeneralInterest" = "IOCommand is not serializable"
| | | | | "kUSBAddress" = 1
| | | | | "kUSBVendorString" = "SanDisk"
| | | | | }
| | | | |
| | | | +-o AppleUSBHostCompositeDevice <class AppleUSBHostCompositeDevice, id 0x100071f53, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 4>
| | | | | {
| | | | | "IOClass" = "AppleUSBHostCompositeDevice"
| | | | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | | | | "IOProviderClass" = "IOUSBHostDevice"
| | | | | "kUSBPreferredConfiguration" = 1
| | | | | "IOProbeScore" = 50000
| | | | | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | | | | "IOMatchCategory" = "IODefaultMatchCategory"
| | | | | "bDeviceSubClass" = 0
| | | | | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | | | | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | | | | "IOPrimaryDriverTerminateOptions" = Yes
| | | | | "bDeviceClass" = 0
| | | | | }
| | | | |
| | | | +-o IOUSBHostInterface@0 <class IOUSBHostInterface, id 0x100071f54, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (7156 ms), retain 13>
| | | | | {
| | | | | "USBPortType" = 0
| | | | | "IOCFPlugInTypes" = {"2d9786c6-9ef3-11d4-ad51-000a27052861"="IOUSBHostFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOUSBLib.bundle"}
| | | | | "USB Vendor Name" = "SanDisk"
| | | | | "USB Serial Number" = ""
| | | | | "bcdDevice" = 12288
| | | | | "USBSpeed" = 5
| | | | | "idProduct" = 21934
| | | | | "IOServiceDEXTEntitlements" = ((""))
| | | | | "bInterfaceSubClass" = 6
| | | | | "bConfigurationValue" = 1
| | | | | "locationID" = 18874368
| | | | | "USB Product Name" = "Extreme 55AE"
| | | | | "bInterfaceProtocol" = 98
| | | | | "iInterface" = 0
| | | | | "bAlternateSetting" = 1
| | | | | "idVendor" = 1921
| | | | | "bInterfaceNumber" = 0
| | | | | "bInterfaceClass" = 8
| | | | | "bNumEndpoints" = 4
| | | | | }
| | | | |
| | | | +-o IOUSBMassStorageInterfaceNub <class IOUSBMassStorageInterfaceNub, id 0x100071f57, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (7124 ms), retain 10>
| | | | | {
| | | | | "IOClass" = "IOUSBMassStorageInterfaceNub"
| | | | | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | | | | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | | | | "idProduct" = 21934
| | | | | "bcdDevice" = 12288
| | | | | "IOProviderClass" = "IOUSBHostInterface"
| | | | | "Physical Interconnect Location" = "External"
| | | | | "bInterfaceProtocol" = 80
| | | | | "bNumConfigurations" = 1
| | | | | "USB Product Name" = "Extreme 55AE"
| | | | | "IOProbeScore" = 50000
| | | | | "USB Device Info" = {"bcdDevice"=12288,"idProduct"=21934,"bInterfaceSubClass"=6,"locationID"=18874368,"bConfigurationValue"=1,"kUSBVendorString"="SanDisk","kUSBSerialNumberString"="","USB Product Name"="Extreme 55AE","kUSBProductString"="Extreme 55AE","idVendor"=1921,"bInterfaceProtocol"=98,"bInterfaceNumber"=0,"bInterfaceClass"=8,"bNumConfigurations"=1}
| | | | | "locationID" = 18874368
| | | | | "kUSBSerialNumberString" = ""
| | | | | "IOPowerManagement" = {"DevicePowerState"=1,"CurrentPowerState"=1,"CapabilityFlags"=32768,"MaxPowerState"=1,"DriverPowerState"=1}
| | | | | "bInterfaceClass" = 8
| | | | | "bInterfaceSubClass" = 6
| | | | | "Physical Interconnect" = "USB"
| | | | | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | | | | "bConfigurationValue" = 1
| | | | | "IOMatchCategory" = "IODefaultMatchCategory"
| | | | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | | | | "bInterfaceNumber" = 0
| | | | | "idVendor" = 1921
| | | | | "USB Mass Storage Trace ID" = 540807636092715008
| | | | | "kUSBProductString" = "Extreme 55AE"
| | | | | "kUSBVendorString" = "SanDisk"
| | | | | }
| | | | |
| | | | +-o IOUSBMassStorageDriverNub <class IOUSBMassStorageDriverNub, id 0x100071f59, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (7122 ms), retain 13>
| | | | | {
| | | | | "IOClass" = "IOUSBMassStorageDriverNub"
| | | | | "Number Of InterfaceNubs" = 1
| | | | | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | | | | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | | | | "idProduct" = 21934
| | | | | "bInterfaceProtocol" = 98
| | | | | "IOProviderClass" = "IOUSBMassStorageInterfaceNub"
| | | | | "USB Device Info" = {"bcdDevice"=12288,"idProduct"=21934,"bInterfaceSubClass"=6,"locationID"=18874368,"bConfigurationValue"=1,"kUSBVendorString"="SanDisk","kUSBSerialNumberString"="","USB Product Name"="Extreme 55AE","kUSBProductString"="Extreme 55AE","idVendor"=1921,"bInterfaceProtocol"=98,"bInterfaceNumber"=0,"bInterfaceClass"=8,"bNumConfigurations"=1}
| | | | | "USB Product Name" = "Extreme 55AE"
| | | | | "Physical Interconnect Location" = "External"
| | | | | "IOPowerManagement" = {"ChildrenPowerState"=1,"DevicePowerState"=1,"CurrentPowerState"=1,"CapabilityFlags"=32768,"MaxPowerState"=1,"DriverPowerState"=1}
| | | | | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | | | | "bInterfaceClass" = 8
| | | | | "bInterfaceSubClass" = 6
| | | | | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | | | | "Physical Interconnect" = "USB"
| | | | | "bConfigurationValue" = 1
| | | | | "IOMatchCategory" = "IODefaultMatchCategory"
| | | | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | | | | "USB Mass Storage Trace ID" = 540807636092715008
| | | | | "idVendor" = 1921
| | | | | "bInterfaceNumber" = 0
| | | | | "Requested Speed" = Yes
| | | | | "kUSBVendorString" = "SanDisk"
| | | | | }
| | | | |
| | | | +-o IOUSBMassStorageUASDriver <class IOUSBMassStorageUASDriver, id 0x100071f5b, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (16 ms), retain 9>
| | | | | {
| | | | | "IOClass" = "IOUSBMassStorageUASDriver"
| | | | | "Write Time Out Duration" = 30000
| | | | | "IOMaximumSegmentByteCountRead" = 65536
| | | | | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | | | | "bInterfaceProtocol" = 98
| | | | | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | | | | "IOPowerManagement" = {"ChildrenPowerState"=1,"DevicePowerState"=1,"CurrentPowerState"=1,"CapabilityFlags"=49152,"MaxPowerState"=1,"DriverPowerState"=1}
| | | | | "IOProviderClass" = "IOUSBMassStorageDriverNub"
| | | | | "Physical Interconnect Location" = "External"
| | | | | "IOMaximumSegmentByteCountWrite" = 65536
| | | | | "IOMaximumSegmentCountRead" = 128
| | | | | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | | | | "Queue Depth" = 31
| | | | | "Supports Streams" = Yes
| | | | | "IOMaximumSegmentCountWrite" = 128
| | | | | "Read Time Out Duration" = 30000
| | | | | "IOUnit" = 1
| | | | | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | | | | "Physical Interconnect" = "USB"
| | | | | "IOMatchCategory" = "IODefaultMatchCategory"
| | | | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | | | | "USB Mass Storage Trace ID" = 540807636092715008
| | | | | "Protocol Characteristics" = {"Retry Count"=20}
| | | | | "Retry Count" = 20
| | | | | "UAS Version" = "Version .04"
| | | | | }
| | | | |
| | | | +-o IOSCSITargetDevice <class IOSCSITargetDevice, id 0x100071f5d, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (16 ms), retain 13>
| | | | | {
| | | | | "Product Revision Level" = "3000"
| | | | | "Peripheral Device Type" = 0
| | | | | "Vendor Identification" = "SanDisk"
| | | | | "INQUIRY Device Identification" = ({"Identifier Type"=3,"Code Set"=1,"Identifier"=<5057440000000001>,"Association"=0})
| | | | | "IOMaximumByteCountRead" = 1048576
| | | | | "Product Identification" = "Extreme 55AE"
| | | | | "INQUIRY Unit Serial Number" = ""
| | | | | "Protocol Characteristics" = {"Physical Interconnect"="USB","Read Time Out Duration"=30000,"Retry Count"=20,"Physical Interconnect Location"="External","Write Time Out Duration"=30000}
| | | | | "IOPowerManagement" = {"CapabilityFlags"=0,"ChildProxyPowerState"=1,"MaxPowerState"=1,"ActivityTickles"=0,"DevicePowerState"=1,"IdleTimerPeriod"=600000,"IdleTimerElapsedTime"=21097,"DriverPowerState"=1,"ChildrenPowerState"=1,"CurrentPowerState"=1}
| | | | | "IOMaximumByteCountWrite" = 1048576
| | | | | "Hierarchical LUN Support" = Yes
| | | | | }
| | | | |
| | | | +-o IOSCSIHierarchicalLogicalUnit@0000000000000000 <class IOSCSIHierarchicalLogicalUnit, id 0x100071f75, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (9 ms), retain 10>
| | | | | | {
| | | | | | "SCSI Logical Unit Bytes" = <0000000000000000>
| | | | | | "IOPowerManagement" = {"CapabilityFlags"=49152,"ChildProxyPowerState"=1,"MaxPowerState"=1,"DevicePowerState"=1,"DriverPowerState"=1,"ChildrenPowerState"=1,"CurrentPowerState"=1}
| | | | | | "CurrentPowerState" = 1
| | | | | | "Peripheral Device Type" = 0
| | | | | | "SCSI Logical Unit Number" = 0
| | | | | | "IOMatchCategory" = "SCSITaskUserClientIniter"
| | | | | | "Protocol Characteristics" = {"Write Time Out Duration"=30000,"Read Time Out Duration"=30000,"Physical Interconnect"="USB","SCSI Logical Unit Number"=0,"Physical Interconnect Location"="External","SCSI Logical Unit Bytes"=<0000000000000000>,"Retry Count"=20}
| | | | | | "Vendor Identification" = "SanDisk"
| | | | | | "INQUIRY Device Identification" = ({"Identifier Type"=3,"Code Set"=1,"Identifier"=<5057440000000001>,"Association"=0})
| | | | | | "Product Revision Level" = "3000"
| | | | | | "Product Identification" = "Extreme 55AE"
| | | | | | "IOUnitLUN" = 0
| | | | | | "TPGS Information" = 0
| | | | | | "IOUnitLUNBytes" = <0000000000000000>
| | | | | | }
| | | | | |
| | | | | +-o IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceType00 <class IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceType00, id 0x100071f78, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0 (2 ms), retain 9>
| | | | | | {
| | | | | | "IOClass" = "IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceType00"
| | | | | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | | | | | "IOProviderClass" = "IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceNub"
| | | | | | "IOMaximumBlockCountRead" = 65535
| | | | | | "IOPowerManagement" = {"CapabilityFlags"=49216,"MaxPowerState"=4,"ActivityTickles"=0,"DevicePowerState"=4,"IdleTimerPeriod"=200000,"IdleTimerElapsedTime"=20992,"DriverPowerState"=1,"CurrentPowerState"=4}
| | | | | | "IOMaximumBlockCountWrite" = 65535
| | | | | | "Medium Type" = "Solid State"
| | | | | | "IOProbeScore" = 5000
| | | | | | "Peripheral Device Type" = 0
| | | | | | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | | | | | "IOMatchCategory" = "IODefaultMatchCategory"
| | | | | | "IOMaximumByteCountWrite" = 1048576
| | | | | | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | | | | | "IOStorageFeatures" = {"Unmap"=Yes}
| | | | | | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | | | | | "WriteCacheState" = No
| | | | | | "IOMaximumByteCountRead" = 1048576
| | | | | | "IOPrimaryDriverTerminateOptions" = Yes
| | | | | | }
| | | | | |
| | | | | +-o IOBlockStorageServices <class IOBlockStorageServices, id 0x100071f7b, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (2 ms), retain 6>
| | | | | | {
| | | | | | "IOMinimumSegmentAlignmentByteCount" = 4
| | | | | | "device-type" = "Generic"
| | | | | | "Protocol Characteristics" = {"Write Time Out Duration"=30000,"Read Time Out Duration"=30000,"Physical Interconnect"="USB","SCSI Logical Unit Number"=0,"Physical Interconnect Location"="External","SCSI Logical Unit Bytes"=<0000000000000000>,"Retry Count"=20}
| | | | | | "Device Characteristics" = {"Medium Type"="Solid State","Product Name"="Extreme 55AE","Vendor Name"="SanDisk","Product Revision Level"="3000"}
| | | | | | }
| | | | | |
| | | | | +-o IOBlockStorageDriver <class IOBlockStorageDriver, id 0x100071f7c, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (0 ms), retain 6>
| | | | | {
| | | | | "IOPropertyMatch" = {"device-type"="Generic"}
| | | | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | | | | "IOProviderClass" = "IOBlockStorageDevice"
| | | | | "IOClass" = "IOBlockStorageDriver"
| | | | | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | | | | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | | | | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | | | | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | | | | "Statistics" = {"Operations (Write)"=0,"Latency Time (Write)"=0,"Bytes (Read)"=0,"Errors (Write)"=0,"Total Time (Read)"=0,"Latency Time (Read)"=0,"Retries (Read)"=0,"Errors (Read)"=0,"Total Time (Write)"=0,"Bytes (Write)"=0,"Operations (Read)"=0,"Retries (Write)"=0}
| | | | | "IOMatchCategory" = "IODefaultMatchCategory"
| | | | | }
| | | | |
| | | | +-o IOSCSIHierarchicalLogicalUnit@0001000000000000 <class IOSCSIHierarchicalLogicalUnit, id 0x100071f77, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (6 ms), retain 8>
| | | | | {
| | | | | "SCSI Logical Unit Bytes" = <0001000000000000>
| | | | | "IOCFPlugInTypes" = {"7D66678E-08A2-11D5-A1B8-0030657D052A"="IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/SCSITaskUserClient.kext/Contents/PlugIns/SCSITaskLib.plugin"}
| | | | | "SCSITaskDeviceCategory" = "SCSITaskUserClientDevice"
| | | | | "IOPowerManagement" = {"MaxPowerState"=1,"DevicePowerState"=1,"CurrentPowerState"=1,"CapabilityFlags"=49152,"ChildProxyPowerState"=1,"DriverPowerState"=1}
| | | | | "CurrentPowerState" = 1
| | | | | "IOUserClientClass" = "SCSITaskUserClient"
| | | | | "Peripheral Device Type" = 13
| | | | | "SCSI Logical Unit Number" = 1
| | | | | "IOMatchCategory" = "SCSITaskUserClientIniter"
| | | | | "INQUIRY Unit Serial Number" = ""
| | | | | "Protocol Characteristics" = {"Write Time Out Duration"=30000,"Read Time Out Duration"=30000,"Physical Interconnect"="USB","SCSI Logical Unit Number"=1,"Physical Interconnect Location"="External","SCSI Logical Unit Bytes"=<0001000000000000>,"Retry Count"=20}
| | | | | "INQUIRY Device Identification" = ({"Identifier Type"=3,"Code Set"=1,"Identifier"=<5057440000000001>,"Association"=0})
| | | | | "Vendor Identification" = "SanDisk"
| | | | | "Product Identification" = "SES Device"
| | | | | "Product Revision Level" = "3000"
| | | | | "IOUnitLUN" = 1
| | | | | "TPGS Information" = 0
| | | | | "SCSITaskUserClient GUID" = <5a2e32fc1dcc4a55848ac4115f95c05e>
| | | | | "IOUnitLUNBytes" = <0001000000000000>
| | | | | }
| | | | |
| | | | +-o SCSITaskUserClientIniter <class SCSITaskUserClientIniter, id 0x100071f7e, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 4>
| | | | {
| | | | "IOProviderMergeProperties" = {"IOCFPlugInTypes"={"7D66678E-08A2-11D5-A1B8-0030657D052A"="IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/SCSITaskUserClient.kext/Contents/PlugIns/SCSITaskLib.plugin"},"IOUserClientClass"="SCSITaskUserClient","SCSITaskDeviceCategory"="SCSITaskUserClientDevice"}
| | | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | | | "IOMatchCategory" = "SCSITaskUserClientIniter"
| | | | "IOClass" = "SCSITaskUserClientIniter"
| | | | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | | | "IOProviderClass" = "IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceNub"
| | | | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | | | "IOProbeScore" = 4900
| | | | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | | | }
| | | |
| | | +-o AppleT8103USBXDCI@0 <class AppleT8103USBXDCI, id 0x10000037a, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (7 ms), retain 21>
| | | | {
| | | | "IOClass" = "AppleT8103USBXDCI"
| | | | "IOPlatformPanicAction" = 1000
| | | | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | | | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | | | "ConfigurationType" = "ncmAuxBringup"
| | | | "IOProviderClass" = "AppleARMIODevice"
| | | | "DeviceDescription" = {"productString"="MacBook Pro","deviceClass"=0,"manufacturerString"="Apple Inc.","deviceID"=6145,"productID"=6402,"vendorID"=1452,"deviceSubClass"=0,"Attributes"=192,"deviceProtocol"=0,"MaxPower"=18446744073709551615,"ConfigurationDescriptors"=({"Attributes"=224,"Interfaces"=("AppleUSBNCMControl","AppleUSBNCMData","AppleUSBNCMControlAux","AppleUSBNCMDataAux"),"MaxPower"=0})}
| | | | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | | | "CreatedTimestamp" = 143295056
| | | | "CurrentState" = {"DeviceAddress"=0,"DeviceState"=0,"DefaultPreferredConfiguration"=1,"ConnectionSpeed"=0,"PreferredConfiguration"=1,"LinkState"=0,"RemoteWakeEnabled"=No,"SelectedConfiguration"=0}
| | | | "IONameMatch" = "usb-drd,t8103"
| | | | "FinalizedDurationMS" = 4
| | | | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | | | "ScatterGatherSupport" = Yes
| | | | "IOMatchCategory" = "usb-device"
| | | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | | | "IONameMatched" = "usb-drd,t8103"
| | | | "DefaultDeviceDescription" = {"productString"="MacBook Pro","deviceClass"=0,"manufacturerString"="Apple Inc.","deviceID"=6145,"productID"=6402,"vendorID"=1452,"deviceSubClass"=0,"Attributes"=192,"deviceProtocol"=0,"MaxPower"=18446744073709551615}
| | | | "MapperPageSize" = 16384
| | | | "FinalizedTimestamp" = 143409594
| | | | }
| | | |
| | | +-o IOUSBDeviceConfigurator <class IOUSBDeviceConfigurator, id 0x1000007c7, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 4>
| | | | {
| | | | "IOPropertyMatch" = {"ConfigurationType"="ncmAuxBringup"}
| | | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | | | "IOProviderClass" = "IOUSBDeviceController"
| | | | "IOClass" = "IOUSBDeviceConfigurator"
| | | | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | | | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | | | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | | | "DeviceDescription" = {"ConfigurationDescriptors"=({"Attributes"=224,"Interfaces"=("AppleUSBNCMControl","AppleUSBNCMData","AppleUSBNCMControlAux","AppleUSBNCMDataAux"),"MaxPower"=0})}
| | | | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | | | "IOMatchCategory" = "IODefaultMatchCategory"
| | | | }
| | | |
| | | +-o AppleUSBNCMControl@0 <class IOUSBDeviceInterface, id 0x1000007c9, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (4 ms), retain 9>
| | | | | {
| | | | | "IOCFPlugInTypes" = {"9E72217E-8A60-11DB-BF57-000D936D06D2"="IOUSBDeviceFamily.kext/PlugIns/IOUSBDeviceLib.plugin"}
| | | | | "IsActive" = No
| | | | | "StartedTimestamp" = 143295308
| | | | | "IOUserClientClass" = "IOUSBDeviceInterfaceUserClient"
| | | | | "USBDeviceFunction" = "AppleUSBNCMControl"
| | | | | "FinalizedTimestamp" = 143387992
| | | | | "FinalizedDurationMS" = 3
| | | | | }
| | | | |
| | | | +-o AppleUSBDeviceNCMControl@0 <class AppleUSBDeviceNCMControl, id 0x1000007d3, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (0 ms), retain 7>
| | | | {
| | | | "IOPropertyMatch" = {"USBDeviceFunction"="AppleUSBNCMControl"}
| | | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | | | "IOProviderClass" = "IOUSBDeviceInterface"
| | | | "IOClass" = "AppleUSBDeviceNCMControl"
| | | | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | | | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | | | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | | | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | | | "IOMatchCategory" = "IODefaultMatchCategory"
| | | | }
| | | |
| | | +-o AppleUSBNCMData@1 <class IOUSBDeviceInterface, id 0x1000007d0, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (3 ms), retain 9>
| | | | | {
| | | | | "IOCFPlugInTypes" = {"9E72217E-8A60-11DB-BF57-000D936D06D2"="IOUSBDeviceFamily.kext/PlugIns/IOUSBDeviceLib.plugin"}
| | | | | "IsActive" = No
| | | | | "StartedTimestamp" = 143343818
| | | | | "IOUserClientClass" = "IOUSBDeviceInterfaceUserClient"
| | | | | "USBDeviceFunction" = "AppleUSBNCMData"
| | | | | "FinalizedTimestamp" = 143404884
| | | | | "FinalizedDurationMS" = 2
| | | | | }
| | | | |
| | | | +-o AppleUSBDeviceNCMData <class AppleUSBDeviceNCMData, id 0x1000007d6, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (1 ms), retain 8>
| | | | | {
| | | | | "IOClass" = "AppleUSBDeviceNCMData"
| | | | | "IOActiveMedium" = "00000022"
| | | | | "waitControlStart" = 5974
| | | | | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | | | | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | | | | "IOMinPacketSize" = 64
| | | | | "IOProviderClass" = "IOUSBDeviceInterface"
| | | | | "IOLinkStatus" = 1
| | | | | "waitControlFinish" = 5974
| | | | | "IOPacketFilters" = {"IONetworkFilterGroup"=307,"IOEthernetWakeOnLANFilterGroup"=0}
| | | | | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | | | | "IOPropertyMatch" = {"USBDeviceFunction"="AppleUSBNCMData"}
| | | | | "AVBControllerState" = 1
| | | | | "IOMediumDictionary" = {"00100026"={"Index"=1,"Type"=1048614,"Flags"=0,"Speed"=100},"00000022"={"Index"=0,"Type"=34,"Flags"=0,"Speed"=0}}
| | | | | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | | | | "IOMACAddress" = <72e84ace15bc>
| | | | | "IOMatchCategory" = "IODefaultMatchCategory"
| | | | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | | | | "IOMaxPacketSize" = 1514
| | | | | "IOSelectedMedium" = "00000022"
| | | | | "IOLinkSpeed" = 0
| | | | | "HiddenConfiguration" = Yes
| | | | | "IOFeatures" = 0
| | | | | }
| | | | |
| | | | +-o en5 <class IOEthernetInterface, id 0x1000007dd, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (0 ms), retain 11>
| | | | | {
| | | | | "IOLocation" = ""
| | | | | "IORequiredPacketFilters" = {"IONetworkFilterGroup"=19,"IOEthernetWakeOnLANFilterGroup"=0}
| | | | | "BSD Name" = "en5"
| | | | | "IOMulticastAddressList" = <0180c2000003>
| | | | | "IOMaxTransferUnit" = 1500
| | | | | "IOInterfaceType" = 6
| | | | | "IOInterfaceFlags" = 34915
| | | | | "IOMediaAddressLength" = 6
| | | | | "IOInterfaceState" = 3
| | | | | "IOMediaHeaderLength" = 14
| | | | | "IOActivePacketFilters" = {"IONetworkFilterGroup"=19,"IOEthernetWakeOnLANFilterGroup"=0}
| | | | | "IOInterfaceExtraFlags" = 1090519168
| | | | | "IOPrimaryInterface" = No
| | | | | "IOControllerEnabled" = Yes
| | | | | "IOInterfaceUnit" = 5
| | | | | "IOInterfaceNamePrefix" = "en"
| | | | | "IOBuiltin" = No
| | | | | "IONetworkData" = {"IONetworkStatsKey"={"Size"=20,"Data"=<0000000000000000000000000000000000000000>,"Access Types"=9},"IOEthernetStatsKey"={"Size"=216,"Data"=<000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000>,"Access Types"=9}}
| | | | | }
| | | | |
| | | | +-o IONetworkStack <class IONetworkStack, id 0x100000708, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (0 ms), retain 26>
| | | | | {
| | | | | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | | | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | | | | "IOMatchCategory" = "IONetworkStack"
| | | | | "IOClass" = "IONetworkStack"
| | | | | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | | | | "IOProviderClass" = "IOResources"
| | | | | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | | | | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | | | | "IOUserClientClass" = "IONetworkStackUserClient"
| | | | | "IOResourceMatch" = "IOBSD"
| | | | | }
| | | | |
| | | | +-o IONetworkStackUserClient <class IONetworkStackUserClient, id 0x100000ac6, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | | | {
| | | | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 328, configd"
| | | | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | | | }
| | | |
| | | +-o AppleUSBNCMControlAux@2 <class IOUSBDeviceInterface, id 0x1000007d1, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (2 ms), retain 9>
| | | | | {
| | | | | "IOCFPlugInTypes" = {"9E72217E-8A60-11DB-BF57-000D936D06D2"="IOUSBDeviceFamily.kext/PlugIns/IOUSBDeviceLib.plugin"}
| | | | | "IsActive" = No
| | | | | "StartedTimestamp" = 143343985
| | | | | "IOUserClientClass" = "IOUSBDeviceInterfaceUserClient"
| | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | "di-root-image-devt" = 16777237
| | "model" = "Disk Image Driver for MacOS X"
| | }
| |
| +-o IOKitRegistryCompatibility <class IOKitRegistryCompatibility, id 0x100000270, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0 (5 ms), retain 6>
| | | {
| | | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | | "IOMatchCategory" = "IOKitRegistryCompatibility"
| | | "IOClass" = "IOKitRegistryCompatibility"
| | | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | | "Entries" = ({"IOName"="display","IOClass"="IOPCIDevice","class-code"=<00000300>,"model"=<"Unknown Unknown">,"device-id"=<10680000>,"vendor-id"=<02100000>,"revision-id"=<00000000>,"subsystem-id"=<00000000>},{"IOClass"="IOFramebuffer","IOName"="IOFB","ParentIndex"=0},{"IOName"="IOAccelerator","CFBundleIdentifier"="com.unknown.bundle","ParentIndex"=0,"IOClass"="IOAccelerator","PerformanceStatistics"={"vramFreeBytes"=15728640},"IOGLBundleName"="AppleMetalGLRenderer","MetalPluginName"="AGXMetalA12","VRAM,totalMB"=16384},{"IOClass"="IOService","IOName"="platform","IOPath"="IODeviceTree:/efi/platform","system-id"=<dc31d7e0351aea58b1b44cfc314aa1e6>},{"IOClass"="IOService","IOName"="memory","compat-dimm-serial-number"=<"0x01234567","0x76543210">,"IOPath"="IODeviceTree:/memory"})
| | | "IOProviderClass" = "IOResources"
| | | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | | "IOResourceMatch" = "IOKit"
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o display <class IOServiceCompatibility, id 0x1000002c5, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (5 ms), retain 7>
| | | | {
| | | | "IOCompatibilityProperties" = {"IOName"="display","IOClass"="IOPCIDevice","class-code"=<00000300>,"model"=<"Unknown Unknown">,"device-id"=<10680000>,"vendor-id"=<02100000>,"revision-id"=<00000000>,"subsystem-id"=<00000000>}
| | | | }
| | | |
| | | +-o IOFB <class IOServiceCompatibility, id 0x1000002cb, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (1 ms), retain 5>
| | | | {
| | | | "IOCompatibilityProperties" = {"IOClass"="IOFramebuffer","IOName"="IOFB","ParentIndex"=0}
| | | | }
| | | |
| | | +-o IOAccelerator <class IOServiceCompatibility, id 0x1000002cc, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (1 ms), retain 5>
| | | {
| | | "IOCompatibilityProperties" = {"IOName"="IOAccelerator","CFBundleIdentifier"="com.unknown.bundle","ParentIndex"=0,"IOClass"="IOAccelerator","PerformanceStatistics"={"vramFreeBytes"=15728640},"IOGLBundleName"="AppleMetalGLRenderer","MetalPluginName"="AGXMetalA12","VRAM,totalMB"=16384}
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o platform <class IOServiceCompatibility, id 0x1000002cd, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (1 ms), retain 5>
| | {
| | "IOCompatibilityProperties" = {"IOClass"="IOService","IOName"="platform","IOPath"="IODeviceTree:/efi/platform","system-id"=<dc31d7e0351aea58b1b44cfc314aa1e6>}
| | }
| |
| +-o IOReportHub <class IOReportHub, id 0x100000271, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (8 ms), retain 21>
| | | {
| | | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | | "IOMatchCategory" = "IOReportHub"
| | | "IOClass" = "IOReportHub"
| | | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | | "IOProviderClass" = "IOResources"
| | | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | | "IOUserClientClass" = "IOReportUserClient"
| | | "IOResourceMatch" = "IOKit"
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o IOReportUserClient <class IOReportUserClient, id 0x100001378, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | | {
| | | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 820, CAReportingServi"
| | | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o IOReportUserClient <class IOReportUserClient, id 0x10000137b, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | | {
| | | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 820, CAReportingServi"
| | | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o IOReportUserClient <class IOReportUserClient, id 0x100001387, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | | {
| | | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 820, CAReportingServi"
| | | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o IOReportUserClient <class IOReportUserClient, id 0x100001388, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | | {
| | | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 820, CAReportingServi"
| | | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o IOReportUserClient <class IOReportUserClient, id 0x100001389, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | | {
| | | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 820, CAReportingServi"
| | | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o IOReportUserClient <class IOReportUserClient, id 0x1000015c2, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | | {
| | | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 326, systemstats"
| | | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o IOReportUserClient <class IOReportUserClient, id 0x1000015c3, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | | {
| | | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 326, systemstats"
| | | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o IOReportUserClient <class IOReportUserClient, id 0x10001d192, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | | {
| | | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 326, systemstats"
| | | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o IOReportUserClient <class IOReportUserClient, id 0x10001d1d9, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | | {
| | | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 533, wifianalyticsd"
| | | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o IOReportUserClient <class IOReportUserClient, id 0x10002d7bf, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | | {
| | | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 19197, PerfPowerService"
| | | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o IOReportUserClient <class IOReportUserClient, id 0x10002d7cb, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | | {
| | | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 19197, PerfPowerService"
| | | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o IOReportUserClient <class IOReportUserClient, id 0x10002d7cc, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | | {
| | | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 19197, PerfPowerService"
| | | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o IOReportUserClient <class IOReportUserClient, id 0x10002d7cd, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | | {
| | | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 19197, PerfPowerService"
| | | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o IOReportUserClient <class IOReportUserClient, id 0x10002d7d4, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | | {
| | | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 19197, PerfPowerService"
| | | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o IOReportUserClient <class IOReportUserClient, id 0x10002d7d5, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | | {
| | | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 19197, PerfPowerService"
| | | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o IOReportUserClient <class IOReportUserClient, id 0x10002d7ea, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | {
| | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 19197, PerfPowerService"
| | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | }
| |
| +-o AppleUSBHostResources <class AppleUSBHostResources, id 0x100000273, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (428 ms), retain 16>
| | | {
| | | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | | "IOMatchCategory" = "AppleUSBHostResources"
| | | "IOClass" = "AppleUSBHostResources"
| | | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | | "IOProviderClass" = "IOResources"
| | | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | | "UsbBusCurrentPoolID" = 4294967923
| | | "IOGeneralInterest" = "IOCommand is not serializable"
| | | "IOResourceMatch" = "IOKit"
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o AppleUSBHostResourcesClient <class AppleUSBHostResourcesClient, id 0x1000002cf, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | {
| | "IOProbeScore" = 1
| | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | "IOProviderClass" = "AppleUSBHostResources"
| | "IOClass" = "AppleUSBHostResourcesClient"
| | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | "IOMatchCategory" = "IODefaultMatchCategory"
| | }
| |
| +-o AppleUSBUserHCIResources <class AppleUSBUserHCIResources, id 0x100000275, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (2 ms), retain 5>
| | {
| | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | "IOMatchCategory" = "AppleUSBUserHCIResources"
| | "IOClass" = "AppleUSBUserHCIResources"
| | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | "IOProviderClass" = "IOResources"
| | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | "IOResourceMatch" = "IOKit"
| | }
| |
| +-o IOUSBMassStorageResource <class IOUSBMassStorageResource, id 0x100000276, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (3 ms), retain 6>
| | {
| | "IOClass" = "IOUSBMassStorageResource"
| | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | "IOProviderClass" = "IOResources"
| | "IOUserClientClass" = "IOUSBMassStorageUserClient"
| | "IOResourceMatch" = "IOKit"
| | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | "IOMatchCategory" = "IOUSBMassStorageResource"
| | "Devices Referenced" = 1
| | "Device Stats" = {"078155AE"={"RESET: Bulk Send Failure"=0,"RESET: Pipe Stalled"=0,"RESET: IO Aborted"=0,"RESET: CSW Receive Fail"=0,"OFF to ON transition"=0,"Connected"=1,"ON to OFF transition"=13,"RESET: Device Unresponsive"=0,"RESET: Device Error"=0,"Number Of InterfaceNubs"=5,"bInterfaceProtocol"=234,"RESET: Command Phase Error"=0,"RESET: IO Timed Out"=0,"RESET: Data Overrun"=0}}
| | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | }
| |
| +-o IOUserEthernetResource <class IOUserEthernetResource, id 0x100000277, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (0 ms), retain 5>
| | {
| | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | "IOMatchCategory" = "IOUserEthernetResource"
| | "IOClass" = "IOUserEthernetResource"
| | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | "IOProviderClass" = "IOResources"
| | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | "IOUserClientClass" = "IOUserEthernetResourceUserClient"
| | "IOResourceMatch" = "IOKit"
| | }
| |
| +-o IOTimeSyncClockManager <class IOTimeSyncClockManager, id 0x100000367, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (0 ms), retain 9>
| | | {
| | | "IOClass" = "IOTimeSyncClockManager"
| | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | | "IOProviderClass" = "IOResources"
| | | "TimeSyncTimeCoreAudioClockDomain" = 1667825664
| | | "TranslationClockID" = 17307134427307376641
| | | "IOUserClientClass" = "IOTimeSyncClockManagerUserClient"
| | | "TimeSyncTimeClockID" = 17307134427307376640
| | | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | | "IOResourceMatch" = "IOTimeSyncTime"
| | | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | | "IOMatchCategory" = "IOTimeSyncClockManager"
| | | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o IOTimeSyncTranslationMach <class IOTimeSyncTranslationMach, id 0x100000a82, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (0 ms), retain 8>
| | | | {
| | | | "ClockIdentifier" = 17307134427307376641
| | | | "IOUserClientClass" = "IOTimeSyncUserClient"
| | | | "ClockLockState" = 2
| | | | "IOGeneralInterest" = "IOCommand is not serializable"
| | | | }
| | | |
| | | +-o IOTimeSyncUserClient <class IOTimeSyncUserClient, id 0x100000bae, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 6>
| | | {
| | | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 417, coreaudiod"
| | | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o IOTimeSyncClockManagerUserClient <class IOTimeSyncClockManagerUserClient, id 0x100000bad, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | {
| | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 417, coreaudiod"
| | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | }
| |
| +-o com_apple_AppleFSCompression_AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless <class com_apple_AppleFSCompression_AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless, id 0x1000006fe, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 4>
| | {
| | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | "IOMatchCategory" = "com_apple_AppleFSCompression_AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless"
| | "IOClass" = "com_apple_AppleFSCompression_AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless"
| | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | "IOProviderClass" = "IOResources"
| | "" = Yes
| | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | "IOResourceMatch" = "IOBSD"
| | }
| |
| +-o com_apple_AppleFSCompression_AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib <class com_apple_AppleFSCompression_AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib, id 0x1000006ff, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 4>
| | {
| | "IOClass" = "com_apple_AppleFSCompression_AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib"
| | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | "IOProviderClass" = "IOResources"
| | "" = Yes
| | "IOResourceMatch" = "IOBSD"
| | "" = Yes
| | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | "IOMatchCategory" = "com_apple_AppleFSCompression_AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib"
| | "" = Yes
| | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | "" = Yes
| | "" = Yes
| | "" = Yes
| | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | "" = Yes
| | "" = Yes
| | }
| |
| +-o AppleMobileFileIntegrity <class AppleMobileFileIntegrity, id 0x100000700, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (1 ms), retain 7>
| | {
| | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | "IOMatchCategory" = "AppleMobileFileIntegrity"
| | "IOClass" = "AppleMobileFileIntegrity"
| | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | "IOProviderClass" = "IOResources"
| | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | "IOUserClientClass" = "AppleMobileFileIntegrityUserClient"
| | "IOResourceMatch" = "IOBSD"
| | }
| |
| +-o AppleSystemPolicy <class AppleSystemPolicy, id 0x100000701, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (3 ms), retain 7>
| | | {
| | | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | | "IOMatchCategory" = "AppleSystemPolicy"
| | | "IOClass" = "AppleSystemPolicy"
| | | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | | "IOProviderClass" = "IOResources"
| | | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | | "IOUserClientClass" = "AppleSystemPolicyUserClient"
| | | "IOPowerManagement" = {"CapabilityFlags"=2,"MaxPowerState"=1,"CurrentPowerState"=1}
| | | "IOResourceMatch" = "IOBSD"
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o AppleSystemPolicyUserClient <class AppleSystemPolicyUserClient, id 0x100000b6b, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | {
| | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 387, syspolicyd"
| | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | }
| |
| +-o com_apple_BootCache <class com_apple_BootCache, id 0x100000702, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 4>
| | {
| | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | "IOMatchCategory" = "com_apple_BootCache"
| | "IOClass" = "com_apple_BootCache"
| | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | "IOProviderClass" = "IOResources"
| | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | "IOResourceMatch" = "IOBSD"
| | }
| |
| +-o BootPolicy <class BootPolicy, id 0x100000703, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (1 ms), retain 12>
| | | {
| | | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | | "IOMatchCategory" = "BootPolicy"
| | | "IOClass" = "BootPolicy"
| | | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | | "IOProviderClass" = "IOResources"
| | | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | | "IOUserClientClass" = "BootPolicyUserClient"
| | | "IOPowerManagement" = {"CapabilityFlags"=2,"MaxPowerState"=1,"CurrentPowerState"=1}
| | | "IOResourceMatch" = "IOBSD"
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o BootPolicyUserClient <class BootPolicyUserClient, id 0x100000b6c, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | | {
| | | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 387, syspolicyd"
| | | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o BootPolicyUserClient <class BootPolicyUserClient, id 0x100000bc2, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | | {
| | | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 346, kernelmanagerd"
| | | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o BootPolicyUserClient <class BootPolicyUserClient, id 0x100000bef, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | | {
| | | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 514, softwareupdated"
| | | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o BootPolicyUserClient <class BootPolicyUserClient, id 0x100024254, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | | {
| | | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 1092, SoftwareUpdateNo"
| | | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o BootPolicyUserClient <class BootPolicyUserClient, id 0x100028628, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | | {
| | | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 331, powerd"
| | | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | | }
| | |
| | +-o BootPolicyUserClient <class BootPolicyUserClient, id 0x100029df4, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 5>
| | {
| | "IOUserClientCreator" = "pid 17711, mobileactivation"
| | "IOUserClientDefaultLocking" = Yes
| | }
| |
| +-o com_apple_filesystems_hfs <class com_apple_filesystems_hfs, id 0x100000704, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 4>
| | {
| | "IOProbeScore" = 0
| | "CFBundleIdentifier" = ""
| | "IOMatchCategory" = "com_apple_filesystems_hfs"
| | "IOClass" = "com_apple_filesystems_hfs"
| | "IOPersonalityPublisher" = ""
| | "IOProviderClass" = "IOResources"
| | "CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = ""
| | "IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
| | "IOResourceMatch" = "IOBSD"
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