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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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  • Save patridge/8944332 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save patridge/8944332 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PowerPoint slide screenshots via AppleScript
tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
set slideShow to run slide show slide show settings of active presentation
set finalShotSize to 250
set oPres to active presentation
set desktopPath to (path to desktop)
set N to 1
-- Give presentation enough time to start.
delay 0.5
-- Loop over all slides in the presentation, setting currentSlide to the current slide in each loop.
repeat with currentSlide in (get every slide of oPres)
-- Get a path for capture.
set picPath to "/Users/{yourusername}/Desktop/Slides/Slide_" & N & ".png"
-- Setting to same path will overwrite original, if you don't need the original.
set picSmallPath to "/Users/{yourusername}/Desktop/Slides/Slide_" & N & "_small.png"
-- Run console command to trigger screencapture.
do shell script "screencapture -tpng " & quoted form of picPath
-- -R<x,y,w,h> (capture rect)
-- -s (mouse selection mode)
-- -w (window selection mode)
-- -c (capture to clipboard)
-- Give screenshot enough time to finish.
delay 0.3
-- Resize image to desired size.
-- NOTE: Does not verify final size is smaller.
tell application "Image Events"
set capturedImage to open picPath
scale capturedImage to size finalShotSize
save capturedImage in picSmallPath
close capturedImage
end tell
set N to N + 1
--tell active presentation to set currentSlide to slide N
tell application "System Events"
-- Press the space bar to advance slide
key code 49
end tell
-- Give slide change enough time to finish.
delay 0.3
end repeat
end tell
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NOTE: This probably fails spectacularly if you use any sort of animations/transitions. (EDIT: Current, this definitely fails with click-triggered animations. It also takes an extra shot for every hidden slide since the count doesn't exclude them.)

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Added ability to resize to desired final image width, scaled proportionally. Just set finalShotSize in the first variables to adjust (or remove that section entirely, if you don't like it).

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