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Last active November 7, 2017 23:15
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Types of tests you can write
# Testing
When writing automated tests there is a sea of terms out there for what your tests are doing or aim to do.
This gist is here as a cheat sheet for future reference.
## Unit test
Tests a small unit of the code, one test typically tests one branch (if, switch, for etc.) in one method.
Dependencies and interactions should be mocked to not affect the outcome of the test or invoke things
outside of the scope of the test.
## Smoke test
Simple suite of integration tests that do not test all the features of the environment. This is more for
checking for obvious mistakes. Sort of like checking if something is burning or not.
## Integration test
Tests how one unit talks to another. This can be as small as a class talking to another class or a whole
system setup, testing integration with the production environment. I would argue that Blackbox testing
falls under this category.
### - Blackbox/System test
Tests that perform operations with expected (or unexpected) data on the final product and verifies that
the result of the operation is what we would expect. However other systems being interacted with should
probably be mocked, otherwise this is more of an integration test.
## Regression test
This type of test is typically written when a bug is found to verify the bug's existence and to make
sure it does not come back. Could also be a test to record the current behaviour of a component to
later verify that the behaviour is kept when implementations change.
## Acceptance test
Much like an integration test but focuses more on a specific usecase rather than verifying integration
between two systems.
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