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Last active January 28, 2021 14:27
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{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
module Data.Logic.Final where
import Control.Applicative ( Applicative(liftA2) )
import Control.Monad ( replicateM )
import Data.Biapplicative ( (<<*>>)
, bipure
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
-- A tagless final encoding of boolean expressions --
class BoolSYM s where
{-# MINIMAL top, neg, (conj|disj) #-}
top :: s
bot :: s
bot = neg top
neg :: s -> s
conj :: s -> s -> s
conj s t = neg (neg s `disj` neg t)
disj :: s -> s -> s
disj s t = neg (neg s `conj` neg t)
-- Duplicator boilerplate (will come in handy later).
instance (BoolSYM a,BoolSYM b) => BoolSYM (a,b) where
top = (top, top)
bot = (bot, bot)
neg p = (neg, neg) <<*>> p
conj p q = (conj, conj) <<*>> p <<*>> q
disj p q = (disj, disj) <<*>> p <<*>> q
-- More duplicator boilerplate just in case.
instance (BoolSYM a,BoolSYM b,BoolSYM c) => BoolSYM (a,b,c) where
top = (top, top, top)
bot = (bot, bot, bot)
neg (s, t, u) = (neg s, neg t, neg u)
conj (s, t, u) (s', t', u') = (conj s s', conj t t', conj u u')
disj (s, t, u) (s', t', u') = (disj s s', disj t t', disj u u')
-- Newtype wrappers to distinguish between ascii and unicode strings.
newtype A = A String
newtype U = U String
-- An evaluator for printing boolean formulas as ascii strings.
instance BoolSYM A where
top = A "T"
bot = A "F"
neg (A s) = A $ "~" ++ s
conj (A s) (A t) = A $ "(" ++ s ++ "&" ++ t ++ ")"
disj (A s) (A t) = A $ "(" ++ s ++ "|" ++ t ++ ")"
viewA :: A -> String
viewA (A s) = s
-- An evaluator for printing boolean formulas as unicode strings.
instance BoolSYM U where
top = U "⊤"
bot = U "⊥"
neg (U s) = U $ "¬" ++ s
conj (U s) (U t) = U $ "(" ++ s ++ "∧" ++ t ++ ")"
disj (U s) (U t) = U $ "(" ++ s ++ "∨" ++ t ++ ")"
viewU :: U -> String
viewU (U s) = s
-- An evaluator for computing the value of a boolean formula.
instance BoolSYM Bool where
top = True
bot = False
neg = not
conj = (&&)
disj = (||)
eval :: Bool -> Bool
eval = id
-- Modular extension to propositional logic --
-- Integers are used as variables.
type Var = Int
-- An assignment is a mapping from variables to boolean values.
type Assignment = M.Map Var Bool
-- 'at' maps variables to expressions of propositional logic, which compose via the boolean operators.
-- N.b., we don't need to define the boolean operators again for propositional logic - this is the beauty
-- of the tagless final approach.
class BoolSYM s => PropSYM s where
at :: Var -> s
-- Some boilerplate duplicator instances.
instance (PropSYM a, PropSYM b) => PropSYM (a,b) where
at n = (at n, at n)
-- More boilerplate, just in case.
instance (PropSYM a, PropSYM b,PropSYM c) => PropSYM (a,b,c) where
at n = (at n, at n, at n)
-- Now we define an evaluator just for printing variables as ascii/unicode;
-- there's no need to redefine our evaluator for boolean formulas.
instance PropSYM A where
at = A . show
instance PropSYM U where
at = U . show
-- An evaluator for computing the set of variables in a formula.
instance BoolSYM (S.Set Var) where
top = S.empty
neg = id
conj = S.union
disj = S.union
instance PropSYM (S.Set Var) where
at n = S.singleton n
variables :: S.Set Var -> [Var]
variables = S.toList
-- A function from a set of variables, to the set of possible assignments.
universe :: S.Set Var -> [Assignment]
universe vs =
[ M.fromList [ (v, t) | v <- variables vs | t <- ts ]
| ts <- replicateM (length vs) [True, False]
-- We want to use a function from 'g' to 'Maybe a', since 'Map' doesn't have an applicative instance.
type Proposition = Assignment -> Maybe Bool
-- Since the semantic value of a propositional formula is richer, we do need to say how
-- boolean formulas are evaluated.
-- This takes advantage of the fact that '(->) Assignment' and 'Maybe' are applicative functors,
-- and the composition of two applicatives is an applicative.
-- N.b. we could encode this intuition directly using 'Data.Functor'.
instance BoolSYM Proposition where
top = (pure . pure) top
neg p = (fmap . fmap) neg p
conj p q = (liftA2 . liftA2) conj p q
disj p q = (liftA2 . liftA2) disj p q
-- The need for 'Maybe' comes from the 'lookup' function, although
-- in practice we'll never get a 'Nothing' value.
instance PropSYM Proposition where
at n g = M.lookup n g
evalProp :: Proposition -> Proposition
evalProp = id
-- Computes the set of verifying assignments for a formula.
verifiers :: (S.Set Var, Proposition) -> S.Set Assignment
verifiers (vs, p) = S.fromList [ g | g <- universe vs, p g == Just True ]
-- Computes the set of falsifying assignments for a formula.
falsifiers :: (S.Set Var, Proposition) -> S.Set Assignment
falsifiers (vs, p) = S.fromList [ g | g <- universe vs, p g == Just False ]
entails :: (S.Set Var, Proposition) -> (S.Set Var, Proposition) -> Bool
entails (vs, p) (us, q) =
let vs' = vs `S.union` us
in verifiers (vs', p) `S.isSubsetOf` verifiers (vs', q)
equiv :: (S.Set Var, Proposition) -> (S.Set Var, Proposition) -> Bool
equiv (vs, p) (us, q) =
let vs' = vs `S.union` us in verifiers (vs', p) == verifiers (vs', q)
data PropType = Tautology | Contradiction | Contingency deriving (Eq,Show)
propType :: (S.Set Var, Proposition) -> PropType
propType (vs, p) | universe vs == S.toList (verifiers (vs, p)) = Tautology
| universe vs == S.toList (falsifiers (vs, p)) = Contradiction
| otherwise = Contingency
isTautology :: (S.Set Var, Proposition) -> Bool
isTautology (vs, p) = propType (vs, p) == Tautology
isContradiction :: (S.Set Var, Proposition) -> Bool
isContradiction (vs, p) = propType (vs, p) == Contradiction
isContingency :: (S.Set Var, Proposition) -> Bool
isContingency (vs, p) = propType (vs, p) == Contingency
-- indeterminacy and formal alternatives --
newtype AltScalar s = AltScalar [s] deriving (Functor,Applicative,Semigroup,Monoid)
newtype AltS s = AltS [s] deriving (Functor,Applicative,Semigroup,Monoid)
instance BoolSYM s => BoolSYM (AltS s) where
top = pure top
bot = pure bot
neg p = neg <$> p
conj p q = (AltS [conj,disj] <*> p <*> q) <> p <> q
disj p q = (AltS [conj,disj] <*> p <*> q) <> p <> q
instance BoolSYM s => BoolSYM (AltScalar s) where
top = pure top
bot = pure bot
neg p = neg <$> p
conj p q = AltScalar [conj,disj] <*> p <*> q
disj p q = AltScalar [conj,disj] <*> p <*> q
instance PropSYM s => PropSYM (AltScalar s) where
at n = pure $ at n
instance PropSYM s => PropSYM (AltS s) where
at n = pure $ at n
scalarAlts :: AltScalar s -> [s]
scalarAlts (AltScalar ss) = ss
alts :: AltS s -> [s]
alts (AltS ss) = ss
viewScalarAlts :: AltScalar A -> [String]
viewScalarAlts (AltScalar as) = viewA <$> as
viewAlts :: AltS A -> [String]
viewAlts (AltS as) = viewA <$> as
tf1 :: PropSYM s => s
tf1 = at 1 `disj` at 2
tf2 :: PropSYM s => s
tf2 = tf1 `disj` at 3
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patrl commented Jan 26, 2021

From boolean to propositional formulas in the tagless final style (

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