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Forked from stzr1123/twoSum.scala
Last active November 4, 2019 21:10
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Interview type problems
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object ShittySolution {
// Given an array of integers, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to a specific target.
// You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution, and you may not use the same element twice.
// NB: More efficient solution would iterate once over the array and keep a Map of values and indicies
def twoSum(nums: Array[Int], target: Int): Array[Int] = {
for (idx <- 0 until nums.length - 1) {
for (idy <- idx + 1 until nums.length) {
if (nums(idx) + nums(idy) == target) {
return Array(idx, idy)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No solution exists")
def functionalTwoSum(nums: Array[Int], target: Int): Array[Int] = {
recursiveTwoSum(nums.zipWithIndex, target) match {
case Some((idx, idy)) => Array(idx, idy)
case None => throw new IllegalArgumentException("No solution exists")
def recursiveTwoSum(nums: Seq[(Int, Int)], target: Int): Option[(Int, Int)] = {
nums match {
case Nil => None
case head::tail => tail.find{
case (elem, _) => elem + head._1 == target
} match {
case Some((_: Int, idy: Int)) => Some(head._2, idy)
case None => recursiveTwoSum(tail, target)
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