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Created June 22, 2020 15:58
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create table profile
id bigserial not null
constraint profile_pkey
primary key,
first_name varchar(255) not null,
last_name varchar(255) not null,
username varchar(255) not null,
user_id varchar(255) not null,
created_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
last_inbox_fetch timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
profile_img_url varchar
alter table profile owner to oppmein;
create index profile_user_id_index
on profile (user_id);
create table "group"
id bigserial not null
constraint group_pkey
primary key,
name varchar(255) not null
constraint group_name_unique
description varchar(255) not null,
icon_image_url varchar(255) not null,
street varchar(255) not null,
city varchar(255) not null,
state varchar(255) not null,
zipcode varchar(255) not null,
phone varchar(255) not null,
owner_profile_id bigint not null
constraint group_owner_profile_id_foreign
references profile,
created_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
public boolean default false not null
alter table "group" owner to oppmein;
create table subgroup_pair
id bigserial not null
constraint subgroup_pair_pkey
primary key,
group_id bigint not null
constraint subgroup_pair_group_id_foreign
references "group",
subgroup_id bigint not null
constraint subgroup_pair_subgroup_id_foreign
references "group",
created_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null
alter table subgroup_pair owner to oppmein;
create table membership
id bigserial not null
constraint membership_pkey
primary key,
group_id bigint not null
constraint membership_group_id_foreign
references "group",
profile_id bigint not null
constraint membership_profile_id_foreign
references profile,
created_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null
alter table membership owner to oppmein;
create table post_type
id bigserial not null
constraint post_type_pkey
primary key,
name varchar(255) not null,
created_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
icon varchar not null,
position smallint,
active_icon varchar default ''::character varying not null,
color varchar(8) default '#ffffff'::character varying
alter table post_type owner to oppmein;
create table post
id bigserial not null
constraint post_pkey
primary key,
title varchar(255) not null,
description varchar not null,
street varchar(255) not null,
city varchar(255) not null,
state varchar(255) not null,
zipcode varchar(255) not null,
email varchar(255) not null,
phone varchar(255) not null,
confirmations_enabled boolean not null,
notifications_enabled boolean not null,
users_needed_count integer not null,
start_at timestamp with time zone not null,
expire_at timestamp with time zone not null,
host_profile_id bigint not null
constraint post_host_profile_id_foreign
references profile,
group_id bigint not null
constraint post_group_id_foreign
references "group",
post_type_id bigint not null
constraint post_post_type_id_foreign
references post_type,
created_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
image_url varchar,
public boolean default false not null
alter table post owner to oppmein;
create table invitations
id bigserial not null
constraint invitations_pkey
primary key,
invite_code varchar(8) not null,
inviter_id bigint not null
constraint invitations_inviter_id_foreign
references profile,
invited_id bigint
constraint invitations_profile_id_fk
references profile,
updated_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
created_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
alter table invitations owner to oppmein;
create table invitation_to_groups
group_id bigint not null
constraint invitation_to_groups_group_id_foreign
references "group"
on delete cascade,
invitation_id bigint not null
constraint invitation_to_groups_invitation_id_foreign
references invitations
on delete cascade
alter table invitation_to_groups owner to oppmein;
create table application
id bigserial not null
constraint application_pkey
primary key,
name varchar(255) not null,
post_id bigint not null
constraint application_post_id_foreign
references post,
profile_id bigint not null
constraint application_profile_id_foreign
references profile,
created_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
action integer not null,
read_at timestamp with time zone
alter table application owner to oppmein;
create table message
id bigserial not null
constraint comment_pkey
primary key,
message_body varchar(255),
author_id bigint not null
constraint comment_profile_id_foreign
references profile,
created_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
read_at timestamp with time zone
alter table message owner to oppmein;
create table connection
id serial not null
constraint connection_pkey
primary key,
responded_at timestamp with time zone,
requestor_profile_id bigint not null
constraint connection_requestor_profile_id_foreign
references profile,
requestee_profile_id bigint not null
constraint connection_requestee_profile_id_foreign
references profile,
created_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
updated_at timestamp with time zone default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
status integer default 0 not null,
constraint connection_requestor_profile_id_requestee_profile_id_key
unique (requestor_profile_id, requestee_profile_id)
alter table connection owner to oppmein;
create table message_to_post
id bigserial not null
constraint comment_to_post_pk
primary key,
message_id bigint not null
constraint comment_to_post_comment_id_fk
references message,
post_id bigint not null
constraint comment_to_post_post_id_fk
references post
alter table message_to_post owner to oppmein;
create table message_to_user
message_id bigint not null
constraint message_to_user_message_id_fk
references message
on update cascade,
user_id bigint not null
constraint message_to_user_profile_id_fk
references profile,
id bigserial not null
constraint message_to_user_pk
primary key
alter table message_to_user owner to oppmein;
create table group_requests
id bigserial not null
constraint group_requests_pk
primary key,
post_id bigint,
user_id bigint,
status text default 'pending'::text not null
alter table group_requests owner to oppmein;
create table group_to_subgroup
id serial not null
constraint group_to_subgroup_pk
primary key,
supergroup integer not null,
subgroup integer not null
alter table group_to_subgroup owner to oppmein;
create unique index group_to_subgroup_id_uindex
on group_to_subgroup (id);
create table hash_tags
id bigserial not null
constraint hash_tags_pk
primary key,
name varchar not null
alter table hash_tags owner to oppmein;
create unique index hash_tags_name_uindex
on hash_tags (name);
create table hash_tag_to_group
tag_id bigint not null
constraint hash_tag_to_group_hash_tags_id_fk
references hash_tags,
group_id bigint not null
constraint hash_tag_to_group_group_id_fk
references "group"
alter table hash_tag_to_group owner to oppmein;
create table hash_tag_to_post
tag_id bigint not null
constraint hash_tag_to_post_hash_tags_id_fk
references hash_tags,
post_id bigint not null
constraint hash_tag_to_post_post_id_fk
references post
alter table hash_tag_to_post owner to oppmein;
create table notification_object
id serial not null
constraint notification_pk
primary key,
entity_id bigint,
entity_type smallint not null,
status smallint not null,
created_at timestamp with time zone not null
alter table notification_object owner to oppmein;
create unique index notification_id_uindex
on notification_object (id);
create table notification_change
id serial not null
constraint notification_change_pk
primary key,
notification_object integer not null,
actor_id integer not null,
status smallint not null
alter table notification_change owner to oppmein;
create table notification
id serial not null,
notification_object_id integer not null,
notified_id integer not null,
status smallint not null
alter table notification owner to oppmein;
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