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Created November 24, 2011 08:32
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string sh-like interpolation based on audrey tang previous work
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Text.InterpolatedString.Interp (qc, q) where
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
data StringPart = Literal String | Binding String deriving Show
class ShowQ a where
showQ :: a -> String
instance ShowQ B.ByteString where
showQ = C8.unpack
instance ShowQ String where
showQ = id
instance ShowQ Integer where
showQ = show
unQC a [] = [Literal (reverse a)]
unQC a ('\\':x:xs) = unQC (x:a) xs
unQC a ('\\':[]) = unQC ('\\':a) []
unQC a ('}':xs) = Binding (reverse a) : parseQC [] xs
unQC a (x:xs) = unQC (x:a) xs
parseQC a [] = [Literal (reverse a)]
parseQC a ('\\':x:xs) = parseQC (x:a) xs
parseQC a ('\\':[]) = parseQC ('\\':a) []
parseQC a ('$':'{':xs) = Literal (reverse a) : unQC [] xs
parseQC a (x:xs) = parseQC (x:a) xs
makeExpr [] = [| "" |]
makeExpr ((Literal a):xs) = TH.appE [| (++) a |] $ makeExpr xs
makeExpr ((Binding a):xs) = TH.appE [| (++) (showQ $ $(TH.varE $ TH.mkName a)) |] $ makeExpr xs
-- | QuasiQuoter for interpolating '${expr}' into a string literal.
qc :: QuasiQuoter
qc = QuasiQuoter (makeExpr . parseQC [])
(error "Cannot use qc as a pattern")
(error "Cannot use qc as a type")
(error "Cannot use qc as a dec")
-- | QuasiQuoter for a non-interpolating string literal.
q :: QuasiQuoter
q = QuasiQuoter ((\a -> [|a|]))
(error "Cannot use q as a pattern")
(error "Cannot use q as a type")
(error "Cannot use q as a dec")
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