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Created February 2, 2012 16:05
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Haskell GADTs baby steps
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs , KindSignatures #-}
data Zero
data Succ a
data List :: * -> * -> * where
Nil :: List Zero a
Cons :: a -> List t a -> List (Succ t) a
data AnyList :: * -> * where
AnyList :: List t a -> AnyList a
safeHead :: List (Succ _t) a -> a
safeHead (Cons x _) = x
safeTail :: List (Succ t) a -> List t a
safeTail (Cons _ tl) = tl
safeFilter :: (a -> Bool) -> List _t a -> AnyList a
safeFilter _ Nil = AnyList Nil
safeFilter p (Cons hd tl)
| p hd = case safeFilter p tl of AnyList l -> AnyList $ Cons hd l
| otherwise = safeFilter p tl
-- essai
type P1 = Succ Zero
type P2 = Succ P1
type P3 = Succ P2
type P4 = Succ P3
l1 :: List P4 Integer
l1 = Cons 1 $ Cons 2 $ Cons 3 $ Cons 4 $ Nil
testFilter :: [Integer]
testFilter = case safeFilter (odd) l1 of AnyList l -> safeList2List l
safeList2List :: List _t a -> [a]
safeList2List Nil = []
safeList2List (Cons hd tl) = hd : safeList2List tl
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