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Created March 9, 2019 00:21
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module Main exposing (main)
-- import Api.Object.Deck
-- import Api.Query as Query
-- import Api.Scalar exposing (Id(..))
-- import Graphql.Operation exposing (RootQuery)
-- import Graphql.SelectionSet as SelectionSet exposing (SelectionSet)
import Browser
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class, src)
import Http
import Json.Decode as D
import Json.Decode.Extra as DE
import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (hardcoded, optional, required)
import JsonApi
import JsonApi.Decode
import JsonApi.Documents
import JsonApi.Resources
import Task exposing (..)
type alias DeckId =
type alias Model =
{ deckId : DeckId
, deck : Maybe Deck
type alias Deck =
{ name : String
, previewImage : String
deckDecoder : D.Decoder Deck
deckDecoder =
D.succeed Deck
|> required "name" D.string
|> required "preview_image" D.string
extractDeck : JsonApi.Document -> Result D.Error Deck
extractDeck doc =
resourceResult =
JsonApi.Documents.primaryResource doc
case resourceResult of
Err err ->
Debug.todo (Debug.toString err)
Ok maybeResource ->
case maybeResource of
Nothing ->
Debug.todo "whoops"
Just resource ->
JsonApi.Resources.attributes deckDecoder resource
getDeckResource : DeckId -> Cmd Message
getDeckResource deckId =
{ method = "GET"
, headers = [ Http.header "Accept" "application/json" ]
, url = "http://localhost:42080/decks/" ++ String.fromInt deckId
, body = Http.emptyBody
, expect = Http.expectJson GotDeck JsonApi.Decode.document
, timeout = Nothing
, tracker = Nothing
-- query : SelectionSet (Maybe Deck) RootQuery
-- query =
-- Query.deck { id = Id "2" } deckSelection
-- deckSelection : SelectionSet Deck Api.Object.Deck
-- deckSelection =
-- SelectionSet.map2 Deck
-- Deck.previewImage
type alias Flags =
{ deckId : DeckId }
flagsDecoder : D.Decoder Flags
flagsDecoder =
D.succeed Flags
|> required "deckId" DE.parseInt
init : D.Value -> ( Model, Cmd Message )
init flagJson =
flagsResult =
D.decodeValue flagsDecoder flagJson
case flagsResult of
Ok flags ->
( Model flags.deckId Nothing, getDeckResource flags.deckId )
Err err ->
Debug.todo (Debug.toString err)
( Model 42, Cmd.none )
section : List (Attribute msg) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg
section attrs content =
div (attrs ++ [ class "section" ]) content
container : List (Attribute msg) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg
container attrs content =
div (attrs ++ [ class "container" ]) content
level : List (Attribute msg) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg
level attrs content =
div (attrs ++ [ class "level" ]) content
levelLeft : List (Attribute msg) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg
levelLeft attrs content =
div (attrs ++ [ class "level-left" ]) content
levelItem : List (Attribute msg) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg
levelItem attrs content =
div (attrs ++ [ class "level-item" ]) content
view : Model -> Html Message
view model =
case model.deck of
Just deck ->
section []
[ container []
[ level []
[ levelLeft []
[ levelItem []
[ figure []
[ p [ class "image is-128x128 card-art" ]
[ img [ src deck.previewImage ] []
Nothing ->
h1 [ class "title" ]
[ text "Hello Deck Editor!"
, h2 [ class "title" ] [ text "Deck load error" ]
type Message
= GotDeck (Result Http.Error JsonApi.Document)
update : Message -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Message )
update message model =
case ( message, model ) of
( GotDeck result, _ ) ->
case result of
Ok doc ->
maybeDeck =
extractDeck doc
deck =
case maybeDeck of
Ok res ->
Err err ->
Debug.todo (Debug.toString err)
newModel =
{ model | deck = Just deck }
( newModel, Cmd.none )
Err err ->
Debug.todo (Debug.toString err)
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Message
subscriptions model =
main : Program D.Value Model Message
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
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