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Last active November 15, 2023 19:29
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Remove duplicates from your 1Password vault
# use instead for v2 support
import dateutil.parser
import subprocess
import tldextract
import argparse
import datetime
import shlex
import json
dry_run = False
prompt = True
vaults = {}
def run(cmd):
return, check=True, capture_output=True, text=True).stdout
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print(e.stderr.strip() or f'Error running command `{cmd}`')
def domain_parts(item):
if not 'domain_parts' in item:
item['domain_parts'] = [tldextract.extract(url=node['u']) for node in item.get('overview', {}).get('URLs', [])]
return item['domain_parts']
def domains(item):
s = set()
for d in domain_parts(item):
if d.subdomain == 'www':
d = (d.domain, d.suffix)
s.add('.'.join(p for p in d if p))
return s
def root_domains(item):
return set('.'.join(p for p in (d.domain, d.suffix) if p) for d in domain_parts(item))
def username(item):
return item['overview']['ainfo']
def password(item):
return details(item)['password']
def otp(item):
return details(item)['one-time password']
def details(item):
if not 'details' in item:
item['details'] = json.loads(run(f'op get item {item["uuid"]} --fields "username,password,one-time password"'))
return item['details']
def delete(item):
if dry_run:
print(f'To delete duplicate item {username(item)} with password {password(item)} in vault {vaults[item["vaultUuid"]]} for site{"s" if len(domains(item)) > 1 else ""} {", ".join(domains(item))}, run again without the dry run flag')
item['trashed'] = 'Y'
if prompt:
confirm = input(f'Are you sure you want to delete duplicate item {username(item)} with password {password(item)} in vault {vaults[item["vaultUuid"]]} for site{"s" if len(domains(item)) > 1 else ""} {", ".join(domains(item))}? (Y/n): ')
if confirm != 'Y':
run(f'op delete item {item["uuid"]}')
print(f'Deleted duplicate item {username(item)} for site{"s" if len(domains(item)) > 1 else ""} {", ".join(domains(item))}')
item['trashed'] = 'Y'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Remove duplicate logins from your 1Password vault')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dry-run', action='store_true', help='Output the items to be removed without actually removing them')
parser.add_argument('-y', '--yes', action='store_true', help="Don't prompt for delete confirmation")
parser.add_argument('--vault', metavar='[vault id]', help='Only search for duplicates in the specified vault')
parser.add_argument('--tag', metavar='[tag id]', action='append', help='Only search for duplicates with the specified tags')
args = parser.parse_args()
dry_run = args.dry_run
prompt = not args.yes
vaults = {v['uuid']: v['name'] for v in json.loads(run('op list vaults'))}
cmd = 'op list items --categories Login'
if args.vault:
cmd += f' --vault {args.vault}'
if args.tag:
cmd += f' --tags {",".join(args.tag)}'
items = json.loads(run(cmd))
logins = (item for item in items if int(item['templateUuid']) == 1)
uniq = {}
for new in logins:
if new['trashed'] == 'Y':
for d in root_domains(new):
ex = uniq[(d, username(new))]
except KeyError:
uniq[(d, username(new))] = new
if ex['trashed'] == 'Y':
if domains(new) != domains(ex) and password(new) != password(ex):
if (otp(new) and not otp(ex)) or (len(password(new)) > len(password(ex))):
uniq[(d, username(ex))] = new
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Of course - I'd been meaning to update it myself to work with the new CLI but never got round it. Let me know if you have any issues.

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Thanks! Feel free to try it out and see if it works for you. There are a few things I haven't tested yet.


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murphis123 commented Jul 17, 2023

Hello everyone. I am new to using python scripting and I'm sure I'm making some kind of mistake, but when I run the program I get this response:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 198, in _run_module_as_main
File "", line 88, in _run_code
File "/Users/samurphis/Downloads/1Password-Deduplicator-master/", line 2, in
import tldextract
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tldextract'

Any ideas on what mistake I'm making here?

Update: poking around on the web led me to using this pip3 install tldextract and now it runs :)

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This no longer works with 1Password for Mac 8.10.22 (81022007)

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This script only works with the CLI v1. You'll need to install it manually by downloading the old CLI from and following the manual install instructions here -

You'll probably need to uninstall the new CLI first if you have that installed.

I'll update it when I get a chance, but feel free to submit a PR to @ben-hampson 's repo if you want v2 support.

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Sorry just seen @ben-hampson has already updated it to work with the new version. Check out the repo here -

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