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Created October 3, 2011 05:45
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PushFrenzy game = (($, JSON) ->
updateScoreboard = (gameState) ->
for name, player of gameState.players
.html(name + ': ' + player.score)
.css('color', player.color)
render = (gameState) ->
canvas = document.getElementById('gamecanvas')
if canvas? and canvas.getContext?
context = canvas.getContext('2d')
if context?
renderInfo =
canvasWidth: canvas.width
canvasHeight: canvas.height
cellWidth: canvas.width / gameState.grid.width
cellHeight: canvas.height / gameState.grid.height
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
renderGrid(context, gameState.grid, renderInfo)
renderPlayers(context, gameState.players, renderInfo)
renderSweep(context, gameState.sweep, renderInfo)
renderSweep = (context, sweep, renderInfo) ->
startX = sweep.start.x * renderInfo.cellWidth
startY = sweep.start.y * renderInfo.cellHeight
width = (1 + sweep.end.x - sweep.start.x) * renderInfo.cellWidth
height = (1 + sweep.end.y - sweep.start.y) * renderInfo.cellHeight
context.fillStyle = 'rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.2)'
context.fillRect(startX, startY, width, height)
renderGrid = (context, grid, renderInfo) ->
context.strokeStyle = '#000'
for x in [0..grid.width-1]
context.strokeRect(x * renderInfo.cellWidth, 0, renderInfo.cellWidth, renderInfo.canvasHeight)
for y in [0..grid.height-1]
context.strokeRect(0, y * renderInfo.cellHeight, renderInfo.canvasWidth, renderInfo.cellHeight)
renderPlayers = (context, players, renderInfo) ->
for name, player of players
context.fillStyle = player.color
context.fillRect(player.x * renderInfo.cellWidth, player.y * renderInfo.cellHeight, renderInfo.cellWidth, renderInfo.cellHeight)
for pieceIndex, piece of player.pieces
drawCircle(context, piece.x, piece.y, renderInfo, 0.3)
if is game.myName
drawCross(context, player.x, player.y, renderInfo)
drawCircle = (context, x, y, renderInfo, radiusRatio) ->
centerX = (x * renderInfo.cellWidth) + (renderInfo.cellWidth / 2)
centerY = (y * renderInfo.cellHeight) + (renderInfo.cellHeight / 2)
context.arc(centerX, centerY, Math.min(renderInfo.cellWidth, renderInfo.cellHeight) * radiusRatio, 0, Math.PI * 2, true)
drawCross = (context, x, y, renderInfo) ->
centerX = (x * renderInfo.cellWidth) + (renderInfo.cellWidth / 2)
centerY = (y * renderInfo.cellHeight) + (renderInfo.cellHeight / 2)
context.strokeStyle = '#000'
context.moveTo(centerX - (renderInfo.cellWidth / 3), centerY)
context.lineTo(centerX + (renderInfo.cellWidth / 3), centerY)
context.moveTo(centerX, centerY - (renderInfo.cellHeight / 3))
context.lineTo(centerX, centerY + (renderInfo.cellHeight / 3))
updateHandlers =
NewGame: (gameState, stateUpdate) ->
gameState.grid = stateUpdate.dimensions
PlayerAdded: (gameState, stateUpdate) ->
gameState.players[] = stateUpdate
gameState.players[].pieces = []
gameState.players[].score = 0
PlayerMoved: (gameState, stateUpdate) ->
player = gameState.players[stateUpdate.player]
player.x = stateUpdate.x
player.y = stateUpdate.y
PieceAdded: (gameState, stateUpdate) ->
PieceMoved: (gameState, stateUpdate) ->
match = $.grep(
(piece, index) -> piece.x is stateUpdate.origin.x and piece.y is stateUpdate.origin.y
match[0].x = stateUpdate.destination.x
match[0].y = stateUpdate.destination.y
PieceRemoved: (gameState, stateUpdate) ->
player = gameState.players[stateUpdate.owner]
player.pieces = $.grep(
(piece, index) -> not (piece.x is stateUpdate.x and piece.y is stateUpdate.y)
SweepUpdated: (gameState, stateUpdate) ->
gameState.sweep = stateUpdate
ScoresUpdated: (gameState, stateUpdate) ->
for index, score of stateUpdate.scores
gameState.players[].score = score.value
PlayerRemoved: (gameState, stateUpdate) ->
delete gameState.players[]
$('#messages').prepend('<div>' + + ' left.</div>')
game =
createNewGameState: -> {
grid: {}
players: {}
start: { x: 0, y: 0 }
end: { x: 0, y: 9 }
processMessage: (gameState, stringPayload) ->
stateUpdates = JSON.parse(stringPayload)
for index, updateItem of stateUpdates
updateHandlers[updateItem.type](gameState, updateItem.body)
)(jQuery, JSON)
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