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Created June 15, 2009 16:06
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-- Settings --
set projects_root to "~/Sites" -- where you keep your projects
set presets to {"project/projectname"} -- sub directories to “project_root'”
set visor_enabled to false -- if you use Visor “”, set this to true
set rails_server_command to "tail -f log/development.log" -- My `ss` bash function will use the next available port ( so I can run multiple rails projects at once. if you don't have a `ss` alias/script, just use `./script/server` for mongrel/thin etc. If you're on mod_rails, just `tail -f log/development.log`
-- Run it
global rails_dir, min_window_count, presets, projects_root, visor_enabled, rails_server_command
-- Main start function
on main()
my set_minimum_window_count()
tell application "Terminal"
set rails_dir to my ask_for_rails_project_directory()
if not my rails_dir_exists() then
display alert ¬
"Project is not a valid Rails directory" message ¬
"The directory doesn't seem to contain some folders a Rails project usually do. Please check your path." as warning
my open_rails_tabs()
end if
end tell
end main
on set_minimum_window_count()
if visor_enabled then
set min_window_count to 2 -- Visor SIMBL seems to use 2 windows for itself
set min_window_count to 0
end if
end set_minimum_window_count
on ask_for_rails_project_directory()
set project_directory to ¬
{choose from list presets ¬
with title ¬
"Choose Ruby on Rails project" OK button name ¬
"Open Project" cancel button name ¬
"Other Project..." default items ¬
(first item of presets) with prompt "Choose any predefined project (in \"" & projects_root & "/\")"}
-- If no project selected (i.e. clicked on Cancel), ask user to manually enter a project's path
if project_directory = {false} then
set project_directory to the text returned of (display dialog ¬
"Please Enter the Path to Your Rails Directory" default answer ¬
projects_root as text)
set project_directory to projects_root & "/" & project_directory
end if
return project_directory
end ask_for_rails_project_directory
on rails_dir_exists()
set dir_exists to false
do shell script "cd " & rails_dir & " && [[ -x app ]] && [[ -x config ]] && echo exists"
if text of result is "exists" then
set dir_exists to true
set dir_exists to false
end if
on error
set dir_exists to false
end try
return dir_exists as boolean
end rails_dir_exists
on open_rails_tabs()
tell application "Terminal" to do script
my open_tab("Server", rails_server_command)
my open_tab("Autospec", "AUTOFEATURE=true autospec")
my open_tab("Console", "./script/console")
my open_tab("Rails Directory", "clear") -- I use `mater` from instead of `mate .`
my open_tab("MySQL", "m")
my open_tab("Remote", "clear")
end open_rails_tabs
on open_tab(title, the_command)
tell application "Terminal" to activate
my create_new_window_or_tabs()
tell application "Terminal" to ¬
do script with command ("cd " & rails_dir & "&& unset PROMPT_COMMAND && echo -n -e \"\\e]0;" & title & "\\a\" && " & the_command) ¬
in last tab of window 1
end open_tab
on create_new_window_or_tabs()
if (count of windows of application "Terminal") ≤ min_window_count then
tell application "Terminal" to do script "" -- create a new window
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Terminal" to keystroke "t" using command down
end if
end create_new_window_or_tabs
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