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Created February 10, 2009 13:37
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Save paulca/61386 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
room: Room
name: Room name
description: Room description
max_size: Room size limit
link_color: Choose link color
background_color: Choose header background color
logo: Choose logo
login: Username
firstname: First name
lastname: Last name
email: Email
job_title: Job title
company: Company
phone: Business phone
cellphone: Cell phone
im: IM
locale: Language
avatar: Photo
# The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation
# The value :count is available when applicable. Can be used for pluralization.
inclusion: "is not included in the list"
exclusion: "is reserved"
invalid: "is invalid"
confirmation: "doesn't match confirmation"
accepted: "must be accepted"
empty: "can't be empty"
blank: "can't be blank"
too_long: "is too long (maximum is {{count}} characters)"
too_short: "is too short (minimum is {{count}} characters)"
wrong_length: "is the wrong length (should be {{count}} characters)"
taken: "has already been taken"
not_a_number: "is not a number"
greater_than: "must be greater than {{count}}"
greater_than_or_equal_to: "must be greater than or equal to {{count}}"
equal_to: "must be equal to {{count}}"
less_than: "must be less than {{count}}"
less_than_or_equal_to: "must be less than or equal to {{count}}"
odd: "must be odd"
even: "must be even"
# Use the strftime parameters for formats.
# When no format has been given, it uses default.
# You can provide other formats here if you like!
default: "%Y-%m-%d"
short: "%b %d"
long: "%B %d, %Y"
day_names: [Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday]
abbr_day_names: [Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat]
# Don't forget the nil at the beginning; there's no such thing as a 0th month
month_names: [~, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December]
abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec]
# Used in date_select and datime_select.
order: [ :year, :month, :day ]
default: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
short: "%d %b %H:%M"
long: "%B %d, %Y %H:%M"
am: "am"
pm: "pm"
# Used in array.to_sentence.
sentence_connector: "and"
skip_last_comma: false
new: New
edit: Edit
delete: Delete
save: Save
submit: Submit
continue: Continue
cancel: Cancel
welcome: "Welcome, {{username}}!"
save_changes: Save changes
at: at
in: in
ok: OK
or: or
post: Post
access_denied: Access denied
select_action: Select action
go: Go
mb: MB
gb: GB
kb: KB
bytes: B
delete: Delete
loading: Loading...
tips: Tips
expand_all: Expand all
collapse_all: Collapse all
"on": "On"
"off": "Off"
return_to_root: "Return to ftopia"
january: January
february: February
march: March
april: April
may: May
june: June
july: July
august: August
september: September
october: October
november: November
december: December
select_month: Select month
expiry_date: Expiry date
expiry_month: Expiry month
expiry_year: Expiry year
invalid_card_type: 'Invalid card type.'
enter_number: 'Please enter your card number.'
bad_number: "Unable to recognise the card number you entered. Please check the digits."
enter_cvv: 'Please enter your CVV number.'
full_cvv: 'Please enter all digits of your CVV number.'
expiry_in_past: 'The expiry date you chose is in the past.'
expiry_date_invalid: 'Invalid expiry date.'
name_required: 'Please enter the cardholder name.'
footer: "Powered by ftopia&trade;. Use of this website constitutes acceptance of the <a href=\"{{tos_path}}\">Terms of use</a>. We care about your <a href=\"{{privacy_path}}\">Privacy</a>. Copyright &copy; ftopia. All rights reserved.<br/>Feedback? Let us know <a href=\"\"></a>"
signup: Sign up
login: Sign in
logout: Sign out
heading: Create your account
about_admin: This is the master log in for your account. Once you have set up your master account, you can invite other users to share files.
card_details: Enter your credit card details
new_address: Create your FTOPIA address
explain_address: "Every FTOPIA site has its own unique web address. This is where you'll login. For example, if you wanted your FTOPIA site to be at you'd enter foo in the field below. Letters and numbers only — no spaces."
# Dashboard sidebar
rooms: Rooms
members: Members
settings: Settings
account: Account
reports: Reports
my_profile: My profile
help: Help
welcome: Welcome to FTOPIA
no_rooms: You have not yet been added to any rooms. {{admin}} is the owner of the account, who you can contact to get you set up.
new: Add a new room
name: Room name
description: Room description
size_limit: Room size limit
select_room: Select room
filter_by: Filter rooms by
all: All rooms
active: Active rooms
updated_this_week: Rooms updated this week
updated_this_month: Rooms updated this month
archived: Archived rooms
sort_by: Sort by
a_to_z: A to Z
last_updated: Last updated
no_rooms: You have not created any rooms yet.
no_rooms_matched: No rooms could be found.
create_room_and_customize: Create room and customize
save_room_settings: Save room settings
invite_users: Invite users
cancel_room_creation: Cancel room creation
permissions_saved: Permissions saved. If you added any new users, they'll get an email.
room_saved: Room details were saved.
upgrade_account: You don't have enough space left on your account to add a new room. Please <a href="{{link}}">upgrade your account</a> to allocate more space
dashboard: Account admin
documents: Documents
message_board: Message board
categories: Categories
filter: Filter
all_documents: All Documents
search: Search
status: Status
before: Before
between_dates: Between dates
after: After
by: By
any: Any
anyone: Anyone
choose_dates: 'Choose date(s)'
sent: "{{user}} was invited to {{room}}"
used: Used
out_of: of
last_update: "Last updated on {{last_updated_at}}"
used_space: "{{amount}} used"
display_room: Open this room
display_members: Members
customize: Customize room
archive: Archive
restore: Restore
delete: Delete this room
confirm_archive: Confirm archive
confirm_delete: Confirm delete
manage_users: Manage users
describe: Describe your new room
customize: Customize room
add_users: Add users to room
manage_users: Manage users in room
link_color: Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping.
background_color: Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping.
background_tone: Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping.
logo: Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping.
default_category: Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping.
default_state: Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping.
add_category: Add category
add_status: Add status
document_categories: Document categories
document_status: Document status
no_category: No category
no_status: No status
no_categories: No categories have been set up
no_states: No default states have been set up
default_status: Default status
explain_default_status: The status checked below will be pre-selected when uploading a new document
default_category: Default category
explain_default_category: The category checked below will be pre-selected when uploading a new document
remove_logo: Remove logo
delete_category: Delete category
delete_state: Delete state
not_enough_space: You do not have enough space on your current plan to create this room
not_null: The Room size limit cannot be nothing.
announcement: Enter a message to be displayed to all members of this room
edit_announcement: Edit room announcement
total_max: "Space remaining:"
archived: "(archived)"
archived_explanation: "This room has been archived. None of the files are available."
new_category: New category
new_status: New status
return_to_rooms: Return to rooms list
add_new: Add a new member
new: New member
no_members: You have not added any members yet.
permissions: Set member's permissions
revoke_admin: Revoke admin permissions
grant_admin: Grant admin permissions
filter_by: Filter members by
invite: Invite
role: Role
admin_user: Admin user
standard_user: Standard user
phone: Phone
email: E-mail
revoke_admin: Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping.
grant_admin: Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping.
all: All members
company: Filter by company
sort_by: Sort members by
lastname: Last name
company: Company
firstname: First name
lastname: Last name
remember: Remember login?
email: Email
login: Username
job_title: Job title
company: Company
phone: Business phone
cellphone: Cell phone
im: IM
photo: Photo
auto_add: Automatically add as a contributor to new rooms
edit: Edit member
invite_to_room: Invite to room
forgot_subdomain: If you don’t remember the subdomain of your account, check your notification emails or contact us at <a href=""></a>
forgot_password: Forgot password
reset_password: Reset password
confirm_reset_password: Confirm reset
delete: Delete
confirm_delete: Delete {{user}}
member_of: Member of
roles: Roles
no_permissions: This user has not been assigned any permissions yet.
role: Role
visitor: Visitor
contributor: Contributor
no_permissions: This member does not have access to any rooms.
remove_picture: Remove picture
change_password: Change password
password: Password
password_again: Password again
profile_updated: Your profile has been saved
updated: Saved account details for {{name}}
created: Successfully created an account for {{name}}. They have been emailed their details, with a temporary password.
permissions_saved: Permissions were saved for {{name}}
grant_admin: Admin permissions were granted to {{name}}
revoke_admin: Admin permisisons were revoked from {{name}}
avatar: Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping.
customize: Customize your site
default_categories: Base document categories
explain_default_categories: The category highlighted below will be set as the default category when you create a new room
default_status: Base document status
explain_default_status: The status highlighted below will be set as the default category when you create a new room
site_title: Site title
color_scheme: Color scheme
background_color: Choose header background color
link_color: Choose link color
background_tone: Choose header text color
light: Light
dark: Dark
sidebar: Sidebar
left: Left
right: Right
domain: Domain
ssl_encryption: SSL encryption
no_categories: No default document categories have been set up
no_states: No default status has been set up
saved: Your settings were saved.
name: Name
new_category: New category
new_status: New status
link_color: Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping.
background_color: Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping.
background_tone: Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping.
ssl_encryption: Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping.
logo: Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping.
default_category: Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping.
default_state: Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping.
subdomain: Subdomain
saved: Account details saved
owner: Owner
my_account: My account
current_account_owner: Current account owner
change_owner: Change owner
billing_information: Billing information
company: Company
address: Address
town_city: Town/City
zipcode: Zip/Postal code
country: Country
timezone: Time zone
subdomain_name: NAME
plan_pricing: Your {{plan}} plan is {{currency}}{{price}} per month
explain_trial: Your 30-day free trial will end at midnight on {{date}}. If you keep your account open past that time you'll be charged {{currency}}{{price}}/month for the service. If you don't want to continue using ftopia, just cancel before you're billed on {{date}} and you won't be charged.
month_to_month: ftopia is month-to-month, cancel at any time
no_signup_fee: ftopia does not charge sign-up fees, cancellation fees, or make you sign long-term contracts.
login_address: You will log in at this address
not_available: The subdomain {{subdomain}} is not available. Please try another.
free_chosen: You have selected the Free plan
free_explanation: There is no time limit on the free plan — you can use it for free as long as you'd like. You can always upgrade to a paying plan later if you need to share more files.
plan: Plan
change_plan: Change plan
current_plan: Current plan
current_rate: Current rate
member_since: Member since
next_charge: Next charge
free_charge: Never
current_card: Current card
change_card: Change card
update_card: Update your credit card details
review_and_accept: Review and accept the terms of use
accept_terms: "Please accept the terms"
credit_card_required: Please enter your credit card details
space_used_must_be_less_than_plan: You are using more space than that plan allows. Please delete some files.
users_must_be_less_than_plan: You have too many users on your account. The {{plan}} plan allows {{allowed}} users. You currently have {{users}} users. Please remove some users before you downgrade.
rooms_must_be_less_than_plan: You have too many rooms on your account. Please remove some rooms.
close_account: Close account
billing_history: Billing history
no_billing_history: You have not yet been charged.
select_year: Select year
close_account_info: By closing your account, you will no longer be charged a monthly fee, but you will lose all your files, rooms, and members.
close_account_confirm: Are you sure? By closing your account, you will lose all your files, rooms, and members. There is no undo.
upgrade_info: You can upgrade your account for free at any time. You won't be charged for the upgrade until next month's billing cycle.
see_plan_details: Click here to see plan details
select_country: Select your country
number: Card number
cvv: Security code
cardholder_name: Cardholder name
terms: I accept the terms and conditions and privacy policy
upload: Upload document
upload_button: Upload file(s)
no_documents: No documents have been uploaded yet
no_documents_search: No documents match your search
updating_file_list: Updating file list...
choose_file: Choose file(s)
version_initial: v
file_too_big: The file you selected is too big. Files must be less than 50{{megabytes}}.
empty_file: "The file you selected is empty. Please select another file."
invalid_filetype: "The file you choose is not an allowed file type."
standard_error: "An error occurred in the upload. Try again later."
queue_limit_exceeded: You have attempted to upload too many files. You may only upload 5 files at a time.
not_enough_space: There is not enough space in this room to upload that file
name: Document name
version: Ver
file: Upload file
category: Category
status: Status
description: Description
uploaded_on: Uploaded on
contributor: Contributor
category: Category
current_version: Current version
new_version: New version
state_not_set: None
category_not_set: None
no_description_available: No description
not_enough_space: There is not enough space in that room
select_action: Select action
upload_new_version: Upload new version
download: Download
copy_to: Copy to
move_to: Move to
clean_version: Delete older versions
delete: Delete this version
multi_delete: Delete selected
multi_copy_to: Copy selected to
multi_move_to: Move selected to
confirm_clean: Confirm delete
confirm_delete: Confirm delete
confirm_multi_delete: Are you sure you want to delete these documents? This can not be un-done.
moved_to: Document was moved to {{room}}
multi_moved_to: The selected documents were moved to {{room}}
copied_to: Document was copied to {{room}}
multi_copied_to: The selected documents were copied to {{room}}
cleaned: All previous versions of {{file}} were deleted
multi_delete: The selected documents were deleted
confirm_multi_delete: Confirm delete
queue_limit_exceeded: Please choose only one file to upload as a new version
filename: "You must choose a file to upload"
not_enough_space: There is not enough space left in this room.
upload_complete: Upload complete
upload_failed: Upload failed
filename_exists: A file with that name already exists
no_messages: No messages have been posted to this room yet.
post: Post a message
message: Message
posted_on: Posted on
email_members: Email Room members?
total_space_used: Used / available space
space_used_per_room: Used space per room
volume_uploads_per_member: Volume of uploads per member
number_uploads_per_member: Number of uploads per member
volume_downloads_per_member: Volume of downloads per member
number_downloads_per_member: Number of downloads per member
downloads_per_document: Downloads per document
used_space_per_room: Used space per room
member_activity: Member activity
document_history: Document history
change_report: Change report
back_to_report: 'Back to report'
no_report: That report does not exist
space_used: "Used {{amount}}"
space_available: "Available {{amount}}"
uploads: uploads
downloads: downloads
document: Document
size: Size
by: By
room: Room
date: Date
version: Version
room: Room
action: Action
no_audits: No user activity has been logged for this member
upload: Uploaded
download: Downloaded
update: Updated
copy: Copied
move: Moved
delete: Deleted
choose_plan: Choose your plan
description: Signup is quick and easy
max: Maxi
max_description: Perfect for larger companies
max_space: 10GB
mid: Midi
mid_description: Our mid-range package
mid_space: 5GB
min: Mini
min_space: 1GB
min_description: Ideal for startups
free: Free
free_description: Great for getting started
free_space: 10MB
user: user
room: room
get_started: "Get started with {{name}}"
upgrade: Upgrade to {{name}}
description: 1 month FTOPIA subscription
bill: Your FTOPIA bill
company_info: "FTOPIA Limited\n
Address line #1\n
Address line #2"
bill_to: Bill to
date: Bill date
invoice_number: Invoice number
description: Description
price: Price
footer: Footer text goes here
forgot_your_password: Forgot Your Password?
enter_email: Enter your email address
reset_password: Reset password
link_sent: "A link to change your password has been sent to {{email}}."
link_sent_to_member: "A link has been sent to {{email}} with instructions on changing their password."
reset_your_password: Reset your password
enter_new_password: "{{name}}, please enter a new password and confirm it."
update_password: Update Password
email_required: Please include a valid email address
user_required: We could not find anyone with that email address on this account
invalid_link: The change password URL you visited is either invalid or expired.
password_updated: Password was successfully updated.
invalid_password: The password you chose was invalid. Please enter a password at least 6 characters long.
subject: "Your account on FTOPIA has been set up"
body: "Hi {{username}},
A new account has been set up for you on FTOPIA.
You can now view and share files with your team-mates on the site.
Your username is: {{username}}
Your password is: {{password}}
Here is your link to get started:
subject: "You changed your username on FTOPIA"
body: "Hi {{username}},
You changed your username. Your details are below:
Login URL: {{url}}
Username: {{username}}
subject: "You changed your password on FTOPIA"
body: "Hi {{username}},
You changed your password. Details are below:
Login URL: {{url}}
Username: {{username}}
Password: {{password}}
subject: "You changed your username and password on FTOPIA"
body: "Hi {{username}},
You changed your username and password. Details are below:
Login URL: {{url}}
Username: {{username}}
Password: {{password}}
subject: "Your admin account on FTOPIA has been set up"
body: "Hi {{username}},
Thanks for setting up an account on FTOPIA.
You can now view and share files with your team-mates on the site.
Username: {{username}}
Password: {{password}}
Here is your link to get started:
subject: "You have requested to change your password"
body: "{{username}},
You have requested to change your password on FTOPIA.
You can change your password at this url:
subject: "New message in {{room}}"
body: "{{username}},
{{poster}} has posted a new message in {{room}}:
Click below to view the message board:
subject: "You've been invited to view files in {{room}}"
body: "{{username}},
You've been invited to view files in {{room}}
Click below to access this room:
subject: "You've been invited to share and contribute files in {{room}}"
body: "{{username}},
You've been invited to share and contribute files in {{room}}
Click below to access this room:
subject: "A new file has been uploaded in {{room}}"
body: "{{username}},
{{uploader}} has uploaded a new file ({{filename}}) in {{room}}.
Click below to download:
Click below to view the room:
subject: "Plan upgraded to {{plan_name}}"
body: "{{username}},
Thank you for upgrading your account!
This is to confirm that you are now on the {{plan_name}} plan on ftopia.
You will be charged €{{price}} per month.
subject: "Plan downgraded to {{plan_name}}"
body: "{{username}},
This is to confirm that you are now on the {{plan_name}} plan on ftopia.
You will be charged €{{price}} per month.
subject: "Your account on ftopia has been cancelled"
body: "{{username}},
Thank you for using ftopia. We're sorry to see you leave and we'll be right here should you choose to avail of our service again.
english: English
french: French
welcome: Welcome to the FTOPIA help section.
user_login: User login tip
avatar: User avatar tip
?International Date Line West:"(GMT-11:00) International Date Line West"
accept_terms: "Please accept the terms"
address: Adresse
billing_history: "Historique de facturation"
billing_information: "Information de facturation"
change_card: "Changer la carte de paiement"
change_owner: "Changer le gestionnaire"
change_plan: "Change plan"
close_account: "Fermer le compte"
close_account_confirm: "Etes-vous certain de demander la fermeture de votre compte ? Cette opération entraine la suppression de vos documents, de vos espaces et de vos utilisateurs. Elle ne peut pas être annulée."
close_account_info: "La fermeture du compte entraine automatiquement l'arrêt des paiements mensuels. Vos documents, vos espaces et vos utilisateurs seront supprimés définitivement."
company: Organisation
country: Pays
cardholder_name: "Cardholder name"
cvv: "Security code"
number: "Card number"
credit_card_required: "Please enter your credit card details"
current_account_owner: "Gestionnaire du compte"
current_card: "Carte bancaire"
current_plan: "Plan actuel"
current_rate: "Montant de l'abonnement"
explain_trial: "Your 30-day free trial will end at midnight on {{date}}. If you keep your account open past that time you'll be charged {{currency}}{{price}}/month for the service. If you don't want to continue using ftopia, just cancel before you're billed on {{date}} and you won't be charged."
free_charge: Never
free_chosen: "You have selected the Free plan"
free_explanation: "There is no time limit on the free plan — you can use it for free as long as you'd like. You can always upgrade to a paying plan later if you need to share more files."
login_address: "You will log in at this address"
member_since: "Compte ouvert depuis"
month_to_month: "ftopia is month-to-month, cancel at any time"
my_account: "Mon compte"
next_charge: "Prochain paiement"
no_billing_history: "You have not yet been charged"
no_signup_fee: "ftopia does not charge sign-up fees, cancellation fees, or make you sign long-term contracts."
not_available: "The subdomain {{subdomain}} is not available. Please try another."
owner: Owner
plan: Plan
plan_pricing: "Your {{plan}} plan is {{currency}}{{price}} per month"
review_and_accept: "Review and accept the terms of use"
rooms_must_be_less_than_plan: "You have too many rooms on your account. Please remove some rooms."
saved: "Account details saved"
see_plan_details: "Click here to see plan details"
select_country: "Select your country"
select_year: "Sélectionner l'année"
space_used_must_be_less_than_plan: "You are using more space than that plan allows. Please delete some files."
subdomain: Subdomain
subdomain_name: NAME
terms: "I accept the terms and conditions, privacy policy and refund policy"
timezone: "Time zone"
town_city: Ville
update_card: "Update your credit card details"
upgrade_info: "You can upgrade your account for free at any time. You won't be charged for the upgrade until next month's billing cycle."
users_must_be_less_than_plan: "You have too many users on your account. The {{plan}} plan allows {{allowed}} users. You currently have {{users}} users. Please remove some users before you downgrade."
zipcode: "Code postal"
background_color: "Couleur d'arrière-plan"
color_scheme_id: "Choose color scheme ////////// no longer valid"
description: "Description de l'espace"
link_color: "Choose link color"
logo: "Choisir un logo"
max_size: "Taille maximum (Mo)"
name: "Nom de l'espace"
avatar: Photo
cellphone: "Tel. mobile"
company: Société
email: Email
firstname: Prénom
im: IM
job_title: Fonction
lastname: Nom
locale: Langue
login: "Nom d'utilisateur"
phone: "Tel. professionnel"
accepted: "must be accepted"
blank: "can't be blank"
confirmation: "doesn't match confirmation"
empty: "can't be empty"
equal_to: "must be equal to {{count}}"
even: "must be even"
exclusion: "is reserved"
greater_than: "must be greater than {{count}}"
greater_than_or_equal_to: "must be greater than or equal to {{count}}"
inclusion: "is not included in the list"
invalid: "is invalid"
less_than: "must be less than {{count}}"
less_than_or_equal_to: "must be less than or equal to {{count}}"
not_a_number: "is not a number"
odd: "must be odd"
taken: "has already been taken"
too_long: "is too long (maximum is {{count}} characters)"
too_short: "is too short (minimum is {{count}} characters)"
wrong_length: "is the wrong length (should be {{count}} characters)"
too_long: "est trop long"
too_long: "est trop long"
room: Espace
bill: "Your FTOPIA bill"
bill_to: "Bill to"
company_info: |-
FTOPIA Limited
Address line #1
Address line #2
date: "Bill date"
description: Description
footer: "Footer text goes here"
invoice_number: "Invoice number"
price: Price
bad_number: "Unable to recognise the card number you entered. Please check the digits."
enter_cvv: "Please enter your CVV number."
enter_number: "Please enter your card number."
expiry_date: "Expiry date"
expiry_date_invalid: "Invalid expiry date."
expiry_in_past: "The expiry date you chose is in the past."
expiry_month: "Expiry month"
expiry_year: "Expiry year"
full_cvv: "Please enter all digits of your CVV number."
invalid_card_type: "Invalid card type."
name_required: "Please enter the cardholder name."
select_month: "Select month"
no_rooms: "You have not yet been added to any rooms. {{admin}} is the owner of the account, who you can contact to get you set up."
account: "Mon compte"
help: Aide
members: Participants
my_profile: "Mon profil"
reports: Rapports
rooms: Espaces
settings: Configuration
welcome: "Welcome to FTOPIA"
- Sun
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- ~
- Jan
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- May
- Jun
- Jul
- Aug
- Sep
- Oct
- Nov
- Dec
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
default: "%Y-%m-%d"
long: "%B %d, %Y"
short: "%b %d"
- ~
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- !ruby/symbol year
- !ruby/symbol month
- !ruby/symbol day
clean_version: "Supprimer les anciennes versions"
copy: "Copier dans un autre espace"
copy_to: "Copy to"
delete: "Supprimer ce document"
download: Télécharger
move: "Déplacer dans un autre espace"
move_to: "Move to"
multi_copy_to: "Copy selected to"
multi_delete: "Delete selected"
multi_move_to: "Move selected to"
upload_new_version: "Envoyer une nouvelle version"
category: Catégorie
category_not_set: "Category not set"
cleaned: "All previous versions of {{file}} were deleted"
confirm_clean: "Are you sure you want to clean this document? All old versions will be permanently deleted."
confirm_delete: "Are you sure you want to delete this document? This can not be un-done."
confirm_multi_delete: "Confirm delete"
contributor: Contributeur
copied_to: "Document was copied to {{room}}"
current_version: "Version actuelle"
description: Description
queue_limit_exceeded: "Please choose only one file to upload as a new version"
file: "Envoyer un document"
moved_to: "Document was copied to {{room}}"
multi_copied_to: "The selected documents were copied to {{room}}"
multi_delete: "The selected documents were deleted"
multi_moved_to: "The selected documents were moved to {{room}}"
name: "Nom du document"
new_version: "Nouvelle version"
no_description_available: "No description"
not_enough_space: "There is not enough space in that room"
select_action: Actions
state_not_set: "Not set"
status: Statut
uploaded_on: "Envoyé le"
version: Version
filename_exists: "A file with that name already exists"
not_enough_space: "You do not have enough space left in your account to upload that file."
upload_complete: "Upload complete"
upload_failed: "Upload failed"
filename: "You must choose a file to upload"
choose_file: "Choose file(s)"
empty_file: "The file you selected is empty. Please select another file."
file_too_big: "The file you selected is too big. Files must be less than 50{{megabytes}}."
invalid_filetype: "The file you choose is not an allowed file type."
not_enough_space: "There is not enough space in this room to upload that file"
queue_limit_exceeded: "You have attempted to upload too many files. You may only upload 5 files at a time."
standard_error: "An error occurred in the upload. Try again later."
no_documents: "Aucun document présent"
no_documents_search: "No documents match your search"
updating_file_list: "Updating file list..."
upload: "Envoyer un document"
upload_button: "Upload file(s)"
version_initial: v
body: |-
Thank you for using ftopia. We're sorry to see you leave and we'll be right here should you choose to avail of our service again.
subject: "Your account on ftopia has been cancelled"
body: |-
Hi {{username}},
Thanks for setting up an account on FTOPIA.
You can now view and share files with your team-mates on the site.
Here is your link to get started:
subject: "Your admin account on FTOPIA has been set up"
body: |-
You have requested to change your password on FTOPIA.
You can change your password at this url:
subject: "You have requested to change your password"
body: |-
{{poster}} has posted a new message in {{room}}:
Click below to view the message board:
subject: "New message in {{room}}"
body: |-
{{uploader}} has uploaded a new file ({{filename}}) in {{room}}.
Click below to download:
Click below to view the room:
subject: "A new file has been uploaded in {{room}}"
body: |-
Hi {{username}},
You changed your password. Details are below:
Login URL: {{url}}
Username: {{username}}
Password: {{password}}
subject: "You changed your password on FTOPIA"
body: |-
This is to confirm that you are now on the {{plan_name}} plan on ftopia.
You will be charged €{{price}} per month.
subject: "Plan downgraded to {{plan_name}}"
body: |-
Thank you for upgrading your account!
This is to confirm that you are now on the {{plan_name}} plan on ftopia.
You will be charged €{{price}} per month.
subject: "Plan upgraded to {{plan_name}}"
body: |-
You've been invited to share files in {{room}}
Click below to access this room:
subject: "You've been invited to share files in {{room}}"
body: |-
You've been invited to share and contribute files in {{room}}
Click below to access this room:
subject: "You've been invited to share and contribute files in {{room}}"
body: |-
You've been invited to view files in {{room}}
Click below to access this room:
subject: "You've been invited to view files in {{room}}"
body: |-
Hi {{username}},
A new account has been set up for you on FTOPIA.
You can now view and share files with your team-mates on the site.
Your username is: {{username}}
Your password is: {{password}}
Here is your link to get started:
subject: "Your account on FTOPIA has been set up"
body: |-
Hi {{username}},
You changed your username and password. Details are below:
Login URL: {{url}}
Username: {{username}}
Password: {{password}}
subject: "You changed your username and password on FTOPIA"
body: |-
Hi {{username}},
You changed your username. Your details are below:
Login URL: {{url}}
Username: {{username}}
subject: "You changed your username on FTOPIA"
access_denied: "Access denied"
at: à
bytes: B
cancel: Annuler
collapse_all: "Collapse all"
continue: Continuer
delete: Delete
edit: Edit
expand_all: "Expand all"
gb: GB
go: Go
in: dans
kb: KB
loading: Loading...
mb: MB
april: April
august: August
december: December
february: February
january: January
july: July
june: June
march: March
may: May
november: November
october: October
september: September
new: New
? "off"
: "Off"
ok: OK
? "on"
: "On"
or: or
post: Envoyer
return_to_root: "Return to ftopia"
save: Enregistrer
save_changes: Enregistrer
select_action: "Select action"
submit: Submit
tips: Tips
welcome: "Bonjour {{username}}!"
welcome: "Welcome to the FTOPIA help section."
sent: "{{user}} was invited to {{room}}"
english: English
french: French
auto_add: "Ajouter aux nouveaux espaces ?"
cellphone: "Tel. mobile"
change_password: "Change password"
company: Organisation
confirm_delete: "Confirmez-vous la suppression de {{user}}? Cette opération ne pourra pas être annulée."
confirm_reset_password: "Confirmez-vous la réinitialisation du mot de passe ?"
contributor: Contributeur
created: "Successfully created an account for {{name}}. They have been emailed their details, with a temporary password."
delete: Supprimer
edit: Modifier
email: Email
firstname: Prénom
forgot_password: "Forgot password"
forgot_subdomain: "If you don’t remember the subdomain of your account, check your notification emails or contact us at <a href=\"\"></a>"
grant_admin: "Admin permissions were granted to {{name}}"
im: IM
invite_to_room: "Inviter dans un espace"
job_title: Fonction
lastname: Nom
login: "Nom d'utilisateur"
no_permissions: "Cet utilisateur ne participe à aucun espace."
password: Password
password_again: "Password again"
member_of: "Participant de"
no_permissions: "Ce participant n'a pas encore de droits."
role: Rôle
roles: Rôles
permissions_saved: "Permissions were saved for {{name}}"
phone: "Tel. professionnel"
photo: Photo
profile_updated: "Your profile has been saved"
remember: "Remember login?"
remove_picture: "Remove picture"
reset_password: "Réinitialiser le mot de passe"
revoke_admin: "Admin permisisons were revoked from {{name}}"
avatar: "Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping."
updated: "Saved account details for {{name}}"
visitor: Visiteur
add_new: "Ajouter un nouveau participant"
admin_user: "Admin user"
email: E-mail
all: Tous
company: "Par organisation"
filter_by: "Filtrer les participants"
grant_admin: "Grant admin permissions"
invite: Invite
new: "Nouveau participant"
no_members: "Aucun participant ajouté."
permissions: "Définir les droits"
phone: Phone
revoke_admin: "Revoke admin permissions"
role: Role
company: "Par organisation"
lastname: "Par nom"
sort_by: "Trier les participants"
standard_user: "Standard user"
grant_admin: "Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping."
revoke_admin: "Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping."
email_members: "Email Room members?"
message: Message
posted_on: "Envoyé le"
no_messages: "Aucun message."
post: "Envoyer un message"
footer: "Powered by ftopia. Use of this website constitutes acceptance of the <a href=\"{{tos_path}}\">Terms of Service</a>. We care about your <a href=\"{{privacy_path}}\">Privacy</a>. Copyright &copy; ftopia. All rights reserved."
email_required: "Please include a valid email address"
enter_email: "Enter your email address"
enter_new_password: "Please enter a new password and confirm it."
forgot_your_password: "Forgot Your Password?"
invalid_link: "The change password URL you visited is either invalid or expired."
invalid_password: "The password you chose was invalid. Please enter a password at least 6 characters long."
link_sent: "A link to change your password has been sent to {{email}}."
link_sent_to_member: "A link has been sent to {{email}} with instructions on changing their password."
password_updated: "Password was successfully updated."
reset_password: "Reset password"
reset_your_password: "Reset your password"
update_password: "Update Password"
user_required: "We could not find anyone with that email address on this account"
choose_plan: "Choose your plan"
description: "Signup is quick and easy"
free: Free
free_description: "Great for getting started"
free_space: 10MB
get_started: "Get started with {{name}}"
max: Maxi
max_description: "Perfect for larger companies"
max_space: 10GB
mid: Midi
mid_description: "Our mid-range package"
mid_space: 5GB
min: Mini
min_description: "Ideal for startups"
min_space: 1GB
room: room
upgrade: "Upgrade to {{name}}"
user: user
avatar: "User avatar tip"
user_login: "User login tip"
action: Action
by: By
date: Date
document: Document
downloads: downloads
copy: Copied
delete: Deleted
download: Downloaded
move: Moved
no_audits: "No user activity has been logged for this member"
update: Updated
upload: Uploaded
no_report: "That report does not exist"
room: Room
size: Size
space_available: "Available {{amount}}"
space_used: "Used {{amount}}"
uploads: uploads
version: Version
back_to_report: "Back to report"
change_report: "Change report"
document_history: "Document history"
downloads_per_document: "Downloads per document"
member_activity: "Member activity"
number_downloads_per_member: "Number of downloads per member"
number_uploads_per_member: "Number of uploads per member"
space_used_per_room: "Used space per room"
total_space_used: "Used / available space"
used_space_per_room: "Used space per room"
volume_downloads_per_member: "Volume of downloads per member"
volume_uploads_per_member: "Volume of uploads per member"
add_category: "Ajouter une catégorie"
add_status: "Ajouter un statut"
announcement: "Enter a message to be displayed to all members of this room"
archive: Archiver
archived: (archived)
archived_explanation: "This room has been archived. None of the files are available."
confirm_archive: "Confirmez-vous l'archivage de cet espace ?"
confirm_delete: "Confirmez-vous la suppression de cet espace ? La suppression ne peut pas être annulée, vous perdrez tous les documents stockés dans cet espace."
customize: Personnaliser
default_category: "Default category"
default_status: "Default status"
delete: "Supprimer cet espace"
delete_category: "Delete category"
delete_state: "Delete state"
display_members: Membres
display_room: "Ouvrir cet espace"
document_categories: "Catégories de documents"
document_status: Statuts
edit_announcement: "Edit room announcement"
explain_default_category: "The category checked below will be pre-selected when uploading a new document"
explain_default_status: "The status checked below will be pre-selected when uploading a new document"
last_update: "Mis à jour le {{last_updated_at}}"
manage_users: "Manage users"
new_category: "New category"
new_status: "New status"
no_categories: "/////////// Aucune catégorie n'a été définie ////////////// TBD"
no_category: "No category"
no_states: "/////////// Aucun statut défini //////////// TBD"
no_status: "No status"
not_enough_space: "You do not have enough space on your current plan to create this room"
not_null: "The Room size limit cannot be nothing."
out_of: of
add_users: "Ajouter des membres à l'espace"
customize: "Personnaliser l'espace"
describe: "Décrire le nouvel espace"
manage_users: "Manage users in room"
remove_logo: "Remove logo"
restore: Restore
return_to_rooms: "Return to rooms list"
background_color: "Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping."
background_tone: "Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping."
default_category: "Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping."
default_state: "Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping."
link_color: "Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping."
logo: "Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping."
total_max: "Max {{amount}}"
used: Used
used_space: "{{amount}}Mo utilisés"
cancel_room_creation: "Cancel room creation"
create_room_and_customize: "Create room and customize"
description: "Description de l'espace"
active: "Espaces actifs"
all: "Tous les espaces"
archived: "Espaces archivés"
updated_this_month: "Mis à jour ce mois"
updated_this_week: "Mis à jour cette semaine"
filter_by: "Filtrer l'affichage"
invite_users: "Invite users"
name: "Nom de l'espace"
new: "Créer un espace"
no_rooms: "Vous n'avez pas encore créé d'espace."
no_rooms_matched: "No rooms could be found."
permissions_saved: "Permissions saved. If you added any new users, they'll get an email."
room_saved: "Room details were saved."
save_room_settings: "Save room settings"
select_room: "Select room"
after: Après
all_documents: "Tous les documents"
any: Any
anyone: Anyone
before: Avant
between_dates: "Between dates"
by: Par
categories: Catégories
choose_dates: "Choose date(s)"
dashboard: Dashboard
documents: Documents
filter: Filtrer
message_board: "Tableau d'affichage"
search: Rechercher
status: Statut
size_limit: "Taille maximum"
a_to_z: "de A à Z"
last_updated: "Date de mise à jour"
sort_by: "Trié par"
upgrade_account: "You don't have enough space left on your account to add a new room. Please <a href=\"{{link}}\">upgrade your account</a> to allocate more space"
background_color: "Couleur d'arrière-plan"
background_tone: "Choose header text color"
color_scheme: "Color scheme //////// no longer valid"
customize: "Personnaliser votre site"
dark: Dark
default_categories: "Catégorie par défaut"
default_status: "Statut par défaut"
domain: Domain
explain_default_categories: "The category highlighted below will be set as the default category when you create a new room"
explain_default_status: "The status highlighted below will be set as the default category when you create a new room"
left: Left
light: Light
link_color: "Choose link color"
name: Name
new_category: "New category"
new_status: "New status"
no_categories: "not possible /// TBD"
no_states: "not possible /// TBD"
right: Right
saved: "Les modifications ont été enregistrées."
sidebar: "Barre de navigation"
site_title: "Nom du site"
ssl_encryption: "Chiffrement SSL"
background_color: "Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping."
background_tone: "Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping."
default_category: "Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping."
default_state: "Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping."
link_color: "Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping."
logo: "Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping."
ssl_encryption: "Here is an example tip. This example text is also long enough to cause wrapping."
about_admin: "This is the master log in for your account. Once you have set up your master account, you can invite other users to share files."
card_details: "Enter your credit card details"
explain_address: "Every FTOPIA site has its own unique web address. This is where you'll login. For example, if you wanted your FTOPIA site to be at you'd enter foo in the field below. Letters and numbers only — no spaces."
heading: "Create your administrator account"
login: S'identifier
logout: "Se déconnecter"
new_address: "Create your FTOPIA address"
signup: Souscrire
sentence_connector: et
skip_last_comma: false
am: am
default: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
long: "%B %d, %Y %H:%M"
short: "%d %b %H:%M"
pm: pm
timezones: "?International Date Line West:\"(GMT-11:00) International Date Line West\""
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