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Paul Campbell paulca

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paulca /
Created February 20, 2018 11:27

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am paulca on github.
  • I am paulca ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASD4lq2sJQ__hJk-Lf-pDqZ7I8B4dp6FAHw5fBA80kBORgo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

paulca /
Last active January 23, 2018 21:14
Donnybrook Hotel Observation

To whom it may concern,

Myself and my wife, Ciara, would like to add our voices to those observing against the proposed development at 1–3 The Crescent in Donnybrook.

As residents in the area for the past 12 years, we have no objection in principle to the establishment of a new hotel. A case in point is the Hampton Hotel, which provides local amenity, is set back from the road and is delightfully in keeping with the rest of the village.

The proposed designs appear to have been put together without any consideration for the aesthetic, the history and the preservation of the spirit of Donnybrook Village.

It feels like the proposed development has been designed in a vacuum, and there is nothing in the plans to reflect how the architects sought to marry the legacy of the existing village with their vision for the future.

def display_date_or_range(event, sup = true, html = true, short = false)
return if event.start_date.blank? and event.end_date.blank?
if event.single_day?
if short
out = event.start_date.strftime("%b")
out = event.start_date.strftime("%B")
out << " "
paulca / text
Created November 29, 2013 14:37
- [ ] one
- [ ] two
- [ ] three
jQuery.valitito = {}
jQuery.fn.valid = ->
delete jQuery(@).data()['valid']
if jQuery(@).find('input').length
for input in jQuery(jQuery(@).find('input'))
if !$(input).valid()
jQuery(@).data('valid', false)
  • All sessions are 30 minutes long
  • There will be no Q/A (a.k.a: please hang out with the attendees at our awesome bar and hack with them on any questions that might come up)
  • You must use our presenters computer
  • There will be a presenter remote
  • Your slides must be 1440x1080px

I know that not using your own computer can be painful but I will go length to install everything under the sun to make you feel as comfortable on that machine as possible.

Paul Campbell
2 has requested an Off-the-Record private conversation <>. However, you do not have a plugin to support that.
See for more information.
Thorben Schröder
Paul Campbell

Ship It! Monday

Ship It! Monday is a celebration of making things. Bring something you made and tell the world about it.

Why you’d want to come:

  • to learn about new things and how they were made
  • to hang out with other people who are making things
  • Because, shipping!
class Router
extend Just::Router
resources :posts
class Post
include Just::Model
paulca / .ey-example
Created February 20, 2012 22:46
Quick Deploy for Rails 3.1 on Engine Yard Cloud
# Place this file in the root of your project directory
# eg. APPNAME=tito
# eg. CACHE_DIRS=(public/cache)