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Last active December 2, 2022 05:36
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  • Save paulczy/05fc11d79a563e2fe87c536763eca14b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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$serverUrl = Read-Host -Prompt "Dynamics URL (ex:"
$connectionString = "AuthType=OAuth;Integrated Security=true;Url=$serverUrl;AppId=51f81489-12ee-4a9e-aaae-a2591f45987d;RedirectUri=app://58145B91-0C36-4500-8554-080854F2AC97;TokenCacheStorePath=c:\MyTokenCache\;LoginPrompt=Auto"
# Login to PowerApps for the Admin commands
Write-Host "Installing Module: Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell"
Install-Module Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell -Force -Scope CurrentUser
#Write-Host "Login to PowerApps for the Admin commands"
# Add-PowerAppsAccount
# Login to PowerApps for the Xrm.Data commands
Write-Host "Installing Module: Microsoft.Xrm.Data.PowerShell -Force -Scope CurrentUser"
Install-Module Microsoft.Xrm.Data.PowerShell -Force -Scope CurrentUser
Write-Host "Login to PowerApps for the Xrm.Data commands"
$conn = Get-CrmConnection -ConnectionString $connectionString
# Get the Orgid
$org = (Get-CrmRecords -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName organization).CrmRecords[0]
$orgid =$org.organizationid
# Get connection references in the solution that are connected
Write-Host "Get Connected Connection References"
$connectionrefFetch = @"
<entity name='connectionreference' >
<attribute name="connectionreferenceid" />
<attribute name="connectionid" />
<filter><condition attribute='connectionid' operator='not-null' /></filter>
<link-entity name='solutioncomponent' from='objectid' to='connectionreferenceid' >
<link-entity name='solution' from='solutionid' to='solutionid' >
<condition attribute='uniquename' operator='eq' value='Akoyanet' />
$connectionsrefs = (Get-CrmRecordsByFetch -conn $conn -Fetch $connectionrefFetch -Verbose).CrmRecords
# If there are no connection refeferences that are connected then exit
if ($connectionsrefs.Count -eq 0)
Write-Error "No Connection References that are connected in the solution '$(BuildToolsSolutionName)'"
return 0
$existingconnectionreferences = (ConvertTo-Json ($connectionsrefs | Select-Object -Property connectionreferenceid, connectionid)) -replace "`n|`r",""
Write-Host "Connection References:$existingconnectionreferences"
# Get the first connection reference connector that is not null and load it to find who it was created by
$connections = Get-AdminPowerAppConnection -EnvironmentName $conn.EnvironmentId -Filter $connectionsrefs[0].connectionid
# If the first connection reference doesn't link to a connection, then exit
if ($connections.Count -eq 0)
Write-Error "Unable to find Connection linked to ConnectionReference, quitting."
return 0
$user = Get-CrmRecords -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName systemuser -FilterAttribute azureactivedirectoryobjectid -FilterOperator eq -FilterValue $connections[0]
# Create a new Connection to impersonate the creator of the connection reference
$impersonatedconn = Get-CrmConnection -ConnectionString $connectionString
$impersonatedconn.OrganizationWebProxyClient.CallerId = $user.CrmRecords[0].systemuserid
Write-Host "GOapply Add All Applications to Review Group";
Set-CrmRecordState -conn $impersonatedconn -EntityLogicalName workflow -Id '2c618902-7de2-ec11-bb3d-0022480c598c' -StateCode Activated -StatusCode Activated -Verbose -Debug;
Write-Host "Completed.";
Write-Host "GOapply Add Request to Review Group";
Set-CrmRecordState -conn $impersonatedconn -EntityLogicalName workflow -Id '5b3644c7-00f7-ec11-bb3d-000d3a5c0906' -StateCode Activated -StatusCode Activated -Verbose -Debug;
Write-Host "Completed.";
Write-Host "GOapply Add to Review Group";
Set-CrmRecordState -conn $impersonatedconn -EntityLogicalName workflow -Id 'ef6d98cd-c1c4-ec11-a7b6-000d3a3be81d' -StateCode Activated -StatusCode Activated -Verbose -Debug;
Write-Host "Completed.";
Write-Host "GOapply Advance to Final Report Phase";
Set-CrmRecordState -conn $impersonatedconn -EntityLogicalName workflow -Id '01472d0b-f217-ed11-b83e-002248081438' -StateCode Activated -StatusCode Activated -Verbose -Debug;
Write-Host "Completed.";
Write-Host "GOapply AutoFill Next Phase";
Set-CrmRecordState -conn $impersonatedconn -EntityLogicalName workflow -Id 'c566a946-22a6-ec11-983f-0022480b67c1' -StateCode Activated -StatusCode Activated -Verbose -Debug;
Write-Host "Completed.";
Write-Host "GOapply Document Move Version 2.0";
Set-CrmRecordState -conn $impersonatedconn -EntityLogicalName workflow -Id '93e74ef0-3976-ec11-8d21-000d3a5cf59d' -StateCode Activated -StatusCode Activated -Verbose -Debug;
Write-Host "Completed.";
Write-Host "GOapply Duplicate Application";
Set-CrmRecordState -conn $impersonatedconn -EntityLogicalName workflow -Id '4e3cd5d3-c58a-ec11-93b0-000d3a5b26c0' -StateCode Activated -StatusCode Activated -Verbose -Debug;
Write-Host "Completed.";
Write-Host "GOapply Duplicate Review Group";
Set-CrmRecordState -conn $impersonatedconn -EntityLogicalName workflow -Id 'e98d7973-d2e1-ec11-bb3d-0022480c5141' -StateCode Activated -StatusCode Activated -Verbose -Debug;
Write-Host "Completed.";
Write-Host "GOapply Duplicate Review Group and Reviewers";
Set-CrmRecordState -conn $impersonatedconn -EntityLogicalName workflow -Id '4a5431f9-d5e1-ec11-bb3d-0022480c598c' -StateCode Activated -StatusCode Activated -Verbose -Debug;
Write-Host "Completed.";
Write-Host "GOapply Invite Constituent";
Set-CrmRecordState -conn $impersonatedconn -EntityLogicalName workflow -Id '76ae7a00-4e75-ec11-8943-00224809eefd' -StateCode Activated -StatusCode Activated -Verbose -Debug;
Write-Host "Completed.";
Write-Host "GOapply Invite Contact";
Set-CrmRecordState -conn $impersonatedconn -EntityLogicalName workflow -Id '33ccdc60-dd77-ec11-8d21-000d3a5cfdba' -StateCode Activated -StatusCode Activated -Verbose -Debug;
Write-Host "Completed.";
Write-Host "GOfund Invitation Email";
Set-CrmRecordState -conn $impersonatedconn -EntityLogicalName workflow -Id 'eba79434-563b-ed11-9db1-000d3a59640f' -StateCode Activated -StatusCode Activated -Verbose -Debug;
Write-Host "Completed.";
Write-Host "GOfund Move Documents Flow";
Set-CrmRecordState -conn $impersonatedconn -EntityLogicalName workflow -Id '21197efa-da39-ed11-9db1-000d3a5a6918' -StateCode Activated -StatusCode Activated -Verbose -Debug;
Write-Host "Completed.";
Write-Host "";
Write-Host "DONE.";
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