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Last active January 5, 2016 14:37
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  • Save pauldenato/8edd8bd283647666c595 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Loop the Files in a mura form
<!---Add to Site or Theme eventhandler.cfc--->
<cffunction name="onAfterFormSubmitSave">
<cfargument name="$">
<cfset var msg = "" />
<!---Get Most Recent Form ID--->
<cfset receipt = $.event('formDataBean').getFormResult() />
<!---Load Form Data--->
<cfset record = receipt />
<!---Image Count for Uploads--->
<!---Set Image Count for Your Form Values--->
<cfset imagesToAdd = "1,2,3,4,5" >
<cfsavecontent variable="msg">
<cfloop list="#imagesToAdd#" index="i">
<!---"file" would be replaced by you fomr field name --->
<cfset theImage = "file#i#_attachment" />
<cfif len(trim(receipt.responseid))>
<cfif structKeyExists(record,theImage) and Len(HTMLEditFormat(record[theImage]))>
<div style="padding-left: 0px;" class="col-md-3 col-sm-3">
<a class="" title="#record[theImage]#" href="http://#CGI.HOST#/#$.globalConfig('context')#tasks/render/file/?fileid=#record[theImage]#">
<div style="width: 80px; height: 80px; font-size:.9em;margin-right: 15px;" class="alert alert-danger col-md-3 col-sm-3">N/A Image #i#</div>
<!---Just a test email to see if the file values submitted--->
<cfmail to="{email here}" from="{email here}" subject="#$.event('formbean').getValue('title')# receipt Email" type="html">
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