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(enhanced) notes from my Scala By The Sea meetup talk about "Type-level Programming"

Scala at the Sea: 8 Jan 2019

Adam Rosien @arosien Inner Product LLC

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Type-level programming

What is type-level programming?

Expressions, Types, Values

  • expression: has a type; are evaluated into values
    1 + 1 => 2
    val x = 1 + 1 // 2
  • type: exist at compile time
    type Blah = Int
    val x: Int = ???
  • value: has a type; exist at runtime
    val x: Int = 2

What do we use to map between values and types?

  • values -> values?
    • functions
    def foo(s: String): Int = s.length
  • value -> type?
    • every value has a type;
    val x: Int = ???
    • dependent types: a type that depends on a value
  • type -> type?
    • type composition? There are different ways to compose types:
    trait A
    trait B
    trait C extends A with B
    trait F[A] // type constructor
    trait Outer {
      type Inner
      class Foo
  • type -> value?
    • reflection?
    • implicitly is a good example, the only argument is a type
    def implicitly[A](implicit a: A): A = a
    • typeclass (resolution)
      • aka ad-hoc polymorphism <--- fancy word alert
      • Example: How does a generic list sort its elements?
      • We could require all elements to be comparable, so that we can sort.
      trait SortedList[A <: Comparable] extends List[A] {
        def sorted(): List[A] = ???
      • Instead, we require the comparison helper when sorted() is called.
      trait List[A] {
        def sorted(help: (A, A) => Boolean): List[A] = ???
      • We then wrap the (A, A) => Boolean helper function in a trait Ordering[A], and require an implicit instance.
      trait List[A] {
        def sorted(implicit help: Ordering[A]): List[A] = ???
      // the typeclass
      trait Ordering[A] {
        def compare(l: A, r: A): Boolean
      • We provide implicit instances for primitive types like String, and we can also automatically derive instances for types like Tuple2:
      object Ordering {
        // typeclass instance for type String
        implicit stringOrdering: Ordering[String] = ???
        // typeclass instance for type Int
        implicit intOrdering: Ordering[Int] = ???
        // typeclass derivation: we can order a Tuple2 if we can order the component types
        implicit def tuple2Ordering[A, B](implicit
            oa: Ordering[A],
            ob: Ordering[B]): Ordering[(A, B)] = {
          case ((la, lb), (ra, rb)) =>
            if (, ra))

Building bigger tuples

We can use Tuple2 to represent any number of types, by nesting:

type Flat[A, B, C, D]   = (A,  B,  C, D) // really a Tuple4
type Nested[A, B, C, D] = (A, (B, (C, D)))

// we can convert one to the other without losing information
def parenthesize[A, B, C, D](t4: (A, B, C, D)): (A, (B, (C, D)))

Do we use tuples everywhere? NO

We use case class:

case class Foo(s: String, i: Int)

val foos: List[Foo] = ???

// the typeclass instance for type Foo
implicit val fooOrdering: Ordering[Foo] =
  new Ordering[Foo] {
    def compare(l: Foo, r: Foo): Boolean = ???

foos.sorted() // look ma, no arg!

But a case class is "the same" as a tuple! Let's convert between these types:

case class Foo(s: String, i: Int) <-> (String, Int)
case class Bar(s: String, i: Int) <-> (String, Int)
case class Baz(s: String, i: Int, l: Long) <-> (String, Int, Long) <-> (String, (Int, Long))

def toTuple(foo: Foo): (String, Int) = (foo.s, foo.i)
def fromTuple(si: (String, Int)): Foo = Foo(si._1, si._2)

The big idea for deriving typeclass instances for case classes: case class with fields -> tupleN -> nested tuple2 -> implicit deriviation of tuple via implicit components

  • Q: How do libraries provide these automatic things for most types?

    • they provide typeclass instances for all primitive types (String, Int, Long)
    • and also typeclass instances for tuples and List, Option, Either, etc.
  • Q: How do we automagically convert case classes to whatever tuple typeclass instance thing the library needs?

    • A: We use shapeless. It uses a macro.

Using shapeless to deconstruct case class into tuples

Shapeless provides the Generic[A] typeclass, whose job is to convert between an A and it's generic representation (type Repr). Typeclass instances are generated by a macro.

trait Generic[A] {
  type Repr // representation

  def to(a: A): Repr
  def from(repr: Repr): A

val genFoo: Generic[Foo] = ??? // uses a macro to generate this
genFoo.Repr = (String, Int) <-- not the real Repr type, sorry
  • What about nested types?
case class Bar(foo: Foo, l: Long) <-> ((String, Int), Long) <-> (String, (Int, Long))
case class Foo(s: String, i: Int) <-> (String, Int)
  • We can only handle case classes (product types, AND) and sealed trait hierarchies (enumerations, sum type, OR)

SPOILER: Shapeless doesn't use tuples, it actually uses HList.

First we need to understand type-level lists:

(A,  B,  C,  D)             // Tuple4
(A, (B, (C,  D)))           // nested Tuple2

case object EOL             // End Of List
(A, (B, (C, (D, EOL.type))) // nested Tuple2 with EOL to mark the end of the "list"

This is the class "cons cell" representation of a list. Here's a list of values:

sealed trait MyList[A]
case class MyNil[A]() extends MyList[A]
case class MyPair[A](head: A, tail: MyList[A]) extends MyList[A]

MyPair(12, MyPair(2, MyNil()))

We can do the same thing, but with types:

// Heterogeneous List
sealed trait HList
case object HNil extends HList
case class HPair[H, T <: HList](head: H, tail: T)

type ::[H, T <: HList] = HPair[H, T] // type alias to make the types look prettier

case class Foo(s: String, Int) <-> HPair[String, HPair[Int, HNil]] <-> (String :: Int :: HNil)

val genFoo: Generic[Foo] = ??? // uses a macro to generate this
genFoo.Repr = String :: Int :: HNil

Type-level numbers

type Nat {
  type This
  type Incr = Succ[This]

case object Zero extends Nat {
  type This = this.type

case class Succ[N <: Nat] extends Nat

type One = Succ[Zero]
type Two = Succ[One]

trait SizedList[A, N <: Nat] {
  def append(a: A): SizedList[A, Succ[N]]


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