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Last active November 5, 2019 03:02
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A riff on all the ways to create simple wrapper types in F#
open System
module Shared =
let equalsOn f thisObj (otherObj : obj) =
match otherObj with
| :? 'T as y -> (f thisObj = f y)
| _ -> false
let hashOn f x = hash (f x)
let compareOn f thisObj (otherObj : obj) =
match otherObj with
| :? 'T as otherObj -> compare (f thisObj) (f otherObj)
| _ -> invalidArg "otherObj" "cannot compare values of different types"
type SingleValueRecord =
{ Value : int }
static member create x = { Value = x}
static member map mapper (x : SingleValueRecord) = { Value = mapper x.Value }
type SingleValueRecordStruct =
{ Value : int }
static member create x = { Value = x}
static member map mapper (x : SingleValueRecordStruct) = { Value = mapper x.Value }
// Need to impliement Equals / Comparable
type SingleValueClass(value : int) =
member _.Value = value
static member unwrap (x : SingleValueClass) = x.Value
static member map mapper (x : SingleValueClass) = SingleValueClass(mapper x.Value)
interface IComparable with member this.CompareTo x = compareOn SingleValueClass.unwrap this x
override this.Equals x = equalsOn SingleValueClass.unwrap this x
override this.GetHashCode() = hashOn SingleValueClass.unwrap this
// Struct gives you Equals / Comparable out the box
type SingleValueStruct(value : int) =
member _.Value = value
static member unwrap (x : SingleValueStruct) = x.Value
static member map mapper (x : SingleValueStruct) = SingleValueStruct(mapper x.Value)
type SingleCaseDU =
| SingleCaseDU of int
member this.Value = match this with SingleCaseDU x -> x
static member map mapper (SingleCaseDU x) = SingleCaseDU (mapper x)
type SingleCaseDUStruct =
| SingleCaseDUStruct of int
member this.Value = match this with SingleCaseDUStruct x -> x
static member map mapper (SingleCaseDUStruct x) = SingleCaseDUStruct (mapper x)
type [<Measure>] UOM
module UOM =
let create (x : int) = x * 1<UOM>
let map mapper (x : int<UOM>) = x |> int |> mapper |> create
// Could use class end or interface end - class if you want methods
type PersonId = interface end
// Phantom is an interesting solution, but you need to give the compiler some hints
// e.g. always include the return type
type PhantomRecord<'T> =
{ Value : int }
static member create x : PhantomRecord<'T> = { Value = x }
static member map mapper (x : PhantomRecord<'T>) : PhantomRecord<'T> = { Value = mapper x.Value }
// Struct gives you Equals / Comparable out the box
type PhantomRecordStruct<'T> =
{ Value : int }
static member create x : PhantomRecordStruct<'T> = { Value = x }
static member map mapper (x : PhantomRecordStruct<'T>) : PhantomRecordStruct<'T> = { Value = mapper x.Value }
// Need to impliement Equals / Comparable
type PhantomClass<'T>(value : int) =
member _.Value = value
static member unwrap (x : PhantomClass<'T>) = x.Value
static member map mapper (x : PhantomClass<'T>) : PhantomClass<'T> = PhantomClass(mapper x.Value)
interface IComparable with member this.CompareTo x = compareOn PhantomClass<'T>.unwrap this x
override this.Equals x = equalsOn PhantomClass<'T>.unwrap this x
override this.GetHashCode() = hashOn PhantomClass<'T>.unwrap this
type PhantomStruct<'T>(value : int) =
member _.Value = value
static member map mapper (x : PhantomStruct<'T>) : PhantomStruct<'T> = PhantomStruct(mapper x.Value)
// I believe the `Un` prefix means underlying: an alternative to using Value to avoid type/case name conflation
type PhantomDU<'T> =
| UnPhantom of int
member this.Value = match this with UnPhantom x -> x
static member unwrap (UnPhantom x) = x
static member map mapper (x : PhantomDU<'T>) : PhantomDU<'T> = UnPhantom (mapper x.Value)
static member create (x : int) : PhantomDU<'T> = UnPhantom x
type PhantomStructDU<'T> =
| UnPhantomStruct of int
member this.Value = match this with UnPhantomStruct x -> x
static member unwrap (UnPhantomStruct x) = x
static member map mapper (x : PhantomStructDU<'T>) : PhantomStructDU<'T> = UnPhantomStruct (mapper x.Value)
static member create (x : int) : PhantomStructDU<'T> = UnPhantomStruct x
let start = 1
let iEnd = 10000
let arrayLen = 10000
let mapper x = x + 5
let testArray = [| start .. arrayLen |]
printfn "Int"
for _ = start to iEnd do
|> mapper
|> ignore
printfn "Record"
for _ = start to iEnd do
|> SingleValueRecord.create
|> ( mapper)
|> ignore
printfn "Record - Struct"
for _ = start to iEnd do
|> SingleValueRecordStruct.create
|> ( mapper)
|> ignore
printfn "Class"
for _ = start to iEnd do
|> SingleValueClass
|> ( mapper)
|> ignore
printfn "Struct"
for _ = start to iEnd do
|> SingleValueStruct
|> ( mapper)
|> ignore
printfn "Single Case DU"
for _ = start to iEnd do
|> SingleCaseDU
|> ( mapper)
|> ignore
printfn "Single Case DU - Struct"
for _ = start to iEnd do
|> SingleCaseDUStruct
|> ( mapper)
|> ignore
printfn "UOM"
for _ = start to iEnd do
|> UOM.create
|> ( mapper)
|> ignore
/// Phantoms
printfn "--- PHANTOMS ---"
printfn "Phantom Record"
for _ = start to iEnd do
|> PhantomRecord<PersonId>.create
|> (PhantomRecord<PersonId>.map mapper)
|> ignore
printfn "Phantom Record Struct"
for _ = start to iEnd do
|> PhantomRecordStruct<PersonId>.create
|> (PhantomRecordStruct<PersonId>.map mapper)
|> ignore
printfn "Phantom Class"
for _ = start to iEnd do
|> PhantomClass<PersonId>
|> (PhantomClass<PersonId>.map mapper)
|> ignore
printfn "Phantom Struct"
for _ = start to iEnd do
|> PhantomStruct<PersonId>
|> (PhantomStruct<PersonId>.map mapper)
|> ignore
printfn "Phantom DU"
for _ = start to iEnd do
|> PhantomDU<PersonId>.create
|> (PhantomDU<PersonId>.map mapper)
|> ignore
printfn "Phantom Struct DU"
for _ = start to iEnd do
|> PhantomStructDU<PersonId>.create
|> (PhantomStructDU<PersonId>.map mapper)
|> ignore
// Int
// Real: 00:00:00.159, CPU: 00:00:00.156, GC gen0: 95, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
// Record
// Real: 00:00:02.139, CPU: 00:00:02.140, GC gen0: 1111, gen1: 547, gen2: 0
// Record - Struct
// Real: 00:00:00.226, CPU: 00:00:00.234, GC gen0: 190, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
// Class
// Real: 00:00:01.864, CPU: 00:00:01.859, GC gen0: 1112, gen1: 554, gen2: 0
// Struct
// Real: 00:00:00.209, CPU: 00:00:00.203, GC gen0: 191, gen1: 1, gen2: 0
// Single Case DU
// Real: 00:00:01.989, CPU: 00:00:01.984, GC gen0: 1111, gen1: 555, gen2: 0
// Single Case DU - Struct
// Real: 00:00:00.231, CPU: 00:00:00.234, GC gen0: 190, gen1: 1, gen2: 0
// UOM
// Real: 00:00:00.194, CPU: 00:00:00.187, GC gen0: 190, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
// --- PHANTOMS ---
// Phantom Record
// Real: 00:00:01.975, CPU: 00:00:01.953, GC gen0: 1111, gen1: 554, gen2: 0
// Phantom Record Struct
// Real: 00:00:00.209, CPU: 00:00:00.203, GC gen0: 191, gen1: 1, gen2: 0
// Phantom Class
// Real: 00:00:01.926, CPU: 00:00:01.921, GC gen0: 1112, gen1: 555, gen2: 0
// Phantom Struct
// Real: 00:00:00.217, CPU: 00:00:00.218, GC gen0: 190, gen1: 1, gen2: 0
// Phantom DU
// Real: 00:00:01.978, CPU: 00:00:01.968, GC gen0: 1111, gen1: 555, gen2: 0
// Phantom Struct DU
// Real: 00:00:01.405, CPU: 00:00:01.390, GC gen0: 377, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
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pauldorehill commented Nov 4, 2019

The complete compliment of ways to make a wrapper type for F# e.g. how to avoid passing around primitives. It seems the use of these are somewhat divisive in the F# community with some lovers 💘 and some haters 😠 . I like them due to point number 2 in the arguments for below.

The 'speed' test (yes its crude and likely meaningless... 😄) was just for a very quick look at the cost of the different ways and the results are as expected choosing between class and struct (structs have a lot less garbage collection and very little speed cost is paid in using them); and since UOM are erased there is zero cost.

Arguments For

  1. Clearly defines the domain
  2. Can associate a set of specific functions to each wrapper (micro) type & use these to easily build your bigger types and your whole domain. This is very useful for UI (MVU), validation, and serialization/deserialization. It also makes it very easy to swap out the underlying implementations of these functions.
  3. Stops mixing up of parameters in functions eg. `
let f (p1 : int) (p2 : int) (p3 : int) = p1 * p3 + p2`
  1. Allows hiding of data on the types so an API can easily evolve over time

Arguments Against

  1. Pollutes the code taking up space and making it more verbose
  2. Its slower than primitives
  3. Well named parameters go a long way
let f (clearName : int) (relevantName : int) (itsMe : int) = clearName * relevantName + itsMe

There is also the type Alias option in something like:

type ClearName = int
type RelevantName = int
type ItsMe = int

let f (x : ClearName) (x2 : RelevantName) (x3 : ItsMe) = x * x2 + x3
  1. Conflation of discriminated union names is confusing e.g. the type and the case both share the same name.
  2. The IL code from single case DU's is a mess

Following discussion in Slack it seems you can use unType e.g. type Name = { UnName : string } rather than Value (with the 'un' assumed to mean underlying). This is a good option to avoid name conflation / if you don't like .Value.

Extra discussion on Slack added the following into the mix:

Phantom Types
UMX - UOM for primitive non-numeric - will allow UOM on strings

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