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Last active December 21, 2018 12:53
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Shared connections/transactions with AsyncLocal.
public async Task<Case> StartCase(int caseId, int userId)
using (var connection = new ConScope(_dataService))
using (var transaction = new TransScope())
// A transaction is used inside of the settings service as well.
// It uses the same "ConScope" and "TransScope" types internally,
// allowing us to share a single IDbConnection and IDbTransaction.
var caseContext = await _settingsService.GetSetting<CaseContext>();
if (caseContext.CurrentCaseId == caseId)
// It's already started.
return null;
var caseObject = await connection.Connection.SingleByIdAsync<Case>(caseId);
if (caseObject == null)
return null;
caseObject.LastStarted = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
caseObject.UserId = userId;
await connection.Connection.SaveAsync(caseObject);
caseContext.CurrentCaseId = caseObject.Id;
// Saving the settings value on the same transaction.
await _settingsService.SaveSetting(caseContext);
return caseObject;
public class ConScope : IDisposable
private static readonly AsyncLocal<ContextData> _dbConnection = new AsyncLocal<ContextData>();
private readonly bool _ownsScope;
public ConScope(IDataService dataService)
if (_dbConnection.Value != null)
// There is already a previous connection.
_ownsScope = false;
_dbConnection.Value = new ContextData(dataService.OpenDbConnection());
_ownsScope = true;
internal static IDbConnection InternalConnection
if (_dbConnection.Value == null)
throw new Exception("No connection scope");
return _dbConnection.Value.Connection;
internal static IDbTransaction InternalTransaction
if (_dbConnection.Value == null)
throw new Exception("No connection scope");
return _dbConnection.Value.Transaction;
public IDbConnection Connection => InternalConnection;
internal static bool RefTransaction()
if (_dbConnection.Value == null)
throw new Exception("No connection scope");
var connection = _dbConnection.Value;
if (connection.Transaction == null)
connection.Transaction = connection.Connection.OpenTransaction();
return true;
return false;
internal static void UnrefTransaction()
var connection = _dbConnection.Value;
if (connection == null)
throw new Exception("No connection scope");
if (connection.TransactionCount == 0)
throw new Exception("Invalid transaction unref");
if (connection.TransactionCount == 0)
if (!connection.TransactionFinished)
throw new Exception("Disposed of transaction scope without commiting or rolling back");
connection.Transaction = null;
internal static void CommitTransaction()
var connection = _dbConnection.Value;
if (connection == null)
throw new Exception("No connection scope");
if (connection.Transaction == null)
throw new Exception("No transaction detected");
if (connection.TransactionFinished)
throw new Exception("The transaction is finished");
connection.Commmited = true;
connection.TransactionFinished = true;
internal static void RollbackTransaction()
var connection = _dbConnection.Value;
if (connection == null)
throw new Exception("No connection scope");
if (connection.Transaction == null)
throw new Exception("No transaction detected");
if (connection.TransactionFinished)
throw new Exception("The transaction is finished");
connection.RolledBack = true;
connection.TransactionFinished = true;
public void Dispose()
var connection = _dbConnection.Value;
if (_ownsScope)
if (connection.ChildCount > 0)
throw new Exception("Child scopes were still detected.");
if (connection.TransactionCount > 0)
throw new Exception("Transaction scopes are alive while connection is being disposed");
_dbConnection.Value = null;
internal class ContextData
public IDbConnection Connection;
public IDbTransaction Transaction;
public int ChildCount;
public int TransactionCount;
public bool TransactionFinished;
public bool Commmited;
public bool RolledBack;
public ContextData(IDbConnection connection)
Connection = connection;
public void IncrementChildCount()
public void DecrementChildCount()
public void IncrementTransactionCount()
public void DecrementTransactionCount()
public class TransScope : IDisposable
private readonly bool _ownsTransaction;
private bool _commited;
private bool _rolledback;
private bool _finished;
private bool _disposed;
public TransScope()
_ownsTransaction = ConScope.RefTransaction();
public void Dispose()
if (_disposed) return;
_disposed = true;
if (_ownsTransaction)
if (!_finished)
// If we disposed transaction without commit/rollback, do an implicit rollback.
public void Commit()
if (_finished)
throw new Exception("This transaction is finished");
if (!_commited)
if (_ownsTransaction)
_commited = true;
_finished = true;
public void Rollback()
if (_finished)
throw new Exception("This transaction is finished");
if (!_rolledback)
if (_ownsTransaction)
_rolledback = true;
_finished = true;
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