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Created January 15, 2018 04:22
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package main
import (
_ ""
type progressWriter struct {
func (writer progressWriter) WriteProgress(prog progress.Progress) error {
return nil
func main() {
registryService, err := registry.NewService(registry.ServiceOptions{})
if err != nil {
mappings, err := idtools.NewIDMappings("pknopf", "users")
if err != nil {
pluginStore := plugin.NewStore()
layerStore, err := layer.NewStoreFromOptions(layer.StoreOptions{
StorePath: "/var/lib/darch",
MetadataStorePathTemplate: filepath.Join("/var/lib/darch", "image", "%s", "layerdb"),
GraphDriver: "vfs",
GraphDriverOptions: []string{},
IDMappings: mappings,
PluginGetter: pluginStore,
ExperimentalEnabled: false,
OS: runtime.GOOS,
if err != nil {
imageRoot := filepath.Join("/var/lib/darch", "image", "vfs")
ifs, err := image.NewFSStoreBackend(filepath.Join(imageRoot, "imagedb"))
if err != nil {
imageStore, err := image.NewImageStore(ifs, runtime.GOOS, layerStore)
if err != nil {
ref, err := reference.ParseNamed("")
if err != nil {
progressWriter := progressWriter{}
imagePullConfig := distribution.ImagePullConfig{}
imagePullConfig.RegistryService = registryService
imagePullConfig.RequireSchema2 = true
imagePullConfig.AuthConfig = &types.AuthConfig{}
imagePullConfig.ProgressOutput = progressWriter
imagePullConfig.ImageStore = distribution.NewImageConfigStoreFromStore(imageStore)
lsMap := make(map[string]layer.Store)
lsMap[runtime.GOOS] = layerStore
imagePullConfig.DownloadManager = xfer.NewLayerDownloadManager(lsMap, 100)
distribution.Pull(context.Background(), ref, &imagePullConfig)
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This is some sample code that I wrote up that allows you to use an internal image/layer store, using dockerd internals. I will be using this for Darch.

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