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import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
import { google } from 'googleapis';
const OAuth2 = google.auth.OAuth2;
import GoogleAssistant = require("google-assistant");
//these are the app's credentials; the client_id and secret
const googleAssistantCredentials = require('../src/googleAssistantCredentials.json');
//parsing library
const html2text = require('html-to-text');
Recently, a user on the Rebble discord (Sorixelle) has made it very easy to install the Pebble SDK on MacOS X using a package manager called Nix. You don't need to know much about Nix, but you do need to install it. Follow these directions:
1. Install Nix (
a. install with `sh <(curl -L --daemon` in the terminal
b. close your terminal window and re-open it
c. verify the installation worked with `$ nix-env --version`
d. if it doesn't appear to have installed maybe try a system reboot
2. Install Cachix, which is basically an extension for Nix and will help speed development
a. in terminal, run `nix-env -i cachix` (you might need to use `sudo`)
b. then, point Cachix to the pebble cache with `cachix use pebble`
c. Important: Reboot your system! The reason is because we want to make sure Cachix takes hold.