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Last active August 24, 2017 17:06
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Make the Marionette.NextCollectionView act like a CompositeView
* To use:
* Mn.NextCollectionView.extend({
* initialize() {
* new MakeComposite({ el: this.el, collectionView: this });
* }
* // Regular CompositeView API
* });
import _ from 'underscore';
import Marionette from 'backbone.marionette';
const CompositeOptions = [
const MakeCompositeView = Marionette.View.extend({
initialize(options) {
this.mergeOptions(options, ['collectionView']);
_.extend(this.options, this.collectionView.options);
_.each(CompositeOptions, opt => {
this[opt] = this.collectionView.getOption(opt);
this.listenTo(this.collectionView, {
'before:render': this.onBeforeRenderCollectionView,
'before:destroy': this.onBeforeDestroyCollectionView
this.collectionView.attachHtml = _.bind(this._attachHtml, this);
if(!this.collectionView.childView) {
this.collectionView.childView = this.collectionView;
_attachHtml(els) {
this.Dom.appendContents(this.$container[0], els, {_$el: this.$container});
onBeforeRenderCollectionView() {
getChildViewContainer() {
const childViewContainer = _.result(this.collectionView, 'childViewContainer');
this.$container = childViewContainer ? this.$(childViewContainer) : this.$el;
onBeforeDestroyCollectionView() {
export default function(collectionView) {
new MakeCompositeView({ el: collectionView.el, collectionView });
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