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MWE to illustrate the requirement for fix_unassigned_nonconstant_par_to_init (without it I get: ERROR: ExtraVariablesSystemException: The system is unbalanced. There are 4 highest order derivative variables and 3 equations.)
using SBMLToolkit
using SBML
using Catalyst
using Downloads
case = "00170"
function read_case(case)
base_url = "$case/$case"
sbml_url = base_url*"-sbml-l3v2.xml"
sbml = String(take!(, IOBuffer())))
# Read case
sbml = read_case(case)
# Read SBML
ml = readSBMLFromString(sbml, doc -> begin
set_level_and_version(3, 2)(doc)
## Works
function mwe_ReactionSystem1(model::SBML.Model; kwargs...) # Todo: requires unique parameters (i.e. SBML must have been imported with localParameter promotion in libSBML)
# length( > 0 ? error("Model contains events. Please import with `ODESystem(model)`") : nothing @Anand: how to suppress this when called from ODESystem
rxs = SBMLToolkit.mtk_reactions(model)
u0map = SBMLToolkit.get_u0map(model)
parammap = SBMLToolkit.get_paramap(model)
defs = ModelingToolkit._merge(Dict(u0map), Dict(parammap))
algrules, obsrules, raterules = SBMLToolkit.get_rules(model)
# constant_eqs = fix_constants_at_init(model) # Todo PL: take this out
unassigned_pars = SBMLToolkit.fix_unassigned_nonconstant_par_to_init(model) # @Sam: if I do not do that, there are too few equations. Do you have better suggestions?
for o in obsrules
defs[o.lhs] = substitute(o.rhs, defs)
constraints_sys = ODESystem(vcat(algrules, raterules, obsrules, unassigned_pars),
Catalyst.DEFAULT_IV; name = gensym(:CONSTRAINTS))
# Hacky way to keep zero_ode species with contant=boundaryCondition=false in system
rs = ReactionSystem(rxs, Catalyst.DEFAULT_IV, first.(u0map), first.(parammap); defaults = defs, name = gensym(:SBML),
constraints = constraints_sys, kwargs...)
odessys = convert(ODESystem, rs; include_zero_odes=true, combinatoric_ratelaws=false)
u0map, fixed_to_init = SBMLToolkit.get_u0map(model, equations(odessys)) # Todo PL: Use input=true instead
constraints_sys = ODESystem(vcat(algrules, raterules, obsrules, unassigned_pars, fixed_to_init),
Catalyst.DEFAULT_IV; name = gensym(:CONSTRAINTS))
ReactionSystem(rxs, Catalyst.DEFAULT_IV, first.(u0map), first.(parammap); defaults = defs, name = gensym(:SBML),
constraints = constraints_sys, kwargs...)
rs1 = mwe_ReactionSystem1(ml) # 4 states, 4 equations
sys1 = convert(ODESystem, rs1; include_zero_odes = false, combinatoric_ratelaws=false)
ssys = structural_simplify(sys1)
## Fails
function mwe_ReactionSystem2(model::SBML.Model; kwargs...) # Todo: requires unique parameters (i.e. SBML must have been imported with localParameter promotion in libSBML)
# length( > 0 ? error("Model contains events. Please import with `ODESystem(model)`") : nothing @Anand: how to suppress this when called from ODESystem
rxs = SBMLToolkit.mtk_reactions(model)
u0map = SBMLToolkit.get_u0map(model)
parammap = SBMLToolkit.get_paramap(model)
defs = ModelingToolkit._merge(Dict(u0map), Dict(parammap))
algrules, obsrules, raterules = SBMLToolkit.get_rules(model)
# constant_eqs = fix_constants_at_init(model) # Todo PL: take this out
# unassigned_pars = SBMLToolkit.fix_unassigned_nonconstant_par_to_init(model) # @Sam: if I do not do that, there are too few equations. Do you have better suggestions?
for o in obsrules
defs[o.lhs] = substitute(o.rhs, defs)
constraints_sys = ODESystem(vcat(algrules, raterules, obsrules),
Catalyst.DEFAULT_IV; name = gensym(:CONSTRAINTS))
# Hacky way to keep zero_ode species with contant=boundaryCondition=false in system
rs = ReactionSystem(rxs, Catalyst.DEFAULT_IV, first.(u0map), first.(parammap); defaults = defs, name = gensym(:SBML),
constraints = constraints_sys, kwargs...)
odessys = convert(ODESystem, rs; include_zero_odes=true, combinatoric_ratelaws=false)
u0map, fixed_to_init = SBMLToolkit.get_u0map(model, equations(odessys)) # Todo PL: Use input=true instead
constraints_sys = ODESystem(vcat(algrules, raterules, obsrules, fixed_to_init),
Catalyst.DEFAULT_IV; name = gensym(:CONSTRAINTS))
ReactionSystem(rxs, Catalyst.DEFAULT_IV, first.(u0map), first.(parammap); defaults = defs, name = gensym(:SBML),
constraints = constraints_sys, kwargs...)
rs2 = mwe_ReactionSystem2(ml) # 4 states, 3 equations
sys2 = convert(ODESystem, rs2; include_zero_odes = false, combinatoric_ratelaws=false)
ssys = structural_simplify(sys2) # ERROR: ExtraVariablesSystemException: The system is unbalanced. There are 4 highest order derivative variables and 3 equations.
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