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Forked from paulmdx/
Created February 10, 2016 14:51
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from random import randint
def create_population(create, pop_size=1000):
"""Create population list"""
return [create() for i in xrange(pop_size)]
def crossover(combine, population, pop_size):
"""Increase population size by combining"""
original_size = len(population)
while len(population) < pop_size:
population.append(combine(population[randint(0, original_size-1)], population[randint(0, original_size-1)]))
return population
def mutation(mutate, population, mutation_rate):
"""Mutate portion of population"""
for i in xrange(int(len(population) * mutation_rate)):
pos = randint(0, len(population)-1)
population[pos] = mutate(population[pos])
return population
def selection(fitness, population):
"""Keep best in population"""
return sorted(population, key=lambda x: fitness(x), reverse=False)[:len(population)/2]
def main():
"""Goal: identify best approximation of pi"""
pop_size = 1000 # Number of solutions
mutation_rate = 0.05 # Fraction of population to mutate
epochs = 20 # Number of iterations to run for
# Create randomised population
population = create_population(lambda: [randint(1,5000), randint(1,5000)], pop_size)
# Run for number of iterations
for epoch in xrange(epochs):
# Remove worst solutions
population = selection(lambda x: abs(float(x[0])/(0.0001+x[1]) - 3.14159265), population)
# Show the best so far
best = float(population[0][0]) / (0.0001+population[0][1])
error = abs(best - 3.14159265)
print('Epoch %.03d: %f\t(%d / %d)\terror %f' % (epoch, best, population[0][0], population[0][1], error))
# Combine solutions to increase population size to original
population = crossover(lambda x, y: [(x[0]+y[0])/2, (x[1]+y[1])/2], population, pop_size)
# Mutate some solutions
population = mutation(lambda x: [x[0]+randint(-1,+1), x[1]+randint(-1,+1)], population, mutation_rate)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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