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Created October 26, 2014 21:35
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Clean example of rotating and scaling a rectangle, using glm::unProject to convert from mouse to world coordinates.
#include "cinder/app/AppNative.h"
#include "cinder/app/RendererGl.h"
#include "cinder/gl/gl.h"
#undef near
#undef far
using namespace ci;
using namespace ci::app;
using namespace std;
//! A rectangle that can be transformed.
struct EditableRect {
Area area;
vec2 position;
vec2 scale;
quat rotation;
EditableRect() : scale( 1 ) {}
~EditableRect() {}
//! Returns the rectangle's model matrix.
mat4 matrix()
mat4 m = glm::translate( vec3( position, 0 ) );
m *= glm::toMat4( rotation );
m *= glm::scale( vec3( scale, 1 ) );
m *= glm::translate( vec3( -area.getSize() / 2, 0 ) );
return m;
class UnprojectApp : public AppNative {
void setup() override;
void draw() override;
void mouseDown( MouseEvent event ) override;
void mouseDrag( MouseEvent event ) override;
vec3 mouseToWorld( const ivec2 &mouse, float z = 0 );
EditableRect mRectangle;
ivec2 mMouseInitial;
EditableRect mRectangleInitial;
bool mIsClicked;
void UnprojectApp::setup()
mRectangle.area = Area( 0, 0, 320, 240 );
mRectangle.position = getWindowSize() / 2;
mIsClicked = false;
void UnprojectApp::draw()
gl::color( 1, 1, 1 );
// Either use setMatricesWindow() or setMatricesWindowPersp() to enable 2D rendering.
gl::setMatricesWindowPersp( getWindowSize() );
// Draw the transformed rectangle.
gl::multModelMatrix( mRectangle.matrix() );
gl::drawStrokedRect( mRectangle.area );
void UnprojectApp::mouseDown( MouseEvent event )
// Check if mouse is inside rectangle, by converting the mouse coordinates
// to world space and then to object space.
vec3 world = mouseToWorld( event.getPos() );
vec4 object = glm::inverse( mRectangle.matrix() ) * vec4( world, 1 );
// Now we can simply use Area::contains() to find out if the mouse is inside.
mIsClicked = mRectangle.area.contains( vec2( object ) );
if( mIsClicked ) {
mMouseInitial = event.getPos();
mRectangleInitial = mRectangle;
void UnprojectApp::mouseDrag( MouseEvent event )
// Scale and rotate the rectangle.
if( mIsClicked ) {
// Calculate the initial click position and the current mouse position, in world coordinates relative to the rectangle's center.
vec3 initial = mouseToWorld( mMouseInitial ) - vec3( mRectangle.position, 0 );
vec3 current = mouseToWorld( event.getPos() ) - vec3( mRectangle.position, 0 );
// Calculate scale by using the distance to the center of the rectangle.
float d0 = glm::length( initial );
float d1 = glm::length( current );
mRectangle.scale = vec2( mRectangleInitial.scale * ( d1 / d0 ) );
// Calculate rotation by taking the angle with the X-axis for both positions and calculating the difference.
float a0 = math<float>::atan2( initial.y, initial.x );
float a1 = math<float>::atan2( current.y, current.x );
mRectangle.rotation = mRectangleInitial.rotation * glm::angleAxis( a1 - a0, vec3( 0, 0, 1 ) );
vec3 UnprojectApp::mouseToWorld( const ivec2 &mouse, float z )
// Build the viewport (x, y, width, height).
vec2 offset = gl::getViewport().first;
vec2 size = gl::getViewport().second;
vec4 viewport = vec4( offset.x, offset.y, size.x, size.y );
// Calculate the view-projection matrix.
mat4 transform = gl::getProjectionMatrix() * gl::getViewMatrix();
// Calculate the intersection of the mouse ray with the near (z=0) and far (z=1) planes.
vec3 near = glm::unProject( vec3( mouse.x, size.y - mouse.y, 0 ), mat4(), transform, viewport );
vec3 far = glm::unProject( vec3( mouse.x, size.y - mouse.y, 1 ), mat4(), transform, viewport );
// Calculate world position.
return ci::lerp( near, far, ( z - near.z ) / ( far.z - near.z ) );
CINDER_APP_NATIVE( UnprojectApp, RendererGl )
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