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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Must import packages: reshape2, ggplot2, lattice. Could not get Key/Legend to change colour
#Define the datatset
CSV = data.frame(HTMLType =
factor(c("Metadata", "HTML Serialization", "Link to Download",
"Link and Metadata", "Landing Page", "Data Filter/Access Form", "Not Analyzed"),
levels = c("Metadata", "HTML Serialization", "Link to Download", "Link and Metadata",
"Landing Page", "Data Filter/Access Form","Not Analyzed")),
Australia = c(2.98,56.91,1.67,36.06,0.00,0.00,2.38),
Canada= c(0.49,13.13,6.04,39.03,0.00,0.00,41.31),
UnitedKingdom = c(4.99,0.00,0.00,23.92,3.96,0.00,67.13),
Ireland = c(0.00,5.65,34.00,0.00,4.55,0.00,55.80),
UnitedStates = c(26.98,6.65,14.27,0.00,6.24,9.53,36.33))
#Make the dataset a list
CSV <- melt(CSV, id=c("HTMLType"))
#Plot the dataset in a matrix barplot
ggplot(CSV,aes(x=factor(HTMLType), y = value)) +
facet_wrap(~variable) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", aes(fill = factor(HTMLType)))
#Reorganize the structure and add legend using Lattice
#Could not figure out how to add another x axis on the top
barchart(~value|variable,group = factor(HTMLType),data=CSV, main= "HTML Type by Country", xlim=c(0,70),
scales=list(alternating=FALSE), layout=c(1,5), box.ratio=1, box.width=1, xlab= "Percent", col=colors,
#Legend: col=c("red","purple","yellow","green","blue", "orange", "light blue") changes the text colour only.
key = simpleKey(title= "Legend",levels(CSV$HTMLType), rectangles = TRUE,points = FALSE,space = "right", reverse= TRUE,))
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