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Created June 4, 2015 19:49
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Smoke Testing in F# with Canopy
module harness
open canopy
open canopy.types
open runner
open System
let mutable baseurl = "http://localhost:49774"
let login username password =
url baseurl
on (baseurl + "/Login")
// set username and password and login
"#Email" << username
"#Password" << password
press enter
on (baseurl + "/")
let urlverify u =
sleep 1
url u
on u
let h1 = someElement "h1";
match h1 with
| Some(h) ->
let hasError = h.Text.ToLower().Contains("server error in");
match hasError with
| true -> raise (CanopyException("server error"))
| false -> ()
| None -> ()
let t = title().Trim().ToLower()
match t with
| "compilation error" -> raise (CanopyException("compilation error"))
| "the resource cannot be found." -> raise (CanopyException("404"))
| _ -> ()
open canopy
open runner
open harness
open configuration
open reporters
open System
Console.Write("Base URL (default is http://localhost:49774): ")
let baseUrlInput = Console.ReadLine()
match baseUrlInput with
| "" -> ()
| _ -> harness.baseurl <- baseUrlInput
Console.Write("Username: ")
let username = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Password: ")
let password = Console.ReadLine()
reporter <- new LiveHtmlReporter(types.BrowserStartMode.Chrome, "c:\\") :> IReporter
start chrome
login username password
Console.WriteLine("press [enter] to exit")
Console.ReadLine() |> ignore
module SmokeTests
open canopy
open runner
open harness
let urls =
let smoketest() =
context "Smoke Tests"
for u in urls do
("Smoke test for " + u) &&& fun _ ->
urlverify (baseurl + u)
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To use, change the default baseurl, and add any relative URLs you want tested to the urls list in SmokeTests.fs (or, pull them from a database, or whatever). If you don't need authentication, just comment out the username/password input lines and the "login username password" line from Program.fs.

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Also make sure to put the F# files in this order: Harness.fs, SmokeTests.fs, then Program.fs. And of course add a nuget reference to Canopy. You'll need the Selenium Chrome driver installed in C:\ as that's the default location that Selenium looks for it. Feel free to customize from here to change driver location, use other browsers, etc.

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