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Created July 24, 2013 16:54
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  • Save pauljonescodes/6072343 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pauljonescodes/6072343 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
@black: ;
@grayDarker: ;
@grayDark: ;
@gray: ;
@grayLight: ;
@grayLighter: ;
@white: ;
@blue: ;
@blueDark: ;
@green: ;
@red: ;
@yellow: ;
@orange: ;
@pink: ;
@purple: ;
@bodyBackground: ;
@textColor: ;
@linkColor: ;
@linkColorHover: ;
@sansFontFamily: ;
@serifFontFamily: ;
@monoFontFamily: ;
@baseFontFamily: ;
@baseLineHeight: ;
@altFontFamily: ;
@headingsFontFamily: ;
@headingsFontWeight: ;
@headingsColor: ;
@tableBackground: ;
@tableBackgroundAccent: ;
@tableBackgroundHover: ;
@tableBorder: ;
@btnBackground: ;
@btnBackgroundHighlight: ;
@btnBorder: ;
@btnPrimaryBackground: ;
@btnPrimaryBackgroundHighlight: ;
@btnInfoBackground: ;
@btnInfoBackgroundHighlight: ;
@btnSuccessBackground: ;
@btnSuccessBackgroundHighlight: ;
@btnWarningBackground: ;
@btnWarningBackgroundHighlight: ;
@btnDangerBackground: ;
@btnDangerBackgroundHighlight: ;
@btnInverseBackground: ;
@btnInverseBackgroundHighlight: ;
@wellBackground: ;
@navbarBackground: ;
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@navbarText: ;
@navbarLinkColor: ;
@navbarLinkColorHover: ;
@navbarLinkColorActive: ;
@navbarLinkBackgroundHover: ;
@navbarLinkBackgroundActive: ;
@navbarBrandColor: ;
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