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Last active April 17, 2020 05:08
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Hidden Makrov Models examples in javascript and python
/* Example from page 22
const makrovChain = {
q: {
property: 0.7,
transitions: {
q: 0.7,
r: 0.1,
s: 0.2,
emissions: {
a: 0.8,
b: 0.2,
r: {
property: 0.2,
transitions: {
q: 0.25,
r: 0.5,
s: 0.25,
emissions: {
a: 0.4,
b: 0.6,
s: {
property: 0.1,
transitions: {
q: 0.4,
r: 0.4,
s: 0.2,
emissions: {
a: 0.1,
b: 0.9,
/* This example should always output 1 with the sequence 'aaa' or any sequence composed only with 'a'
const makrovChain = {
q: {
property: 1,
transitions: {
q: 1,
r: 0,
emissions: {
a: 1,
b: 0,
r: {
property: 0,
transitions: {
q: 1,
r: 0,
emissions: {
a: 1,
b: 0,
const makrovChain = {
q: {
property: 1,
transitions: {
q: 0.6,
r: 0.4,
emissions: {
a: 0.7,
b: 0.3,
r: {
property: 0,
transitions: {
q: 0.3,
r: 0.7,
emissions: {
a: 0.4,
b: 0.6,
const HMM = (chain, precision=-1) => {
const getAssociativeProbabilities = key => Object.entries(chain).reduce((acc, [right, value]) => ({
...Object.entries(value[key]).reduce((acc, [left, value]) => ({
[`${right}->${left}`]: value
}), {})
}), {});
const states = Object.keys(chain);
const symbols = ['a', 'b'];
const probabilities = {
initialState: Object.values(chain).map(({ property }) => property),
transitions: getAssociativeProbabilities('transitions'),
emissions: getAssociativeProbabilities('emissions')
const initialStates = Object.entries(chain).reduce((acc, [state, { property }]) => ({ ...acc, [state]: property }), {});
console.log('S =', states);
console.log('Σ =', symbols);
console.log('Π =', probabilities.initialState);
console.log('B =', probabilities.transitions);
console.log('S =', probabilities.emissions);
const getTransition = (left, right) => chain[left].transitions[right];
const getEmission = (node, symbol) => chain[node].emissions[symbol];
const withPrecision = (value) => precision > 0
? Math.round(value * Math.pow(10, precision)) / Math.pow(10, precision)
: value;
let reverse;
const showDebug = (debug, key, value, i, join) => console.log(`${key}${(reverse ? states.length - i : i) + 1}`, '=', join(debug), '=', value);
const sumReduce = {
value: (a, b) => a + b,
debug: values => values.join(' + '),
const maxReduce = {
value: (a, b) => Math.max(a, b),
debug: values => 'max(' + values.join(', ') + ')',
const compute = (currentStates, sequence, reducer=sumReduce) => {
const history = [];
sequence.forEach((symbol, i) => {
let nextStates = { ...currentStates };
Object.entries(currentStates).map(([key]) => {
const { debug, value } = states.reduce((acc, state) => {
const source = reverse ? key : state;
const target = reverse ? state : key;
const emission = getEmission(target, symbol);
const property = currentStates[state];
const transition = getTransition(source, target);
acc.value = reducer.value(acc.value, property * transition * emission);
acc.debug.push(`(${property} * ${transition} * ${emission})`);
return acc;
}, { debug: [], value: 0 });
const roundedValue = withPrecision(value);
nextStates[key] = roundedValue;
showDebug(debug, key, roundedValue, i + 1, reducer.debug);
currentStates = nextStates;
return {
history: [ ...history, currentStates ],
lastState: currentStates,
const start = (name, sequence, init, compute) => {
let probability;
let args;
if (init) {
args = init();
if (compute) {
const { value, debug: [ join, ...debug ] } = compute(args);
console.log(`\n${name} probability of sequence "${sequence}" = ${join(debug)} =`, withPrecision(value), '\n------');
return probability;
const initForward = sequence => () => {
reverse = false;
let nextStates = { ...initialStates };
const [ symbol, ...restSequence ] = sequence;
Object.entries(initialStates).map(([key, property]) => {
const emission = getEmission(key, symbol);
const { debug, value } = {
debug: [ `${property} * ${emission}` ],
value: property * emission,
const roundedValue = withPrecision(value);
nextStates[key] = roundedValue;
showDebug(debug, key, roundedValue, 0, sumReduce.debug);
return { nextStates, restSequence };
return {
forward: sequence => start('Forward', sequence, initForward(sequence), ({ nextStates, restSequence }) => {
const { history, lastState } = compute(nextStates, restSequence);
return Object.values(lastState).reduce((acc, property) => ({
debug: [ ...acc.debug, property ],
value: acc.value + property,
}), { debug: [ sumReduce.debug ], value: 0 });
backward: sequence => start('Backward', sequence, () => {
reverse = true;
const currentStates = Object.entries(chain).reduce((acc, [state]) => ({ ...acc, [state]: 1 }), {});
Object.entries(currentStates).map(([key, property]) => {
console.log(`${key}${states.length + 1}`, '=', property);
return { currentStates };
}, ({ currentStates }) => {
const [ symbol, ...restSequence ] = sequence;
const { history, lastState } = compute(currentStates, restSequence.reverse());
return Object.entries(lastState).reduce((acc, [key, property]) => {
const emission = getEmission(key, symbol);
const initialState = initialStates[key];
acc.debug.push(`(${property} * ${initialState} * ${emission})`);
acc.value += property * initialState * emission;
return acc;
}, { debug: [ sumReduce.debug ], value: 0 });
viterbi: sequence => start('Viterbi', sequence, initForward(sequence), ({ nextStates, restSequence }) => {
const { history, lastState } = compute(nextStates, restSequence, maxReduce);
const mostLikelyPath = => {
return Object.entries(state).reduce((acc, [key, property]) => property > acc[1] ? [key, property] : acc, ['', 0]);
console.log('Most likely path:', mostLikelyPath);
return Object.values(lastState).reduce((acc, property) => ({
debug: [ ...acc.debug, property ],
value: maxReduce.value(acc.value, property),
}), { debug: [ maxReduce.debug ], value: 0 });
const { forward, backward, viterbi } = HMM(makrovChain, 4);
def fwd_bkw(observations, states, start_prob, trans_prob, emm_prob, end_st):
fwd = []
f_prev = {}
for i, observation_i in enumerate(observations):
f_curr = {}
for st in states:
if i == 0:
# base case for the forward part
prev_f_sum = start_prob[st]
prev_f_sum = sum(f_prev[k]*trans_prob[k][st] for k in states)
f_curr[st] = emm_prob[st][observation_i] * prev_f_sum
f_prev = f_curr
p_fwd = sum(f_curr[k] * trans_prob[k][end_st] for k in states)
# Backward part of the algorithm
bkw = []
b_prev = {}
for i, observation_i_plus in enumerate(reversed(observations[1:]+(None,))):
b_curr = {}
for st in states:
if i == 0:
# base case for backward part
b_curr[st] = trans_prob[st][end_st]
b_curr[st] = sum(trans_prob[st][l] * emm_prob[l][observation_i_plus] * b_prev[l] for l in states)
b_prev = b_curr
p_bkw = sum(start_prob[l] * emm_prob[l][observations[0]] * b_curr[l] for l in states)
# Merging the two parts
posterior = []
for i in range(len(observations)):
posterior.append({st: fwd[i][st] * bkw[i][st] / p_fwd for st in states})
assert p_fwd == p_bkw
return fwd, bkw, posterior, p_fwd, p_bkw
states = ('q', 'r')
end_state = 'E'
observations = ('a', 'a', 'b')
start_probability = {'q': 1, 'r': 0}
transition_probability = {
'q' : {'q': 0.6, 'r': 0.4, 'E': 1},
'r' : {'q': 0.3, 'r': 0.7, 'E': 1},
emission_probability = {
'q' : {'a': 0.7, 'b': 0.3},
'r' : {'a': 0.4, 'b': 0.6},
def example():
return fwd_bkw(observations, states, start_probability, transition_probability, emission_probability, end_state)
for line in example():
const maryMarkov = require('mary-markov');
let hiddenStates = [
{state: 'q', prob: [0.6, 0.4]},
{state: 'r', prob: [0.3, 0.7]}
let observables = [
{obs: 'a', prob: [0.7, 0.4]},
{obs: 'b', prob: [0.3, 0.6]},
let hiddenInit = [1, 0];
let LeaHMModel = maryMarkov.HMM(hiddenStates, observables, hiddenInit);
let obSequence = ['a','a','b'];
let forwardProbability = LeaHMModel.forwardAlgorithm(obSequence);
let backwardProbability = LeaHMModel.backwardAlgorithm(obSequence);
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