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Created July 26, 2018 17:40
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Red-Black Binary Search Tree
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
public class RedBlackBST<Key extends Comparable<Key>, Value>
private static final boolean RED = true;
private static final boolean BLACK = false;
private Node root; // root of the BST
private class Node
private Key key; // key
private Value val; // associated data
private Node left, right; // links to left and right subtrees
private boolean color; // color of parent link
private int size; // subtree count
public Node( Key key, Value val, boolean color, int size )
this.key = key;
this.val = val;
this.color = color;
this.size = size;
public RedBlackBST() { }
private boolean isRed( Node x )
if ( x == null ) return false;
return x.color == RED;
private int size( Node x )
if ( x == null ) return 0;
return x.size;
public int size()
{ return size( root ); }
public boolean isEmpty()
{ return root == null; }
public Value get( Key key )
if ( key == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "argument to get() is null" );
return get( root, key );
private Value get( Node x, Key key )
while ( x != null )
int cmp = key.compareTo( x.key );
if ( cmp < 0 ) x = x.left;
else if ( cmp > 0 ) x = x.right;
else return x.val;
return null;
public boolean contains( Key key )
return get( key ) != null;
public void put( Key key, Value val )
if ( key == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "first argument to put() is null" );
if ( val == null )
delete( key );
root = put( root, key, val );
root.color = BLACK;
private Node put( Node h, Key key, Value val )
if ( h == null ) return new Node( key, val, RED, 1 );
int cmp = key.compareTo( h.key );
if ( cmp < 0 ) h.left = put( h.left, key, val );
else if ( cmp > 0 ) h.right = put( h.right, key, val );
else h.val = val;
if ( isRed( h.right ) && !isRed( h.left ) ) h = rotateLeft( h );
if ( isRed( h.left ) && isRed( h.left.left ) ) h = rotateRight( h );
if ( isRed( h.left ) && isRed( h.right ) ) flipColors( h );
h.size = size( h.left ) + size( h.right ) + 1;
return h;
public void deleteMin()
if ( isEmpty() ) throw new NoSuchElementException( "BST underflow" );
if ( !isRed( root.left ) && !isRed( root.right ) )
root.color = RED;
root = deleteMin( root );
if ( !isEmpty() ) root.color = BLACK;
private Node deleteMin( Node h )
if ( h.left == null )
return null;
if ( !isRed( h.left ) && !isRed( h.left.left ) )
h = moveRedLeft( h );
h.left = deleteMin( h.left );
return balance( h );
public void deleteMax()
if ( isEmpty() ) throw new NoSuchElementException( "BST underflow" );
if ( !isRed( root.left ) && !isRed( root.right ) )
root.color = RED;
root = deleteMax( root );
if ( !isEmpty() ) root.color = BLACK;
private Node deleteMax( Node h )
if ( isRed( h.left ) )
h = rotateRight( h );
if ( h.right == null )
return null;
if ( !isRed( h.right ) && !isRed( h.right.left ) )
h = moveRedRight( h );
h.right = deleteMax( h.right );
return balance( h );
public void delete( Key key )
if ( key == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "argument to delete() is null" );
if ( !contains( key ) ) return;
if ( !isRed( root.left ) && !isRed( root.right ) )
root.color = RED;
root = delete( root, key );
if ( !isEmpty()) root.color = BLACK;
private Node delete( Node h, Key key )
if ( key.compareTo( h.key ) < 0 )
if ( !isRed( h.left ) && !isRed( h.left.left ) )
h = moveRedLeft( h );
h.left = delete( h.left, key );
} else {
if ( isRed( h.left ) )
h = rotateRight( h );
if ( key.compareTo( h.key ) == 0 && ( h.right == null ) )
return null;
if ( !isRed( h.right ) && !isRed( h.right.left ) )
h = moveRedRight(h);
if ( key.compareTo( h.key ) == 0 )
Node x = min( h.right );
h.key = x.key;
h.val = x.val;
h.right = deleteMin( h.right );
else h.right = delete( h.right, key );
return balance( h );
private Node rotateRight( Node h )
Node x = h.left;
h.left = x.right;
x.right = h;
x.color = x.right.color;
x.right.color = RED;
x.size = h.size;
h.size = size( h.left ) + size( h.right ) + 1;
return x;
private Node rotateLeft( Node h )
Node x = h.right;
h.right = x.left;
x.left = h;
x.color = x.left.color;
x.left.color = RED;
x.size = h.size;
h.size = size( h.left ) + size( h.right ) + 1;
return x;
private void flipColors( Node h )
h.color = !h.color;
h.left.color = !h.left.color;
h.right.color = !h.right.color;
private Node moveRedLeft( Node h )
flipColors( h );
if ( isRed( h.right.left ) )
h.right = rotateRight( h.right );
h = rotateLeft( h );
flipColors( h );
return h;
private Node moveRedRight( Node h )
flipColors( h );
if ( isRed( h.left.left ) )
h = rotateRight( h );
flipColors( h );
return h;
private Node balance( Node h )
if ( isRed( h.right ) ) h = rotateLeft( h );
if ( isRed( h.left ) && isRed( h.left.left) ) h = rotateRight( h );
if ( isRed( h.left ) && isRed( h.right ) ) flipColors( h );
h.size = size( h.left ) + size( h.right ) + 1;
return h;
public int height()
{ return height( root ); }
private int height( Node x )
if ( x == null ) return -1;
return 1 + Math.max( height( x.left ), height( x.right ) );
public Key min()
if ( isEmpty() ) throw new NoSuchElementException( "calls min() with empty symbol table" );
return min( root ).key;
private Node min( Node x )
if ( x.left == null ) return x;
else return min( x.left );
public Key max()
if ( isEmpty() ) throw new NoSuchElementException( "calls max() with empty symbol table" );
return max( root ).key;
private Node max( Node x )
if ( x.right == null ) return x;
else return max( x.right );
public Key floor( Key key )
if ( key == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "argument to floor() is null" );
if ( isEmpty() ) throw new NoSuchElementException( "calls floor() with empty symbol table" );
Node x = floor( root, key );
if ( x == null ) return null;
else return x.key;
private Node floor( Node x, Key key )
if ( x == null ) return null;
int cmp = key.compareTo( x.key );
if ( cmp == 0 ) return x;
if ( cmp < 0 ) return floor( x.left, key );
Node t = floor( x.right, key );
if ( t != null ) return t;
else return x;
public Key ceiling( Key key )
if ( key == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "argument to ceiling() is null" );
if ( isEmpty() ) throw new NoSuchElementException( "calls ceiling() with empty symbol table" );
Node x = ceiling( root, key );
if ( x == null ) return null;
else return x.key;
private Node ceiling( Node x, Key key )
if ( x == null ) return null;
int cmp = key.compareTo( x.key );
if ( cmp == 0 ) return x;
if ( cmp > 0 ) return ceiling( x.right, key );
Node t = ceiling( x.left, key );
if ( t != null ) return t;
else return x;
public Key select( int k )
if ( k < 0 || k >= size() )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "argument to select() is invalid: " + k );
Node x = select( root, k );
return x.key;
private Node select( Node x, int k )
int t = size( x.left );
if ( t > k ) return select( x.left, k );
else if ( t < k ) return select( x.right, k - t - 1 );
else return x;
public int rank( Key key )
if ( key == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "argument to rank() is null" );
return rank( key, root );
private int rank( Key key, Node x )
if ( x == null ) return 0;
int cmp = key.compareTo( x.key );
if ( cmp < 0 ) return rank( key, x.left );
else if ( cmp > 0 ) return 1 + size( x.left ) + rank( key, x.right );
else return size( x.left );
public Iterable<Key> keys()
if ( isEmpty() ) return new Queue<Key>();
return keys( min(), max() );
public Iterable<Key> keys( Key lo, Key hi )
if ( lo == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "first argument to keys() is null" );
if ( hi == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "second argument to keys() is null" );
Queue<Key> queue = new Queue<Key>();
keys( root, queue, lo, hi );
return queue;
private void keys( Node x, Queue<Key> queue, Key lo, Key hi )
if ( x == null ) return;
int cmplo = lo.compareTo( x.key );
int cmphi = hi.compareTo( x.key );
if ( cmplo < 0 ) keys( x.left, queue, lo, hi );
if ( cmplo <= 0 && cmphi >= 0 ) queue.enqueue( x.key );
if ( cmphi > 0 ) keys( x.right, queue, lo, hi );
public int size( Key lo, Key hi )
if ( lo == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "first argument to size() is null" );
if ( hi == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "second argument to size() is null" );
if ( lo.compareTo( hi ) > 0 ) return 0;
if ( contains( hi ) ) return rank( hi ) - rank( lo ) + 1;
else return rank( hi ) - rank( lo );
private boolean check()
if ( !isBST() ) StdOut.println( "Not in symmetric order" );
if ( !isSizeConsistent() ) StdOut.println( "Subtree counts not consistent" );
if ( !isRankConsistent() ) StdOut.println( "Ranks not consistent" );
if ( !is23() ) StdOut.println( "Not a 2-3 tree" );
if ( !isBalanced() ) StdOut.println( "Not balanced" );
return isBST() && isSizeConsistent() && isRankConsistent() && is23() && isBalanced();
private boolean isBST()
return isBST( root, null, null );
private boolean isBST( Node x, Key min, Key max )
if ( x == null ) return true;
if ( min != null && x.key.compareTo( min ) <= 0 ) return false;
if ( max != null && x.key.compareTo( max ) >= 0 ) return false;
return isBST( x.left, min, x.key ) && isBST( x.right, x.key, max );
private boolean isSizeConsistent() { return isSizeConsistent( root ); }
private boolean isSizeConsistent( Node x )
if ( x == null ) return true;
if ( x.size != size( x.left ) + size( x.right ) + 1 ) return false;
return isSizeConsistent( x.left ) && isSizeConsistent( x.right );
private boolean isRankConsistent()
for ( int i = 0; i < size(); i++ )
if ( i != rank( select( i ) ) ) return false;
for ( Key key : keys() )
if ( key.compareTo( select( rank( key ) ) ) != 0 ) return false;
return true;
private boolean is23() { return is23( root ); }
private boolean is23( Node x )
if ( x == null ) return true;
if ( isRed( x.right ) ) return false;
if ( x != root && isRed( x ) && isRed( x.left ) )
return false;
return is23( x.left ) && is23( x.right );
private boolean isBalanced()
int black = 0; // number of black links on path from root to min
Node x = root;
while ( x != null )
if ( !isRed( x ) ) black++;
x = x.left;
return isBalanced( root, black );
private boolean isBalanced( Node x, int black )
if ( x == null ) return black == 0;
if ( !isRed( x ) ) black--;
return isBalanced( x.left, black ) && isBalanced( x.right, black );
public static void main( String[] args )
RedBlackBST<String, Integer> st = new RedBlackBST<String, Integer>();
for ( int i = 0; !StdIn.isEmpty(); i++ )
String key = StdIn.readString();
st.put( key, i );
for ( String s : st.keys() )
StdOut.println( s + " " + st.get( s ) );
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