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Last active August 13, 2020 00:22
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Unicorn CTF 2020 Task
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Unicorn CTF 2020: Manager on remote work (misc, 999 pts)
Bruteforce solution without z3 or anything except math and force.
Most likely, not the intended solution, but it does work.
python >=3.8 for
sympy for multiset_permutations
import math
import string
from sympy.utilities.iterables import multiset_permutations
from itertools import permutations
# Step 0:
# Prepare constants
init_state = b"\x90\x9c\t\xc5\x9aP`5Ez\xf6\x98\xb7\xe5#\x9fR\x13\x9eJ\xd3\xf6'{\x19f;p\xb0\x85E\xeb\x9e\xbd\xc8\xfai\xf3\x9a@"
target_prod = 2760417597537019351700664712711713267399333595054080000000
target_length = 97
target_sum = 482
# Array containing list of sets of equal numbers.
# We're assuming they're distinct.
# Also, because target_prod divides by 7**16 and there is no fixed number repeated more than 13 times,
# we are assuming that one of those two unused numbers is 7.
fixed_numbers = [
# Assuming that the first bytes are "unictf{"
flag_signature = b"unictf{"
first_bytes_signature = tuple(x ^ init_state[i] for i, x in enumerate(flag_signature))
# Step 1:
# Find possible fixed numbers
def brute_fixed_numbers(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j):
divisors = [ a**13, b**7, c**7, d**10, e**6, f**5, g**13, h**8]
number_prod = int( for x in divisors if x))
if target_prod % number_prod:
return False
number_sum = a*13 + b*7 + c*7 + d*10 + e*6 + f*5 + g*13 + h*8
# i, j - that 28 numbers
ij_sum = target_sum - number_sum
ij_prod = target_prod // number_prod
ij_cnt = 28
if ij_sum < 0:
return False
# Check if any possible free numbers combination exists
for x in range(15):
x1 = 28 - x
if i**x * j**x1 * number_prod != target_prod:
if i*x + j*x1 != ij_sum:
return True
all_except_7 = set(range(10)) - set([7])
fixed_numbers_possible = tuple(x for x in permutations(all_except_7) if brute_fixed_numbers(*x, 7))
print("[+] Step 1 is done")
print("[!] Possible free number combinations are: \n\t - " + '\n\t - '.join(list(str(combination) for combination in fixed_numbers_possible)))
fixed_numbers_possible = fixed_numbers_possible[5:]
print("[!] Skipping 5 wrong combinations right to the {}".format(str(fixed_numbers_possible[0])))
# Step 2:
# Find free number positions
nonfree = set(sum(fixed_numbers, []))
free = sorted(list(set(range(target_length)) - nonfree))
def construct(nf,f):
Construct a number given fixed and free numbers lists
number = list(range(target_length))
for i, elist in enumerate(fixed_numbers):
for idx in elist:
number[idx] = nf[i]
for i, y in enumerate(f):
number[free[i]] = y
return sum(y * 10**i for i,y in enumerate(reversed(number)))
def nth_byte(x, n):
Get nth byte of the number (LE)
return (x % int(256**(n+1)) // int(256**n))
def check(number):
Check if number looks like our flag
# Check first bytes
for i, b in enumerate(first_bytes_signature):
if nth_byte(number, i) != b:
return False
# Check if the rest bytes are ascii-printable
number_bytes = number.to_bytes(300, byteorder='little')[:40]
possible_flag = "".join([chr(number_bytes[i] ^ init_state[i]) for i in range(40)])
for x in possible_flag:
if x not in string.printable:
return False
print("[+] Solved! Flag is: {}".format(possible_flag))
return True
for x in fixed_numbers_possible:
print('[*] Checking current fixed_numbers combination (should take about 20 minutes): {}'.format(str(x)))
seven_repeats = 16 # x divides by 7**16
unknown_repeats = len(free) - seven_repeats # there are only 248 unknown digits
for p in multiset_permutations((x[8],)*unknown_repeats + (7,)*seven_repeats):
number = construct(x[:8], p)
if check(number):
print('[+] Bruteforce is a force')
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