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Git and GitHub command cheatsheet

Git and GitHub command cheat sheet


Creating a local repository

$ git init


Copy the project from the remote repository

$ git clone [repository_path]

Copy the project by specifying the name of the directory you want to create

$ git clone [repository_path] [new repository_path]

Copy the project to get only the latest revision

$ git clone --depth 1 [repository_path]


Create branches

$ git branch [branch]

Display a list of branch

$ git branch

Display all branches

$ git branch -a

Display the remote branch

$ git branch -r

Delete the branch

$ git branch -d [branch]


Switch the branch

$ git checkout [branch]

Switching to create a branch

$ git checkout -b [branch]

diff, status

Display the differences of changed files

$ git diff

Display a list of changed files

$ git status


Registration files and directories to index

$ git add [filename]

Register the changed files from the file that it has committed to the index

$ git add -u

Registered for all the modified file index (file newly added is not included)

$ git add -A

Register all of the files and directories to index

$ git add .


Commit files that have been added to the index

$ git commit

Commit a file with the commit message

$ git commit -m "[comment]"

Commit to add to all the changed files index (file newly added is not included)

$ git commit -a

Modify the last commit

$ git commit --amend

log, show

Display the commit log

$ git log

Display the latest commit content

$ git show


Cancel the last commit (the contents intact)

$ git reset --soft HEAD^

Cancel the contents and commit of the last commit

$ git reset --hard HEAD^


Submit to commit the local repository to the remote repository

$ git push [remote] [branch]

Submit to commit the master of the local repository to the master of the remote repository

$ git push origin master


Send a pull request

$ git pull-request

Commit the file with the message of the pull request

$ git pull-request -m "[comment]" -b defunkt:master -h mislav:feature


Merge the branch

$ git merge [branch]

fetch, pull

Confirm the change of the remote repository

git fetch [remote]

Incorporate a change in the remote repository

$ git pull [remote]


Copy the commit of another branch to the current branch

$ git cherry-pick [commit id]

browse, open

Open a page of the project of GitHub

$ git browse
$ open

Open a page of the issues of the project of GitHub

$ git browse -- issues
$ open

Opening the wiki pages of the project of GitHub

$ git browse -- wiki
$ open
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