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Created May 4, 2012 15:17
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Cool & pretty readable haskell code
data Cargo = Peasant
| Cabbage
| Wolf
| Goat
deriving (Eq, Enum, Show)
type ShoreState = [Cargo]
type Move = [Cargo]
type State = (ShoreState, ShoreState)
--State, FromState
type StateHist = (State, State)
type QueueStateHist = [StateHist]
constraint :: ShoreState -> Bool
constraint a = not(
((not $ elem Peasant a) && (elem Cabbage a) && (elem Goat a))
|| ((not $ elem Peasant a) && (elem Wolf a) && (elem Goat a))
stateConstraint s = (constraint $ fst s) && (constraint $ snd s)
genShoreStates :: ShoreState -> [Move]
genShoreStates s = if (elem Peasant s)
then [[Peasant]] ++ [[Peasant, x] | x <- s, x /= Peasant]
else [[]]
transformMove move = applyState s move isPeasantAtLeftShore
genStates s = filter stateConstraint $ map transformMove gen
where leftShore = fst s
rightShore = snd s
isPeasantAtLeftShore = elem Peasant leftShore
gen = genShoreStates (if isPeasantAtLeftShore
then leftShore
else rightShore)
applyState :: State -> Move -> Bool -> State
applyState s move leftToRight = if leftToRight
then (delete (fst s) move, add (snd s) move)
else (add (fst s) move, delete (snd s) move)
where delete shore move = [x | x <- shore, not $ elem x move]
add shore move = shore ++ move
shoreEq :: ShoreState -> ShoreState -> Bool
shoreEq fst snd = and [elem x snd | x <- fst] && and [elem x fst | x <- snd]
stateEq :: State -> State -> Bool
stateEq fstState sndState = shoreEq (fst fstState) (fst sndState) && shoreEq (snd fstState) (snd sndState)
start :: State
start = ([Peasant, Cabbage, Wolf, Goat], [])
finish :: State
finish = ([], [Peasant, Cabbage, Wolf, Goat])
bfs :: [State] -> QueueStateHist -> QueueStateHist
bfs [] queue = queue
bfs (x : xs) queue = bfs (xs ++ newStates) newQueue
where states = genStates x
newStates = filter (\k -> not $ contains queue k) states
newQueue = queue ++ (zip newStates (iterate id x))
contains :: QueueStateHist -> State -> Bool
contains q state = or $ map (\x -> stateEq x state) states
where states = map fst q
task :: [State]
task = if find then ([finish] ++ backTraverse q finish start []) else []
where q = bfs [start] [(start, start)]
find = contains q finish
backTraverse :: QueueStateHist -> State -> State -> [State] -> [State]
backTraverse queue curState finishState acc = if (stateEq curState finishState)
then acc
else backTraverse queue pred finishState (acc ++ [pred])
where pred = getPred queue curState
getPred :: QueueStateHist -> State -> State
getPred q state = snd $ head $ filter (\x -> stateEq (fst x) state) q
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