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Created July 17, 2012 17:39
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Damas-Hindley-Milner type inference algorithm in LiveScript
# Algorithm W (Damas-Hindley-Milner) in LiveScript.
# By Paul Miller (, Public domain.
# Based on Robert Smallshire's [Python code](
# Which is based on Andrew's [Scala code](
# Which is based on Nikita Borisov's [Perl code](
# Which is based on Luca Cardelli's [Modula-2 code](
# Something like that.
prelude = require './prelude'
prelude.install-prelude global
class Set
@keys = []
@length = 0
has: (key) ->
@keys.index-of(key) >= 0
push: (key) ->
unless @has key
@keys.push key
@length += 1
map: (fn) ->
some: (fn) -> @keys.some(fn)
clone = (obj) ->
if not obj? or typeof obj isnt 'object'
else if obj instanceof Date
new Date obj.get-time!
else if obj instanceof RegExp
flags = ''
flags += 'g' if
flags += 'i' if obj.ignoreCase?
flags += 'm' if obj.multiline?
flags += 'y' if obj.sticky?
new RegExp obj.source, flags
newInstance = new obj.constructor!
for key of obj
newInstance[key] = clone obj[key]
calls = Object.create(null)
log-call = (fn) ->
calls[fn] ?= 0
calls[fn] += 1
# λ abstraction.
class Lambda
(@v, @body) ->
to-string: ->
"(fn #{@v} => #{@body})"
# Identifier.
class Ident
(@name) ->
get-name: ->
to-string: ->
# Function application
class Apply
(@fn, @arg) ->
to-string: ->
"(#{@fn} #{@arg})"
# Let binding
class Let
(@v, @defn, @body) ->
to-string: ->
"(let #{@v} = #{@defn} in #{@body})"
# Letrec binding.
class Letrec
(@v, @defn, @body) ->
to-string: ->
"(letrec #{@v} = #{@defn} in #{@body})"
# Exception types
# ---------------
Type-error = Error
Parse-error = Error
# Raised if the type inference algorithm cannot infer types successfully.
# class Type-error extends Error
# Raised if the type environment supplied for is incomplete
# class Parse-error extends Error
# Types and type constructors
# ---------------------------
# A type variable standing for an arbitrary type.
# All type variables have a unique id, but names are only assigned lazily,
# when required.
class Type-variable
next-variable-id = 0
next-variable-name-code = 96
@id = next-variable-id
next-variable-id += 1
@instance = null
@name = null
get-name: ->
next-variable-name-code += 1
@name ?= String.from-char-code next-variable-name-code
to-string: ->
if @instance?!
# An n-ary type constructor which builds a new type from old.
class Type-operator
(@name, @types) ->
get-name: ->
to-string: ->
num-types = @types.length
if num-types is 0
else if num-types is 2
"(#{@types[0]} #{@name} #{@types[1]})"
"#{name} #{' '.join(@types)}"
# A binary type constructor which builds function types.
class Function extends Type-operator
(from-type, to-type) ->
super '->', [from-type, to-type]
# Basic types are constructed with a nullary type constructor
Integer = new Type-operator 'int', [] # Basic integer.
Bool = new Type-operator 'bool', [] # Basic boolean.
# Type inference machinery
# ------------------------
# Computes the type of the expression given by node.
analyze = (node, env, non-generic = new Set) ->
if node instanceof Ident
get-type node.get-name!, env, non-generic
else if node instanceof Apply
fun-type = analyze node.fn, env, non-generic
arg-type = analyze node.arg, env, non-generic
result-type = new Type-variable()
unify new Function(arg-type, result-type), fun-type
else if node instanceof Lambda
arg-type = new Type-variable()
new-env = clone env
new-env[node.v] = arg-type
new-non-generic = clone non-generic
new-non-generic.push arg-type
result-type = analyze node.body, new-env, new-non-generic
new Function arg-type, result-type
else if node instanceof Let
defn-type = analyze node.defn, env, non-generic
new-env = clone env
new-env[node.v] = defn-type
analyze node.body, new-env, non-generic
else if node instanceof Letrec
new-type = new Type-variable()
new-env = clone env
new-env[node.v] = new-type
new-non-generic = clone non-generic
new-non-generic.push new-type
defn-type = analyze node.defn, new-env, new-non-generic
unify new-type, defn-type
analyze node.body, new-env, non-generic
throw new Error "Unhandled syntax node #{node}"
# Get the type of identifier name from the type environment env.
get-type = (name, env, non-generic) ->
if name of env
fresh env[name], non-generic
else if is-integer-literal name
throw new ParseError "Undefined symbol #{name}"
fresh = (type, non-generic) ->
mappings = {}
freshrec = (type) ->
pruned = prune type
if pruned instanceof Type-variable
if is-generic pruned, non-generic
if not of mappings
mappings[] = new Type-variable()
else if pruned instanceof Type-operator
new Type-operator pruned.get-name!, ( freshrec)
freshrec type
# Unify the two types type1 and type2.
# Makes the types t1 and t2 the same.
# type1 - first type to be made equivalent.
# type2 - second type to be made equivalent.
# Returns nothing.
# Throws TypeError if the types cannot be unified.
unify = (type1, type2) ->
a = prune type1
b = prune type2
if a instanceof Type-variable and a isnt b
throw new TypeError 'recursive unification' if occurs-in-type a, b
a.instance = b
else if a instanceof Type-operator and b instanceof Type-variable
unify b, a
else if a instanceof Type-operator and b instanceof Type-operator
if (a.get-name! isnt b.get-name!) or (a.types.length isnt b.types.length)
throw new TypeError "Type mismatch: #{a} != #{b}"
zip(a.types, b.types).forEach ([p, q]) ->
unify p, q
throw new Error 'Not unified'
# Returns the currently defining instance of type.
# As a side effect, collapses the list of type instances. The function Prune
# is used whenever a type expression has to be inspected: it will always
# return a type expression which is either an uninstantiated type variable or
# a type operator; i.e. it will skip instantiated variables, and will
# actually prune them from expressions to remove long chains of instantiated
# variables.
prune = (type) ->
if type instanceof Type-variable and type.instance?
type.instance = prune type.instance
# Checks whether a type variable occurs in a type expression.
occurs-in-type = (variable, type-expr) ->
pruned-expr = prune type-expr
if pruned-expr is variable
else if pruned-expr instanceof Type-operator
occurs-in variable, pruned-expr.types
# Checks whether a types variable occurs in any other types.
occurs-in = (type, types) ->
types.some (sub-type) -> occurs-in-type type, sub-type
# Checks whether a given variable occurs in a list of non-generic variables.
is-generic = (variable, non-generic) ->
not occurs-in variable, non-generic
# Checks whether name is an integer literal string.
is-integer-literal = (name) ->
not isNaN parse-int name, 10
# Example code to exercise the above.
# -----------------------------------
try-exp = (env, node) ->
process.stdout.write "#{node}: "
t = analyze node, env
process.stdout.write "#{t}\n"
catch error
process.stdout.write "Error! #{error.message}\n"
main = ->
var1 = new Type-variable()
var2 = new Type-variable()
pair-type = new Type-operator '*', [var1, var2]
var3 = new Type-variable()
my-env =
pair: new Function var1, new Function var2, pair-type
true: Bool
cond: new Function Bool, new Function var3, new Function var3, var3
zero: new Function Integer, Bool
pred: new Function Integer, Integer
times: new Function Integer, new Function Integer, Integer
pair = new Apply(new Apply(new Ident("pair"), new Apply(new Ident("f"), new Ident("4"))), new Apply(new Ident("f"), new Ident("true")))
examples = [
# factorial
new Letrec('factorial', # letrec factorial =
new Lambda('n', # fn n =>
new Apply(
new Apply( # cond (zero n) 1
new Apply(new Ident('cond'), # cond (zero n)
new Apply(new Ident('zero'), new Ident('n'))),
new Ident('1')),
new Apply( # times n
new Apply(new Ident('times'), new Ident('n')),
new Apply(new Ident('factorial'),
new Apply(new Ident('pred'), new Ident('n')))
), # in
new Apply(new Ident('factorial'), new Ident('5'))
# Should fail:
# fn x => (pair(x(3) (x(true)))
new Lambda('x',
new Apply(
new Apply(new Ident('pair'),
new Apply(new Ident('x'), new Ident('3'))),
new Apply(new Ident('x'), new Ident('true')))),
# pair(f(3), f(true))
new Apply(
new Apply(new Ident('pair'), new Apply(new Ident('f'), new Ident('4'))),
new Apply(new Ident('f'), new Ident('true'))),
# let f = (fn x => x) in ((pair (f 4)) (f true))
new Let('f', new Lambda('x', new Ident('x')), pair),
# fn f => f f (fail)
new Lambda('f', new Apply(new Ident('f'), new Ident('f'))),
# let g = fn f => 5 in g g
new Let('g',
new Lambda('f', new Ident('5')),
new Apply(new Ident('g'), new Ident('g'))),
# example that demonstrates generic and non-generic variables:
# fn g => let f = fn x => g in pair (f 3, f true)
# Buggy!
# Expected: (a -> (a * a))
# Actual: (a -> (b * c))
new Lambda('g',
new Let('f',
new Lambda('x', new Ident('g')),
new Apply(
new Apply(new Ident('pair'),
new Apply(new Ident('f'), new Ident('3'))
new Apply(new Ident('f'), new Ident('true'))))),
# Function composition
# fn f (fn g (fn arg (f g arg)))
# Buggy!
# Expected: ((b -> c) -> ((c -> d) -> (b -> d)))
# Actual: (d -> (e -> (f -> g)))
new Lambda('f', new Lambda('g', new Lambda('arg', new Apply(new Ident('g'), new Apply(new Ident('f'), new Ident('arg'))))))
for example in examples
try-exp my-env, example
for k, v of calls
console.log "\n#{k}=#{v}"
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clone = (obj) ->
  if not obj? or typeof obj isnt 'object'
  else if obj instanceof Date
    new Date obj.get-time!
  else if obj instanceof RegExp
    flags = ''
    flags += 'g' if
    flags += 'i' if obj.ignoreCase?
    flags += 'm' if obj.multiline?
    flags += 'y' if obj.sticky?
    new RegExp obj.source, flags
    newInstance = new obj.constructor!
    for key of obj
      newInstance[key] = clone obj[key]

I think match comes in handy here

clone = ->
  match it
  | [(not) . (?), (!= 'object') . (typeof)] => obj
  | (instanceof Date) => new Date obj.get-time!
  | (instanceof RegExp) =>
    flags = ''
    flags += 'g' if
    flags += 'i' if obj.ignoreCase?
    flags += 'm' if obj.multiline?
    flags += 'y' if obj.sticky?
    new RegExp obj.source, flags
  | otherwise =>
    new-instance = new obj.construtor!
    for key of obj
     new-instance[key] = clone obj[key]

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yea, but it's not in stable release afaik

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[(not) . (?), (!= 'object') . (typeof)] => obj

a simple λ here would be nicer imo

| (obj) -> not obj? or typeof obj isnt 'object' => obj

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heheh yeah, it was just for fun :D.

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