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Last active May 4, 2017 07:53
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Advent of Code 2015, Day 25
-define(Start, {{1,1}, 20151125}).
nextN(Last) -> Last * 252533 rem 33554393.
nextXY({ X, 1 }) -> { 1, X + 1 };
nextXY({ X, Y }) -> { X + 1, Y - 1 }.
nextZip(Fa, Fb) -> fun ({A,B}) -> {Fa(A), Fb(B)} end.
next() -> nextZip(fun nextXY/1, fun nextN/1).
find(Start, Fn, Pred) ->
case Pred(Start) of
true -> Start;
false -> find(Fn(Start), Fn, Pred)
findXY(X,Y) -> find(?Start, next(), fun ({{Xx, Yy}, _}) -> (X =:= Xx) and (Y =:= Yy) end).
main([]) -> main(["3075", "2981"]);
main([X, Y]) ->
{ _, Part1 } = findXY(list_to_integer(X), list_to_integer(Y)),
io:format("Part 1: ~B~n", [Part1]).
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