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Last active May 4, 2017 08:22
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Advent of Code 2016, Day 11
-record(state, { elevator = 1, floors }).
-define(TOP_FLOOR, 4).
-define(LIMIT, 120).
%% some housekeeping funcs for creating items
-define(MICRO(Cat), { microchip, Cat }).
-define(GEN(Cat), { generator, Cat }).
visited_init() -> sets:new().
% returns table with the element added, and returns whether it was
% already there.
visited(Visited_Table, State) ->
{ sets:is_element(normalise(State), Visited_Table),
sets:add_element(normalise(State), Visited_Table) }.
%% Right - no normalise, all we need to know in a state (besides the
%% elevator location) is on what floor the micro is for each
%% generator.
%% So, we go through the floors, and for each generator item, we
%% replace it with the floor that the corresponding micro is on. We
%% can then sort these numbers so that it doesn't matter what level we
%% find the micro on.
findItem(Item, [ { FloorNum, Floor } | Floors ]) ->
case lists:member(Item, Floor) of
true -> FloorNum;
false -> findItem(Item, Floors)
% floors is where everything is, so we can find the corresponding micro
normGenerator(Cat, Floors) ->
findItem(?MICRO(Cat), Floors).
normFloor({ FloorNum, Items }, Floors) ->
Nitems = lists:filtermap(
fun ({ generator, Cat }) -> { true, normGenerator(Cat, Floors) };
(_) -> false
{ FloorNum, lists:sort(Nitems) }.
normalise(#state{elevator = Ev, floors = Floors}) ->
{ Ev, lists:map(fun (Floor) -> normFloor(Floor, Floors) end, Floors) }.
micro(X) -> ?MICRO(X).
gen(X) -> ?GEN(X).
part1() ->
Start = #state {
floors = [ { 1, [ gen(strontium), micro(strontium), gen(plutonium), micro(plutonium) ] },
{ 2, [ gen(thulium), gen(ruthenium), micro(ruthenium), gen(curium), micro(curium) ] },
{ 3, [ micro(thulium) ] },
{ 4, [] } ]
part2() ->
Start = #state {
floors = [ { 1, [ gen(elerium), micro(elerium), gen(dilithium), micro(dilithium), gen(strontium), micro(strontium), gen(plutonium), micro(plutonium) ] },
{ 2, [ gen(thulium), gen(ruthenium), micro(ruthenium), gen(curium), micro(curium) ] },
{ 3, [ micro(thulium) ] },
{ 4, [] } ]
%% a device is { Type, Cat }
%% where Type is: generator or microchip.
%% and Cat one of the types of radiation.
%% returns true if the Floor contains a generator of a type other than
%% that provided.
has_other_gen([], _) -> false;
% any micro is ok
has_other_gen([{microchip, _} | Items], Cat) -> has_other_gen(Items, Cat);
% ok because same cat
has_other_gen([{generator, Cat} | Items], Cat) -> has_other_gen(Items, Cat);
% else, another generator exists
has_other_gen([{generator, _} | _], _) -> true.
has_gen(Floor, Cat) -> lists:member({ generator, Cat}, Floor).
%% returns true if a single item is allowed to be in the Floor
%% according to the rules.
is_valid(Floor, { microchip, Cat }) ->
has_gen(Floor, Cat) orelse (not has_other_gen(Floor, Cat));
% anything else is valid
is_valid(_, _) -> true.
floors_are_valid(Floors) when is_list(Floors) ->
% check all of the floors
lists:all(fun ({_FloorNum, Floor}) -> floor_is_valid(Floor) end, Floors).
state_is_valid(#state{elevator = Ev, floors = Floors}) ->
(Ev > 0) andalso (Ev =< ?TOP_FLOOR) andalso
%% returns true if the floor matches the rules for a safe floor
floor_is_valid(Floor) ->
fun (IsValid) -> IsValid end,
lists:map(fun (Item) -> is_valid(Floor, Item) end, Floor)
applyMove(#state{floors = Floors}, Move) ->
{ _, ToFloor, _ } = Move,
#state{ elevator = ToFloor, floors = lists:map(fun (Floor) -> applyMove(Floor, Move) end, Floors) };
applyMove({ FloorNum, Floor }, { FromFloor, _ToFloor, Items }) when FloorNum =:= FromFloor ->
{FloorNum, lists:subtract(Floor, Items) };
applyMove({ FloorNum, Floor }, { _FromFloor, ToFloor, Items }) when FloorNum =:= ToFloor ->
{FloorNum, lists:append(Floor, Items) };
applyMove(Floor, _) -> Floor. % move not applicable, ret Floor unchanged
pairs([]) -> [];
pairs([ H | T]) -> [ [ H, A ] || A <- T ] ++ pairs(T).
generateMoves(#state{elevator = Elevator, floors = Floors}) ->
{ _, EvFloor } = lists:keyfind(Elevator, 1, Floors),
fun (Items) ->
Up = if Elevator > 1 -> [ { Elevator, Elevator - 1, Items } ];
true -> []
Down = if Elevator < ?TOP_FLOOR -> [ { Elevator, Elevator + 1, Items } ];
true -> []
Up ++ Down
pairs(EvFloor) ++ [ [Item] || Item <- EvFloor ]
is_complete(#state{floors=Floors}) ->
is_complete([ { ?TOP_FLOOR, _ } | _ ]) -> true;
is_complete([ { _, [] } | T ]) -> is_complete(T);
is_complete(_) -> false.
nextStates(State) ->
NewStates = [ applyMove(State, Move) || Move <- generateMoves(State) ],
lists:filter(fun state_is_valid/1, NewStates).
search(State) -> search([ { 0, State } ], visited_init()).
search([], _) -> noresult;
search([ { Count, _State } | Rest ], Seen) when Count > ?LIMIT -> search(Rest, Seen);
search([ { Count, State } | Rest ], Seen) ->
{ Visited, NewSeen } = visited(Seen, State),
case Visited of
true -> search(Rest, NewSeen);
false ->
case is_complete(State) of
false ->
NewStates = nextStates(State),
Rest ++ [ { Count + 1, S } || S <- NewStates ],
true ->
main([]) ->
io:format("Part 1: ~B~n", [part1()]),
io:format("Part 2: ~B~n", [part2()]).
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paulmr commented May 4, 2017

I am pretty sure I don't need the visited process (implemented by visited/0) that keeps track of which items we have seen, I should just be passing the set directly into the recursive function as an argument and do the look up on that.

update: removed in rev 2, it was trivially easy to do this as I was already passing the Seen argument, which was a pid, was nothing to pass the actual set into that arg instead. The lookup function returns a tuple of a true/false value as well as a new set with it added.

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