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Last active August 30, 2017 10:29
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Testing prosemirror position mapping across steps of a transform
/* testing the prose mirror bits */
import jsdom from 'node-jsdom'
import { Document } from 'xmldom'
import { Node, DOMSerializer, DOMParser } from 'prosemirror-model'
import { EditorState } from 'prosemirror-state'
import * as basic from 'prosemirror-schema-basic'
const parser = DOMParser.fromSchema(basic.schema)
function createDom(str) {
let doc = jsdom.jsdom(str)
return doc.body.firstChild
const ops = [
(tr) => {
let paraDom = createDom('<p>hello world</p>')
let para = parser.parse(paraDom)
tr.insert(0, para.content)
(tr) => {
function applyAllOneTr(ops, z) {
let tr =
ops.forEach((op) => op(tr))
return z.apply(tr)
function applyAllOneTrPerOp(ops, z) {
let res = z
ops.forEach((op) => {
let tr =
res = res.apply(tr)
return res
function printNode(n, indent) {
indent = indent || ""
let str = indent + (n.isText ? `text("${n.text}")` :
let nodeStrings = [ str ]
n.content.forEach((c) => nodeStrings.push(printNode(c, indent + " ")))
return nodeStrings.join("\n")
[ applyAllOneTr, applyAllOneTrPerOp ].forEach((applyAll) => {
jsdom.env('<p id="data">Document here</p>', (errors, window) => {
let s = `${}\n`
const document = window.document
const e = document.getElementById('data')
const doc = parser.parse(e)
const startState = EditorState.create({ doc: doc })
const endState = applyAll(ops, startState)
console.log(s + printNode(endState.doc, "> "))
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