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Last active December 15, 2021 20:56
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A simple bookmarklet that searches Twitter with the URL you are on.
// A simple bookmarklet that searches Twitter with the URL you are on.
// Before you Tweet your own hot-take see what others are saying and ReTweet them instead.
// Author: @paulmwatson
// License: MIT
// Notes: It first looks for the "canonical" URL before falling back to the window.location.
// It strips any URL parameters e.g. UTM and keeps just the protocol, host, and path.
// This broadens the search as often UTM or other identifiers are unique to your session
// and Twitter's search will return no results. However it can be inacurate on websites
// that use URL parameters to identify content to show.
// Usage: Visit an article on a website like and click the bookmarklet. A new tab
// opens with the page's URL as the search value.
// Installation: Create a new bookmark in your bookmarks bar and put the following as the URL.
javascript:var u = window.location.protocol + '//' + + window.location.pathname; var l = document.getElementsByTagName("link"); for (var i = 0; i < l.length; i ++) { if (l[i].getAttribute('rel') === 'canonical') {u = l[i].getAttribute('href')}};'' + encodeURIComponent(u) + '&src=paulmwatson');
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