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Last active January 5, 2017 02:00
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A tiny PCB netlist generator in Python
from collections import OrderedDict, deque
class PcbObject:
def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None):
self._parent = parent
self._name = name or self.__class__.__name__
def symbol_prefix(self):
return self.__class__.__name__.upper().strip("_")
def __str__(self):
pretty_path = self._name
current = self._parent
while current is not None:
pretty_path = current._name + "»" + pretty_path
current = current._parent
return pretty_path
def all_connections(self):
return []
def netlist(self):
symbol_count = {}
symbols = {}
components = []
wires = []
queue = deque([self])
def append(x):
if x in symbols:
symbol_prefix = x.symbol_prefix()
symbol_num = symbol_count.get(symbol_prefix, 0) + 1
symbol_count[symbol_prefix] = symbol_num
symbols[x] = "%s_%d" % (symbol_prefix, symbol_num)
if isinstance(x, Interconnection):
while queue:
e = queue.popleft()
for connection in e.all_connections():
return symbols, components, wires
def print_netlist(self):
symbols, components, wires = self.netlist()
for c in components:
print("- %s # %s" % (symbols[c], c))
for attrname in dir(c):
attr = getattr(c, attrname)
if isinstance(attr, PcbObject):
print(" - %s => %s # %s" % (attrname, symbols[attr], attr))
#for w in wires:
#print("- %s # %s" % (symbols[w], w))
class Interconnection(PcbObject):
class Wire(Interconnection):
def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None):
super().__init__(name, parent)
self._wire_root = self
self._wire_connections = [self]
def root(self):
if self._wire_root is self:
return self
self._wire_root = self._wire_root.root()
return self._wire_root
def all_wires(self):
yield from self.root()._wire_connections
def all_connections(self):
for wire in self.all_wires():
if wire._parent is not None:
yield wire._parent
def __add__(self, other):
my_root = self.root()
other_root = other.root()
if my_root is not other_root:
my_root._wire_connections += other_root._wire_connections
del other_root._wire_connections
other_root._wire_root = my_root
return self
def __eq__(self, other):
return type(other) is type(self) and self.root() is other.root()
def __hash__(self):
return id(self.root())
def __str__(self):
return "Interconnection: %s" % str([PcbObject.__str__(x) for x in self.all_wires()])
class Bus(Interconnection):
Array of Wires
It should support slicing assignment. E.g.:
Bus[0] = vcc
Bus[1] = gnd
bus[2:10] = data
pass #TODO
class NamedBus(Interconnection):
Set of named Interconnections.
Serial: VCC, GND, RX, TX
CHARLCD: VCC, GND, RS, RW, EN, DATA[8], Backlight
pass #TODO
class InterconnectionAttribute:
def create(self, name, parent):
raise NotImplementedError
class WireAttribute(InterconnectionAttribute):
def create(self, name, parent):
return Wire(name, parent)
class BusAttribute(InterconnectionAttribute):
def create(self, name, parent):
return Bus(name, parent)
class NamedBusAttribute(InterconnectionAttribute):
def create(self, name, parent):
return NamedBus(name, parent)
class Component(PcbObject):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
for attrname in dir(self.__class__):
attr = getattr(self.__class__, attrname)
if isinstance(attr, InterconnectionAttribute):
super().__setattr__(attrname, attr.create(attrname, self))
for attrname in kwargs:
setattr(self, attrname, kwargs[attrname])
def all_connections(self):
for attrname in dir(self):
attr = getattr(self, attrname)
if isinstance(attr, PcbObject):
yield attr
def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
if attr[0] != '_':
value += getattr(self, attr)
return super().__setattr__(attr, value)
def Power(v):
if v not in Power._cache:
Power._cache[v] = Wire(("%+f" % v).rstrip('0').rstrip('.') + "V", Power._root)
return Power._cache[v]
Power._root = Component("Power")
Power._cache = {0: Wire("GND", Power._root)}
Power.GND = Power(0)
Power.VCC = Power(5)
# Little test code
class Led(Component):
anode = WireAttribute()
cathode = WireAttribute()
class Resistor(Component):
A = WireAttribute()
B = WireAttribute()
class Microcontroller(Component):
vcc = WireAttribute()
gnd = WireAttribute()
pb1 = WireAttribute()
pb2 = WireAttribute()
pb3 = WireAttribute()
microcontroller = Microcontroller(vcc=Power.VCC, gnd=Power.GND)
led1 = Led("Led1", anode=Resistor("R1", A=Power.GND).B, cathode=microcontroller.pb1)
led2 = Led("Led2", anode=Resistor("R2", A=Power.GND).B, cathode=microcontroller.pb2)
led3 = Led("Led3", anode=Resistor("R3", A=Power.GND).B, cathode=microcontroller.pb3)
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