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Last active February 15, 2022 06:14
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The simplest clean architecture example
namespace Domain {
export class Hero {
private constructor(private _name: string) { }
get name(): string { return this._name; }
static create(name: string): [Hero, Error] {
if (!name || name.trim().length < 3 || name.trim().length > 100) {
return [null, new InvalidNameError(name)]
return [new Hero(name), null]
export interface HeroRepository {
getAll(): Promise<[Hero[], Error]>
add(hero: Hero): Promise<[void, Error]>
exists(name: String): Promise<[boolean, Error]>
export class HeroUsecases {
constructor(private _heroRepo: HeroRepository) { }
async getAll(): Promise<[Hero[], Error]> {
return this._heroRepo.getAll();
async add(hero: Hero): Promise<[void, Error]> {
const [exists, error] = await this._heroRepo.exists(;
if (error != null) {
return [, error]
if (exists) {
return [, new AlreadyExistingHeroError(]
return await this._heroRepo.add(hero);
class InvalidNameError extends Error {
constructor(heroName: string) {
super(`The name "${heroName}" is not valid!`)
class AlreadyExistingHeroError extends Error {
constructor(name: string) {
super(`The hero "${name}" already exists!`)
namespace Data {
type HeroDTO = {
name: string;
class HeroDataMapper {
static toDomain(heroDTO: HeroDTO): [Domain.Hero, Error] {
return Domain.Hero.create(;
static toDTO(hero: Domain.Hero): HeroDTO {
return {
export class HeroInMemoryRepository implements Domain.HeroRepository {
private _heroes: HeroDTO[] = []
async getAll(): Promise<[Domain.Hero[], Error]> {
const result: Domain.Hero[] = [];
for (const h of this._heroes) {
const [hero, error] = HeroDataMapper.toDomain(h)
if (error == null) {
return [result, null]
async add(hero: Domain.Hero): Promise<[void, Error]> {
const [exists, error] = await this.exists(;
if (error != null) {
return [null, error]
if (!exists) {
const heroDTO = HeroDataMapper.toDTO(hero);
return [, null]
async exists(name: String): Promise<[boolean, Error]> {
const exists = this._heroes.findIndex(item => === name) != -1 ? true : false
return [exists, null]
namespace View {
export type HeroViewModel = {
name: string;
class HeroViewModelMapper {
static toDomain(heroViewModel: HeroViewModel): [Domain.Hero, Error] {
return Domain.Hero.create(;
static toViewModel(hero: Domain.Hero): HeroViewModel {
return {
export class HeroController {
constructor(private _heroUsecases: Domain.HeroUsecases) { }
async listAll(): Promise<[HeroViewModel[], Error]> {
try {
const [heroes, error] = await this._heroUsecases.getAll()
if (error != null) {
return [null, error]
if (heroes.length == 0) {
return [null, new EmptyListError()]
const heroesViewModel =
item => HeroViewModelMapper.toViewModel(item)
return [heroesViewModel, null]
} catch {
return [null, new SystemError('Error to recovery heroes!')]
async save(name: string): Promise<[void, Error]> {
try {
const heroViewModel: HeroViewModel = {
name: name
const [heroDomain, error] = HeroViewModelMapper.toDomain(heroViewModel)
if (error != null) {
return [, error]
return await this._heroUsecases.add(heroDomain)
} catch {
return [, new SystemError('Error to save hero!')]
class EmptyListError extends Error {
constructor() {
super(`The heroes list is empty!`)
class SystemError extends Error {
constructor(message: string) {
async function showUserInterface() {
const heroRepo = new Data.HeroInMemoryRepository();
const heroUsecases = new Domain.HeroUsecases(heroRepo);
const controller = new View.HeroController(heroUsecases);
var userInput;
do {
userInput = prompt("Type (1) to list all heroes; (2) to add one; or (3) to quit: ")
switch (userInput) {
case '1': {
const [heroes, error] = await controller.listAll();
if (error != null) {
alert(`Erro: ${error.message}`)
} else {
let heroesStr = '';
item => heroesStr += + '\n'
case '2': {
const heroName = prompt("Please type the hero name: ")
const [, error] = await
if (error != null) {
alert(`Erro: ${error.message}`)
} else {
alert(`New hero added!`)
case '3': {
default: {
alert(`Invalid option`)
} while (userInput != '3');
// Main
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