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Last active March 28, 2016 23:34
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Example of how to offload a blocking task to a threadpool to avoid locking tornado using tornado.gen and multiprocessing
# -*- coding: utf-8
from time import sleep, time
from tornado.httpserver import HTTPServer
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application, asynchronous, RequestHandler
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from tornado import gen
pool = ThreadPool(10)
def run_background(func, callback, args=(), kwargs={}):
def _callback(result):
IOLoop.instance().add_callback(lambda: callback(result))
pool.apply_async(func, args, kwargs, _callback)
def blocking_task(n):
return n
class Handler(RequestHandler):
def get(self):
t = time()
res = yield gen.Task(run_background, blocking_task, args=(10, ))
self.write("Started at {} got {}".format(t, res))
class AHandler(RequestHandler):
def get(self):
self.write("Test {0}".format(time()))
("/", Handler),
("/a", AHandler)
], debug=True)).listen(9999)
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