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Created April 20, 2019 18:23
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Script to fix natural touchpad scroll direction for gnome based apps on XFCE4 (eg.: Xubuntu). A copy of
# Find the amount by doign
# synclient | grep HorizScrollDelta
# synclient | grep VertScrollDelta
# And then simply negative that value for this
# Found at
# This is because, although xubuntu 18.04 has reverse scrolling option in touchpad
# settings, it doesn't really work, the setting does not cascade to gnome apps for some reason.
synclient HorizScrollDelta=-116
synclient VertScrollDelta=-116
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hi I have 2 laptops both with xubuntu 20, I run the script for my first laptop and it worked, but when I tried it with my other laptop it didn't work, do you know why?

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