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Last active July 7, 2021 15:49
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Testing throwing errors with mocha.
import { expect } from 'chai'
// usage:
// npm install mocha chai
// npx mocha error.test.mjs
describe('catching Error in test', () => {
it('this test must pass', () => {
const fn = () => {
throw new Error('expected error')
try {
// if we are testing if the correct error is thrown,
// must make sure that the fn will thrown an error an,
// otherwise, fail the test
throw new Error('unexpected error')
} catch (err) {
expect(err)'message', 'expected error')
it('this test must fail', () => {
const fn = () => 'no error'
try {
// the function will not thrown an error, which is unexpected,
// so throwing one afterward will fail the test
throw new Error('unexpected error')
} catch (err) {
expect(err)'message', 'expected error')
it('this test should have failed', () => {
const fn = () => 'no error'
try {
// if no error is thrown, the test will pass and
// the expectations below will never be reached
} catch (err) {
expect(err)'message', 'expected error')
// to understand better how tests works, we can simply
// throw or not errors, when an error is thrown, the test fails
it('throws error and fails test', () => {
throw new Error('some error')
// expectations are not required to pass a test
it('does not thrown an error and pass test', () => {
'no error'
catching Error in test
✔ this test must pass
1) this test must fail
✔ this test should have failed
2) throws error and fails test
✔ does not thrown an error and pass test
3 passing (7ms)
2 failing
1) catching Error in test
this test must fail:
AssertionError: expected [Error: unexpected error] to have property 'message' of 'expected error', but got 'unexpected error'
+ expected - actual
-unexpected error
+expected error
at Context.<anonymous> (file:///home/diovani/Development/Node/mocha-error-false-positive/error.test.mjs:35:27)
at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:461:21)
2) catching Error in test
throws error and fails test:
Error: some error
at Context.<anonymous> (file:///home/diovani/Development/Node/mocha-error-false-positive/error.test.mjs:54:11)
at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:461:21)
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In case someone wonders,

  • yes we can just use expect(fn).to.throw, but that will not work for async functions
  • and yes, we can use chai-as-promised for async functions

This is just the simplest way to check for errors without depending on chai or other assertion library.

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