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Created January 14, 2016 19:39
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public protocol RouteType: ResponderType {
var methods: Set<Method> { get }
var path: String { get }
var responder: ResponderType { get }
public protocol RouteMatcherType: ResponderType {
var routes: [RouteType] { get set }
var fallback: ResponderType { get set }
func addRouteWithMethods(methods: Set<Method>, path: String, responder: ResponderType)
func match(request: Request) -> ResponderType?
extension RouteMatcherType {
public func respond(request: Request) throws -> Response {
let responder = self.match(request) ?? self.fallback
return try responder.respond(request)
public struct Router: ResponderType {
public let matcher: RouteMatcherType
public let middleware: [MiddlewareType]
public init(middleware: [MiddlewareType], matcher: RouteMatcherType) {
self.middleware = middleware
self.matcher = matcher
public func respond(request: Request) throws -> Response {
return try middleware.intercept(matcher).respond(request)
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