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Last active January 15, 2016 01:44
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struct GetPokemonEndpoint: EndpointType {
let middleware: [MiddlewareType] = [
func serialize(id: Int) throws -> Request {
return Request(method: .GET, uri: URI(path: "/api/v1/pokemon/\(id)/"))
func parse(response: Response) throws -> Pokemon {
let content = response.content!
return Pokemon(
id: content["national_id"]!.int!,
name: content["name"]!.string!
func mock(id: Int) throws -> Pokemon {
return Pokemon(id: id, name: "Pokemon \(id)")
let getPokemonEndpoint = GetPokemonEndpoint()
let getPokemonMock = getPokemonEndpoint.createWithMock()
let pokemonMock = try getPokemonMock(129)
let client = try Client(host: "", port: 80)
let getPokemon = getPokemonEndpoint.createWithClient(client)
let pokemon = try getPokemon(129)
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